Sisters of Charity, Nigeria
Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary
Sisters of Cross Society for Education Development (SOCSEAD)
Sisters of Mercy
Sisters of the Good Shepherd
Slavic Humanitarian Association
Slovakia’s National Centre for Human Rights
Small Miracles International
Small World Adoption Foundation
Small World Adoption Inc.
Small World Charity, Inc.
Small World Ministries
Smithlawn Home and Adoption Agency
Smith Moore Leatherwood LLP
Smith Richardson Foundation
Smithtown Gospel Tabernacle
Snehalaya - Snehankur (NGO)
SNZ Corporation
Social Action for Social Development (Andra Pradesh)
Social Inclusion for Out-of-family Children and Young People in Public Childcare
Social Welfare Society, Inc. (SWS)
Société d'adoption québécoise une grande famille
Société Formons Une Famille Inc
Society for solidarity of Children (SSC)
Society of Friends of Sassoon Hospitals - SOFOSH
Society of Sisters of Charity Holy Angels Convent - Banglore
Society of Sisters of Charity St. Gerosa Convent
Society of the Friends of Children, Poland
Software for Adoption Management LLC
Solano County Health & Social Services Department Adoptions
Soleil des Nations
Solidarite Enfants Roumains Abandonnes France (SERA)
Solidarite Enfants Roumains Abandonnes Romania (SERA Romania)
Sonlight Shelter Youth Homes
S.O.S. Bambino International Adoption - onlus
SOS Villages (SOS Kinderdorf)
Sourire d'Amour, Haiti
Sourires d'Enfants
South Carolina DSS
South Dakota Department of Social Services
Southern Adoptions
Southern Baptist Convention
Southern Gables Church
Southern Piedmont Adoptive Families of America, Inc.
Southern Social Works, Inc.
South Florida Adoption Services
Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen (German Catholic Women's Welfare Service)
Spaulding for Children
Special Additions, Inc.
Special Adoption Family Services, Inc.