50-year-old hero saga in rocking

25 May 2019

019-05-25 | Jyothi Svahn padlock

This weekend it will be celebrated! Pumpkin, steel, seminar and family activities are promised. One of the largest and most active adoption organizations in the Nordic region, Adoption Center, will be 50 years old and the event will take place in Stockholm, at the noble Royal hotel Globen! What is hidden behind the glossy facade where childless couples and prospective orphans are linked together.

You have not missed the adoption union in Chile during the dictatorship that has now come up on the table, where the Adoption Center is being investigated for human trafficking in Chile? Maria Diemar from the relatively new organization chileadoption.se, who herself found her mother, says that the Chilean judge who investigates illegal adoptions has found 615 cases where the Adoption Center has been a player. In addition to the Adoption Center, a Chilean social worker is under investigation.

Figures from UNICEF Unicef ??from 2015 clarify that 141 million children living in orphanages around the world have at least one surviving relative who could take care of them. It is interesting and important. Why is such an unpleasant silence culture allowed around the Adoption Center when we have actual figures in front of us.

Adoption criticism should not be regarded as a new phenomenon. Nor is it the first time that heroic adoption is usually described as being swayed. Therefore, here now comes a timeline with examples of adoption scandals where the Adoption Center has been involved:


Thailand was the first transmitter country that strongly criticized the Adoption Center when childhood and human trafficking linked to an orphanage were discovered. It was so rocking that the then Minister of Adoption and Social Democrat Annika Gredin urged Swedish childless couples not to go to Thailand, but the question of the recipient country's responsibility was not answered. See Document from within "Children at any price" .


During the moderate politician, now the party leader, Ulf Kristersson's time as chair of the Adoption Center 2000-2005, the scandal was discovered with children stolen from Hunan province in China. The journalist Kajsa Ekis Ekman has later reported on the scandal in Swedish press. A dad told us how he was attacked, seated at a bus stop, by a league that took his baby a few months old. Most people with links to the league and the orphanage were later sentenced to severe punishment for human trafficking.


In 2015, it was reported that the Kenyan authorities put an end to adoption processes for five couples who were in Kenya to adopt so-called orphans. This since the children's biological relatives stated that the children who were about to be adopted had been stolen . In three of the cases, the Adoption Center was an actor.


Three Nigerian women were accused in 2017 of having sold their own children. Even though it was a doctor who cheated on them, the women were imprisoned. Here, Sweden is mentioned as the country the children may have come to and also the Adoption Center is mentioned when the organization adopted between 2008 and 2014 77 children from Nigeria. Four years earlier, Expressen reviewed the children's factories in the country.


"I was treated worse than a dog on the street," says a mother who lost her child to Italy from an orphanage in India, in the internationally award-winning documentary series Manufactured orphans, in the TV program Undercover Asia, which aims at how children in India is made adoptable. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/cnainsider/170519-tvprog-undercoverasia-manufacturedorphans-web1-8865720

The stories can be made many. Cases where incorrect information has been provided and the real picture remains to be discovered are applicable to more sending countries, South Korea , Sri Lanka , Colombia , Brazil and others.

I am one of the children who was cheated by the Indian orphanage and participates in the documentary itself. The word adoption is not even included in my first father's mother tongue, the language he can. About the search for my first family, I have told you earlier, including in the Feminist perspective .

You who want to know more about child trafficking can read the report Sale of children from 2017 by Nigel Cantwell, who systematically goes through illegal adoptions from the 70s and onwards. He also makes some 20 criteria for what constitutes illegal adoption. Most international sending countries are linked to the children's trade, and Sweden is by far the largest European recipient country that is involved in the context.

What is it then that drives a brokerage to continue their business even though the scandals replace each other? Money of course. Money is always the basis of criminal activity. Adoptions also act as a market where demand naturally affects supply. Parents become lawless in countries where inequality, corruption and crime are a widespread fact.

In addition to the Adoption Center conducting adoption, the organization is also active in the aid industry. The fees from members, both adopters and adopted, and the state adoption allowance contribute to enabling both activities. The Adoption Center says it stands on the poor single mother's side around the world. This becomes nothing more than hypocrisy when some poor mothers get help to survive with their children while others are forced to adopt them. Thus, there are a number of questions to ask regarding the Adoption Center's role in global family policy.

How it comes Adoptioncentrum shows so little interest in supporting the adopted people who want to know more about their first families. How is it that you appear for all responsibility when irregularities are discovered. In the documentary I participate in, Maria Dore , the Adoption Center's Secretary General, replies that the regulations looked different in the sending countries earlier. The same answer is now given to the Chile adopted. Although it is alleged that so much has changed over the years, President Margret Josefsson uses the same argument.

Can money record here too? And how long will the Adoption Center get behind the laws that are based on democratically questionable decisions and purely criminal acts. 50 more years?