Adoptions from Nigeria suspended (29/04/2014)
29 April 2014

Adoptions from Nigeria suspended (29/04/2014)

Social Affairs Manu Sareen has decided to suspend adoptions from Nigeria with immediate effect.

Based on a recommendation of the Appeals Board Family Chamber of Social Affairs Manu Sareen today decided that adoption dissemination of children from Nigeria suspended. The Appeals Board, which oversees the area and tracks the performance of individual countries. Agency's assessment of recent developments in the area of ??adoption in Nigeria means that it is no longer considered to be justifiable to adopt children from the country. Specifically, it is estimated that the development is going the wrong way when it comes to corruption, forgery and Nigerian authorities' control over the adoption process. It increases the risk of false information about the children and thus also the risk that the children are not actually released for adoption.

"We must do everything we can to protect children and to give families peace of mind. When the Appeals Board determines that it is necessary to suspend adoptions from Nigeria, then I as minister take the consequences. It is important that we continuously evaluate the situation in the countries we work with. We must ensure that adoptions done in an ethical, legal and professional manner, "said Social Affairs Minister Manu Sareen.

Appeals Board has long had a special focus on reviewing the specific adoption cases from Nigeria. Like the Appeals Board has regularly been in contact with other players in the field to monitor developments in Nigeria. Appeals Board has indicated that it currently does not have information that gives reason to doubt the validity of the adoptions that have already been implemented in Denmark.

"Now that we have to shut down on new adoptions from Nigeria, so it also shows how difficult adoption area. There are no easy solutions. The crucial thing for me is that we always have the kids in the center when we take decisions in the area of ??adoption, "said Manu Sareen.

The suspension does not apply to cases where Nigerian children and Danish parents already matched. The affected families are informed directly by letter from the Appeals Board.


AC International Child has since 2008 been allowed to convey children from Nigeria and Appeals Board has since September 2013 been an increased focus on communication from the country.

Information on developments in Nigeria from other countries' central authorities as well as from the international knowledge ISS (International Social Service) do now that the Appeals Board is no longer considered to be safe to convey children from the country. Therefore, AC International Child dissemination of Nigeria suspended with a view to a final revocation of the license.

For more information:

Malene Vestergaard, Head of Unit, tel 26 46 10 03

Press Contact:

Marie Andergren, Senior Press Officer, tel 41 85 12 65

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