Mom hopes feds take notice of China's adoption system

13 October 2009

Mom hopes feds take notice of China's adoption system

by Keith Corcoran

 BRIDGEWATER - Cathy Wagner cares about children, Chinese families and local adoptive families.

 That's why she says she hopes the Canadian government takes action in response to a recent story published in the Los Angeles Times that suggests adoption officials in China are making financial gains by kidnapping children and selling them to orphanages.

 Ms Wagner, of Bridgewater, told Canwest News Service (CNS) that she adopted a baby girl from China three years ago.

 She expressed opinions about the L.A. Times article to CNS. The L.A. Times article can be viewed at on the internet. Ms Wagner told CNS it's important to speak out "because change is desperately needed."

 It's a sensitive topic, Ms Wagner told this newspaper, but one she feels is an important issue that government needs to address.

 "My whole goal … was about government [to] look at the story, read it and take some action," she said in an interview.

 "I think they've all read [the L.A. Times story] by now and they're all going to be talking about the situation a little better."

 She told CNS that she and her husband were assured by provincial adoption officials, when they first applied to adopt, that China's system was legal and corruption free.

 She says she hopes someone can get to the truth of the matter.

 "The theft of children for adoption is highly disturbing," Ms Wagner told this newspaper.

posted on 10/13/09