Authentic, honest anthropologist - Om | Kirapumali

3 May 2023

My name is Kira Pumali Pedersen. I am a 33-year-old educational anthropologist who is engaged to Martin. Together we have two children, Rose and Falke, and live in a small terraced house with lots of projects. I was adopted from Sri Lanka and came to Denmark when I was 10 weeks old.

In 2019, I became a mother for the first time to Rose. She arrived seven weeks early and my path into parenthood was very tumultuous. After a year, I started with a fantastic psychologist at the Gaia Institute, who asked me to consider going to a hotel for at least 24 hours. I didn't have to think about that for long and after a day alone, I came home with courage and passion.

It had taken me a long time to accept that I was struggling with parenting and had come down with a postpartum reaction. Convinced that I couldn't be the only one having a hard time, I therefore created the Instagram account "Parent Reactions".


Since then a lot has happened and I now share about most aspects of my and my family's life. It wasn't long before I discovered that I can't separate my experience of parenthood with adoption, Rose's life as a preemie, mental health, and yes, everything else.

For over 10 years I have struggled with my mental health, which has been through a premature birth, a difficult second pregnancy and two rapid deliveries. I am an anthropologist who is turned on by seeing trends and problems, and I am a creative soul who gets my feelings out through my fingers.


On a daily basis, I am employed by Hørsholm municipality (when I am not on maternity leave with younger brother Falke) and on the side I work in connection with my work on Instagram with various collaborations and communication tasks.


In all aspects of my life, honesty and authenticity are the watchwords.

After years of struggling to hide depression and anxiety, while wanting to live up to 2010s body and education standards, I have found myself.

I have landed in a place where there is no longer a need to hide who I am - which is what I wish for all my fellow human beings. Therefore, it is extremely important for me to share both ups and downs.