
Indian on the outside, Swedish on the inside

Indian on the outside, Swedish on the inside

By Vaihayasi Pande Daniel

Last updated on: April 28, 2017 17:16 IST

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Born and abandoned in Mumbai, reborn in Sweden, Erika Sandberg says she is Indian on the outside, but feels Swedish on the inside.
Rediff.com's Vaihayasi Pande Daniel narrates her tale.
Illustration: Dominic Xavier/Rediff.com

Fairy godmother or child trafficker? An American woman stands trial in Guatemala.

Development & Education

Fairy godmother or child trafficker? An American woman stands trial in Guatemala.

April 26, 2017 · 2:15 PM EDT

By Laurie Stern

nancy with kids.jpg

Disposable children - Zembla - BNNVARA

It's called the 'second-hand children's market': In the United States, parents are allowed to give away their adopted children if problems arise. There are even special “fashion shows” organized. In ZEMBLA INTERNATIONAL you can see how children present themselves on the catwalk. They are adopted children looking for new parents. The procedures surrounding the American re-adoptions are neatly arranged on paper. It is intended as a solution. And sometimes it can mean a new start for a child when untenable tensions arise in an adoptive family. But when French journalists investigate, they also encounter the excesses of this system.

In ZEMBLA INTERNATIONAL an investigation into the relocation of American adopted children.

Also watch the extra report for this broadcast: 'The ranch for kids '

Every year an American charity sets up the red carpet in the Lutheran church in the American town of Topton. During the children's fashion show, the children do everything they can to be allowed to go home with one of the potential new adoptive parents in the audience. Cindy, visitor to the children's fashion show:

"It almost looks like a trade fair, where children are the product."

Human Microchipping, The Benefits And Downsides

You’ll never again have to worry about losing your wallet

In emergencies, medical personnel will have easy access to your health data

You’ll be able to automatically control many of your devices

Chips may however make us prime targets for people with bad intentions

We need to think about who really benefits from human microchipping

US State Department: Adoption Alert—Suspension of Adoptions from Ethiopia

Adoption Alert—Suspension of Adoptions from Ethiopia

April 21, 2017

On April 21, an official from Ethiopia’s Ministry of Women and Children (MOWA) informed U.S. Embassy Addis Ababa that it is suspending its processing of intercountry adoption cases, effective immediately. The U.S. Department of State does not yet know how long this suspension will last. The Office of Children’s Issues and the Embassy are working with MOWA to seek more information on the terms of the suspension. We will urge MOWA to complete processing of cases that were in progress prior to this suspension.

If you have questions about your pending case, please contact your Adoption Service Provider. You may also write to ConsAdoptionAddis@state.gov if you have questions about an adoption-related visa application or immigrant petition. You may copy the Office of Children’s Issues at Adoption@state.gov on your email to the Embassy if you wish.

Please continue to monitor adoption.state.gov for updated information on intercountry adoption in Ethiopia.

Almost 57,000 children in Romania’s special protection system

Almost 57,000 children in Romania’s special protection system


19 Apr 2017 by Romania Insider Leave a comment



Laura Laera to the Commission Adoptions

Laura Laera to the Commission Adoptions

of Sara De Carli 16 hours ago

The CSM confirms that he has given the green light to the placement out of role for the President of the Court of Minors of Florence to go to assume the vice presidency of the CAI. "The Italian system is a strong system," he said a year ago the Justice Committee, talking about international adoption: "It must point to a collaboration between all institutions working in the field, that everyone plays his part well and there is one exchange of training-information '

Laura Laera

It's the 13 that the news on social chases and many have already done the best wishes of good work. But she rightly asks to wait for the official "no communication to me has not yet come," he repeats in the afternoon. Eventually the officer arrives from the CSM: the plenum in the afternoon gave the green light to start off the role of Laura Laera, to go to take the chair of the International Adoptions Commission ( here the press release arrived in the evening , about Laura Laera as "destined to hold the post of vice chairman of the Committee on International adoption, appointed by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers"). A necessary step, prior to the actual appointment itself, which at the moment - I point out - not yet exist and which will arrive by the Cabinet. I will then still a judge to lead the CAI: Laura Laera happen to Silvia Della Monica, whose three-year term came to last February deadline. A passing of the baton in recent weeks has been accompanied by much controversy.

L'Italie au cœur de l’imbroglio des adoptions internationales

L'Italie au cœur de l’imbroglio des adoptions internationales

Mardi 18 Avril 2017 - 19:05

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Associations et institutions en charge des adoptions internationales sont en totale guerre des tranchées. La justice et la presse sont prises à témoin.

Indian on the outside, Swedish on the inside

Born and abandoned in Mumbai, reborn in Sweden, Erika Sandberg says she is Indian on the outside, but feels Swedish on the inside.

Rediff.com's Vaihayasi Pande Daniel narrates her tale.

Illustration: Dominic Xavier/Rediff.com

Illustration: Dominic Xavier

In August 1976, a Swissair jet flew out of the monsoon skies of Bombay, due west, with a precious little bundle onboard.

Overleg met Fiom

by Derk Eimers | Apr 11, 2017 | Topical

On April 4, Ties van der Meer and Ester de Lau, on behalf of the foundation, had consultations with Fiom and Defense for Children (Dfc, the international children's rights organization that includes us in the lawsuit against Karbaat). the Fiom DNA database.

Good because there has been a huge flow of donors and donor children; especially in the fall of 2016. Bad, because there are backlogs and insufficient explanation about the reasons that matches are sometimes missed (for a while). Many people complain about this in the secret group and during meeting days.


We have submitted a number of wishes to Fiom. Basically, it comes down to acceptable lead times, with transparency and open communication. Recognizing the backlogs is part of that. Now we have to work on solutions.