SERBIAN CHILDREN WAS VERY EXPENSIVE: Doctors stealing babies and sold abroad during the SFRY!
9 September 2014

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SERBIAN CHILDREN WAS VERY EXPENSIVE: Doctors stealing babies and sold abroad during the SFRY!

SOCIETY21:40, 09.11.2014.edited: 01:36, 09/12/2014.Author:


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New parents obviously did not complain about the money to have a child just from Serbia, because we were known as a healthy, vital nation, yet "uncorrupted" high standard

baby, maternity

BELGRADE - The suspicious parents whose babies disappeared from the hospital in Serbia , claiming that their youngsters with immigrant passports were taken in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, France, America ... They are in that statement, rely on the indisputable fact that the pre addition, many children from the former Yugoslavia legally adopted abroad, in some cases, as it turns out - corruption, write evening news . When this mechanism settled down hard, we started to misleading the parents that their children died in maternity wards, to then pass their knowledge was sold to foreigners!

- Bebe from Serbia were "usladile" strangers, and we are confident that after a large number of adoptions seventies and then resumed "export baby" - claims Goran Filipovic, a parent from Belgrade. - After the seizure of children from their mothers and volšebnih adoption, our babies are then began to disappear from the hospital. And it is known, for example, that in one town in Denmark there are a large number of successful business people adopted in our country.

Anders Olsen born in 1972 Srdjan Milinkovic

New parents obviously did not complain about the money to have a child just from Serbia, because we were known as a healthy, vital nation, yet "uncorrupted" high standard. Indicate that, due to less supply than demand and good "quality", our children abroad was very expensive. In the past decades, Serbia was "Eldorado for the adoption of children", while of this "business" many earned, confirmed Anders Olsen, who for 42 years lived in Kopehagenu. He was born in 1972 in Slankamen as Srdjan Milinkovic. When his Danish mother said to him as a three-month baby purchased for 20,000 marks from the Centre for Social Work in Serbia, izbezubljeni man arrived in Slankamen. I met the right parents, Dusan Milinkovi?a (88) and Sofia Bosnjak (63), who told him that when he arrived from the hospital, forcibly taken from his home. - I doubt that at that time there were a lot of the sale of children, as is the case with my brother - says Alexander Milinkovic (44), sister Anders Olsen (Srdjan).

And those early years, newspapers in Denmark, where for several years was adopted 35 children, have tried our economic difficulties to explain why only in Europe, we allow the "export of children."

- I was warned that, due to legal formalism and bureaucratism in the process of international adoption, even children who are born and are in Yugoslavia, developed through an intermediary such a business that is scandalous notoriety made ??our "methods" in the adoption - wrote in the early years sedamesetih Dr. John Nedeljkovic, Research Associate, Institute for Social policy of the Federal Republic of Serbia, in a report to the World Congress on adoption, held in Milan.

"Order Form" from Denmark and Sweden as much as 230 of our children

And then it was an open secret that some Danish lawyers took a good amount of money to enforce the adoption of the Yugoslav child. Where is that money ended, it was difficult to prove, but it was assumed that our babies were bought.

- At this time, the law on adoption had barely any item of foreign nationals - recalls Danica Petrovic, a retired social worker from Nis.

Foreign nationals were adopted in 1967 on the territory of the Republic of Serbia ten of our children. The next year has already been 13 such cases, and in 1969 - 24. In the following years the number is growing.

In the early seventies, in Zenica, Pristina and Kulu arrived "Application Form" from Denmark and Sweden as much as 230 of our children! Then we became known exporters baby, for which the world is increasingly interested.

Foreigners, meanwhile, found a much simpler way to get our children not to see Yugoslavia. Then it was no secret that a number of our workers employed outside the country he was born illegitimate children, and then they "paid to" individuals or organizations and agencies to adopt.

And at that time, working abroad was only from Serbia, about 30,000 women. Officially, for six months in 1972 in West Berlin, in the area of our Consulate in Stuttgart was even adopted 1,300 children, illegitimate births in Germany, where their mothers, our citizens, were temporarily employed.

The first suspect

Sava and Ruzica Babic from In?ije, fur workers in retirement, were the first in Serbia became suspicious parents and to the painful reason. They were searching for his son Nicholas from far in 1959, when he disappeared in a Belgrade hospital for premature babies. Unhappy mother always had the feeling that something weird happened to the boy, who was with her ??just spent ten hours in a hospital in In?iji. In 1996, the Rose and Savu disrupted an anonymous phone call and the discovery that their third child, which they thought was dead for 37 years, actually - live!

The case of the missing baby shortly before the Government of Serbia

The working group was established on the occasion of scandal "case of the missing baby," she finished work and is expected to Ministry of Health soon send the appropriate proposal to the Government of Serbia, said Vanja Rodic, Deputy Minister of Justice in the Department to represent Serbia at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

"As for the" case of the missing baby, "or items Zorica Jovanovic against Serbia, which we term the Court (Strasbourg) given to provide mechanisms that will allow parents to obtain information about the fate of their children and just satisfaction, expired three days, "confirmed cousin.

She specified that "the working group established by the Ministry of Health completed its work in the course of the consultations between the ministries."

"It is expected that the Ministry of Health soon send the appropriate proposal to the Government. The State is aware that a judgment must be made. The final decision on the manner in which it will be done, however, has not been made," said Vanja Rodic.

It is also noted that the number of applications in Strasbourg Serbian citizens against the state has fallen sharply since the European Court in March this year rejected the application in the "Vuckovic and others against Serbia" (aka. "War Diaries"), considering that the constitutional complaint not used adequately.

