Trafficking of children: who became millionaires

30 October 2017

11/30/2017 | 22:05

(Google Translation)

Trafficking of children: who became millionaires

An organization was detected to remove children from the country under dictatorship.

The millionaire business after the trafficking of children is one of the most unknown chapters in the history of Chile in dictatorship.


Pregnant women were urged or forced to give their children, or several children who were taken out of the country with double RUT, are some of the edges of these illegal adoptions.

According to the witnesses of the time, the children were taken to countries like Sweden, Spain, Italy or France. In fact, between 1976 and 1981, an estimated 2,129 children left the country for Sweden, and Chile became the third largest provider in the world.

One of the presumed institutions responsible would be Adoptionscentrum, an international adoption agency that was responsible for selecting children with the characteristics required by the prospective parents.

Anna Maria Elmgren, Swedish citizen, was the one who headed this traffic machine . She seemed to have a diplomatic passport that allowed her to take suitcases with children. In total, together with her husband, they amassed a millionaire fortune in times of economic crisis.

Another part of the gear of this "mafia" was Telma Uribe, a social worker who would have worked in the VicarĂ­a de la Solidaridad, dedicated to facilitating the departure of minors in dictatorship. Until 2006, this woman would have asked the victims for fees to be reunited with their biological families.

Only in democracy , thanks to a change in legislation, they managed to put an end to this practice.