


Title Publication date
How the 'Lost Children of Greece' are fighting for citizenship and access to their records 1 June 2024
Suspended sentence for lawyer convicted over illegal adoptions 19 January 2024
Kallithea: an 8-year-old victim of domestic violence slept fasting in the courtyard of the police station 8 November 2023
Baby trafficking in Chania: Infant of “unknown parents” sold to an Australian woman 6 November 2023
Greek Adoptee in US Discovers Biological Dad After 63 Years 23 October 2023
Committee on Enforced Disappearances Marks First Anniversary of the Joint Statement on Illegal Intercountry Adoptions 20 September 2023
Major human trafficking and baby adoption ring dismantled in Chania, Greece 14 September 2023
2023: Sad days for ‘adoptable’ children in Greece 19 August 2023
2023: Sad days for ‘adoptable’ children in Greece 19 August 2023
Police in Crete close surrogate mother clinic due to human trafficking 11 August 2023
Reader question: Is Pforzheim city councilor Oana Krichbaum really a lawyer? 20 May 2023
The difficult homecoming of Greece’s ‘lost children’ 2 April 2023
10 Years Since Forced Adoption Apology 23 March 2023
Powerful New Documentary Explores Greek Adoptions of Cold War Period 23 March 2023
European governments must apologise for forcing unwanted adoptions 10 August 2022
A way forward towards family-based care 20 May 2022
‘I never felt right’: DNA test reveals Melbourne woman introduced to wrong ‘biological mother’ 15 March 2022
‘I never felt right’: DNA test reveals Melbourne woman introduced to wrong ‘biological mother’ 15 March 2022
The Incredible Stories of Thousands of Greek Orphans Taken Abroad 9 December 2021
Greece’s Forgotten Cold War Orphans and America’s Complicity 5 May 2021
Adoption, Memory, and Cold War Greece: Kid pro quo?:Adoption, Memory, and Cold War Greece: Kid pro quo?: A Before and After 22 March 2021
Cold War-Era Greek Adoptee Finds Her Family, Founds Mission to Help Others 11 March 2021
Greek Adoption Agency to Preserve Records of Thousands of Orphans 4 March 2021
Double murder prompts Greek investigation into illegal adoption ring 17 January 2021
ISS NL involved in Adoptions from Greece and Austria 9 February 2020
Europol zerschlägt Bande, die mit Babys handelte 26 September 2019
66 suspected of arranging illegal adoptions and surrogacies, and human egg trafficking in Greece | Europol 23 September 2019
Presentatie van 'De vondeling van Kreta' 30 May 2019
Some 450 applications made on new adoption platform 3 May 2019
Greek government launches online platform for child adoption 20 April 2019
Alarms about irregularities from the majority of major countries Sweden adopted from 21 February 2019
Children for Sale: The Trafficking Ring Selling Babies from the Slums to Rich Couples 30 June 2017
Fwd: ISS USA 4 June 2017
Accessing adoption files and information on the biological family | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights 2017
European Parliament: Briefing - Adoption of children in the European Union 1 June 2016
Greek police make 4 arrests over illegal adoption 1 September 2015
The disabled children locked up in cages 14 November 2014
American Involvement in the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial Process 1 February 2014
Police charge couple, others to court for alleged child trafficking in Abia 10 April 2013
Kids bought from smugglers: father 26 March 2013
Mothers forced to sell their children: Mail reveals the distressing human 12 May 2012
Bulgarian baby sellers arrested in Greece 19 November 2011
ce smash illegal adoption ring 26 January 2011
Bulgarian, Greek police break up baby trafficking ring 26 January 2011
Un trafic de bébés découvert en Bulgarie 4 October 2010
Russian Ministry of Education and Science releases new list of homestudy agencies with missing postplacement reports 10 April 2010
Child sent back to Bulgaria by Greek adoptive mother 15 November 2009
Two lawyers in the scheme of child trafficking 18 June 2009
Bulgarians arrested for selling babies 17 June 2009
Bulgaria's disturbing baby market 23 February 2005
list of granted large scale projects under section 5 2000- 2002 30 October 2003
Israel -sect/adopted, WRITTEN QUESTION E-2273/99 by Alexandros Alavanos (GUE / NGL) to the Commission on international adoptions 13 December 1999
Greece's Black-Market Babies Come Home -- Stolen Children Demand To Know Their Histories 22 September 1996
Officieel onderzoek door Griekse Justitie 9 May 1995
A question of interests : Inter-country Adoption 1 October 1983
Aanbod kinderen kleiner dan de vraag; buitenlandse kinderen worden hier niet zondermeer erkend 16 December 1967
Misbruik van adoptie in Griekenland; Dokter verkocht pleegkinderen 28 March 1965
PRINCESS SOPHIE (no sound) brings children from Greece to US (WAIF/ISS) 1960
Aantal ongehuwde moeders stijgende (export/import) 9 November 1959
Adoption, Memory, and Cold War Greece: Kid pro quo? (WAIF/ISS)