Invasion deals eleventh-hour blow to Ukrainian orphans’ adoption

26 February 2022

HANCOCK COUNTY, In. (WXIX) - Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is personal for a Tri-State family in the final stages of adopting two orphans from Ukraine.

The Hansome family is already one strong with a Ukrainian-born son, 15-year-old Andrey whom they adopted in 2020. Now Joe and NaTosha Hansome are trying to adopt brother orphans Misha, 16, and Andrii, 17.

The brothers were best friends with Andrey in Ukraine before Andrey moved stateside.

But now the adoption process is in limbo.

“If you can just imagine what it’s like to have your kids in another country when a war is going on. It’s really difficult, and then not knowing if they will ever get to be with us again,” said NaTosha.

The Hansomes began the adoption process in 2021 less than a year after Andrey’s adoption became official.

“I worry about them,” Joe said of Misha and Andrii.

On Wednesday night the brothers messaged the family that they were ok. Last night, they slept in a bunker for protection.

“There was shelling, and they could hear explosions by the orphanage, so kids were laying down on the floor,” NaTosha said.

Thousands of Ukrainian orphans who already come from trauma are now having to endure more of it.

“We’ve seen pictures and video of Russian tanks and vehicles moving through their town, right behind the orphanage,” Joe said.

Andrey sent the family a picture (below) of what’s left of the main road in his city. “They blew up the bridges in their town, so they’re stuck there,” NaTosha said.

The Hansome family is in the final stages of the adoption process, but the invasion has halted all proceedings.

“The people that work for us,” Joe said, “that would submit the documents, are fearing for their own lives and for their own families right now.”

The family must complete the adoption process before Andrey turns 18. Besides aging out of the adoption process, NaTosha fears he could get drafted into the Ukrainian military.

The family is trying to reach out to US politicians to pass legislation that under these sorts of circumstances would allows these children to come to stateside. In the meantime, they’re asking for prayers as they wait apprehensively for the conflict to end.