
Italy: Parliamentary Question about Amici dei Bambini

International Adoptions: Government to explain to Parliament its serious choices


On the appointment of the Vice President of the International Adoptions Commission (Cai) by the President Gentiloni we will present tomorrow to the Chamber and Senate interrogations to know the reasons for the replacement of the magistrate Silvia Della Monica. The former Vice President Della Monica has uncovered and reported at all levels, political and judicial, a chilling reality of pedophilia and international traffic of children, particularly from the Congo, on which there is an investigation of the judiciary at the center of which is an association for international adoptions, Ai.Bi. [Amici dei Bambini]. Friday night, as reconstructed by Fabrizio Gatti of L'Espresso, the President of AiBi welcomes the "dismissal" of Della Monica shows his satisfaction, on Twitter, and he had threatened to sue adoptive families who denounced the tragic events of the adopted children. In the interrogation we will also ask if the Government does not consider reasons of political inappropriateness in the appointment of Laura Laera, Judge of the Juvenile Court of Florence, certainly competent and irreproachable but the spouse of Francesco Greco, the Milan prosecutor who also has his own investigating Aibi. Finally, we will ask the cancellation by administrative means of the appointment made in the Cai by undersecretary Boschi, delegated by the President Gentiloni, which has opened an obvious conflict of interest by appointing as a controller a representative linked to a controlled, once again Ai.Bi.. It is really worrying the behavior of the government.

Stefano Fassina

Alessia Petraglia

Experts meeting to discuss international reponses to surrogacy at University of Verona

The International Social Service (ISS) together with a group of experts (the Experts' Group) met from 18 to 20 May 2017 at the Department of Law, University of Verona, Italy to discuss the urgent need for national and international child focused responses to surrogacy arrangements.

This first meeting of the Experts' Group was attended by 30 experts and observers from governments, academic institutions, civil society as well as international organisations including among others the Council of Europe, the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, UN Special Rapporteur sale and sexual exploitation of children and UNICEF. The Experts' Group represented various regions, including States and non-governmental organisations which have different approaches to national and international surrogacy arrangements.

The Experts' Group acknowledged the disparate national approaches to surrogacy and the concerns relating to surrogacy arrangements including, for example, the potential for exploitation of children, women and intending parents. The Experts' Group agreed in particular that the rights of all children, irrespective of the circumstances of their birth, must be protected. The Experts' Group also agreed in principle that States must prohibit the sale of children in the context of surrogacy with particular reference to the Optional Protocol on Sale of Children.

ISS and the Experts' Group agreed that there is an urgent need for comprehensive universal principles which consider surrogacy from an international and child centred approach, and grounded in international human rights laws and standards with particular reference to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The purpose of this meeting was therefore to review a working document proposing "Principles for better protection of children's rights in the context of surrogacy". These principles would, first and foremost, support inter-governmental and national efforts in providing a comprehensive international children's rights response to surrogacy. Significant steps are now beginning to be made in that direction.

This is the first of a number of consultations that ISS and the Experts' Group intend to convene. ISS and its core group* will continue to work in close collaboration with inter-governmental organisations, States and other relevant stakeholders, in order to secure their input on specific issues where improved clarity, information and action are most urgently needed.

L'Espresso: «Sull'aereo di Stato c'era un bimbo rubato» La denuncia di una mamma alla Camera

«Sull'aereo di Stato c'era un bimbo rubato» La denuncia di una mamma alla Camera

Adottato con l'ente Aibi in Congo. Era sul famoso volo del 2014 con la ministra Boschi. Le famiglie raccontano: minacce e botte ai bambini prima della partenza per l'Italia. La versione di Gentiloni sull'incarico alla moglie del procuratore di Milano che sta indagando sul traffico di minori

I bambini in volo sull'aereo di Stato da Kinshasa a Roma nel 2014 (foto Ansa)

I bambini in volo sull'aereo di Stato da Kinshasa a Roma nel 2014 (foto Ansa)

Perfino sull'aereo di Stato dell'allora ministra Maria Elena Boschi, l'associazione Aibi sarebbe riuscita a infilare un bimbo sottratto ai suoi genitori naturali. Il volo è quello famoso del 28 maggio 2014, da Kinshasa, Repubblica Democratica del Congo, a Roma. È il giorno dell'arrivo di trentuno bambini adottati in Italia e accompagnati dall'attuale sottosegretaria alla Presidenza del Consiglio, all'oscuro delle origini del piccolo così come lo erano tutte le altre autorità. Lo racconta in un'aula della Camera, davanti a una platea ammutolita, Paola Zignone, mamma adottiva per mesi ignara dei raggiri ed ex volontaria dell'ente di San Giuliano Milanese, l'Ong per le adozioni internazionali oggi sotto inchiesta per non aver denunciato tempestivamente una banda di pedofili che realizzava film pornografici in Bulgaria e per aver omesso di segnalare un'organizzazione di trafficanti in Africa. Adesso hanno un nome, un volto, una voce. Oltre a Paola, parlano Giambattista De Mattia, Giovanni Conte, Giulia Fasano ed Eva Mannelli, padri e mamme adottivi. Sono le dieci del mattino di giovedì 18 maggio quando rivelano perché, insieme con un'altra cinquantina di famiglie, hanno denunciato Aibi e il suo presidente responsabile Marco Griffini, 69 anni. Spiegano perché ora lanciano un appello affinché altre coppie adottive escano allo scoperto. E ricordano perché pretendono che le istituzioni stiano dalla loro parte. Ad ascoltarli, c'è un solo parlamentare, Stefano Fassina, di Sinistra italiana.

The Congress gives the Government three months to approve the regulation that should speed up international adoptions

Google translation

The Congress gives the Government three months to approve the regulation that should speed up international adoptions

The plenary of the Congress has approved on Thursday a motion urged by the Citizens to demand that the Government, within three months, approve the regulation of the Law to modify the system of protection of children and adolescents, which is pending since 2015 And with which it seeks to unblock international adoptions.

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5/18/2017 1:13 PM

Guatemala: US woman acquitted of human trafficking charges

Guatemala: US woman acquitted of human trafficking charges

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MANUFACTURED ORPHANS - Channel NewsAsia documentary

Undercover Asia S4:

Manufactured Orphans

18 May 2017 11:00PM (Updated: 19 May 2017 02:40PM)

Nearly 90% of the estimated 143 million children in orphanages worldwide are not orphans at all. They are systematically bought, coerced, and stolen away from their birth families. The adoption industry is a huge market driven by money where orphans are ‘manufactured’.

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'Veel fouten gemaakt bij adoptiedossiers kinderen uit Sri Lanka'

'Veel fouten gemaakt bij adoptiedossiers kinderen uit Sri Lanka'

Foto: ANP

Gepubliceerd: 17 mei 2017 06:33

Laatste update: 17 mei 2017 06:35

Adoptiedossiers van kinderen die in de jaren tachtig vanuit Sri Lanka naar Nederland zijn gekomen, zijn vaak onvolledig en bevatten soms ook valse identiteiten.

Haiti - France : Presentation of the Legion of Honor to Arielle Jeanty Villedrouin

Haiti - France : Presentation of the Legion of Honor to Arielle Jeanty Villedrouin

17/05/2017 10:28:42

Haiti - France : Presentation of the Legion of Honor to Arielle Jeanty Villedrouin Tuesday, at a ceremony at the Residence of France, the French Ambassador in Haiti, Elisabeth Beton Delègue, presented the the National Order of the Legion of Honor to Arielle Jeanty Villedrouin, Director General of the Institute of Social Welfare and Research (IBESR).

This ceremony took place in the presence ofMartine Moïse, First Lady of the Republic of Haiti, as well as Roosevelt Bellevue, Minister of Social Affairs and Labor and many personalities.

At the head of the IBESR since 2011, Villedrouin has demonstrated her commitment to strengthening child protection and this institution. Her many accomplishments include the opening of IBESR offices in each department, the creation of a national database of children in vulnerable situations, the census of orphanages in the country and the establishment of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.

Belgium: International adoption banned Families stranded in Ethiopia

International adoption banned Families stranded


By Tesfaye Getnet - May 17, 2017

The Ministry of Women and Children Affairs has prohibited international adoptions after Parliament’s recent endorsement of the National Child Policy, which took five years to make.

After the ban, many children whose adoption were under process have been returned to their orphanages and the ministry has notified embassies in Addis Ababa not to issue visas to children in adoption cases; according to Solomon Asfaw, Public Relations Head at the Ministry of Women and Children’s Affairs.