Sweden: Responsible authority does not investigate the adoptions (Chile)

25 November 2018

Hear Kristina Svartz, Director General of MFoF, explains why they do not investigate the adoptions. Photo: SVT

Responsible authority does not investigate the adoptions

published November 15, 2018

The Family Law and Parental Support Authority, MFoF, has decided not to open a regulatory case and investigate the adoption center's adoption of adoptions from Chile.

According to Director General Kristina Svartz, the explanation is that this task is not within the authority's mission.

"We are in charge of supervision regarding their authorization, right to convey adoptions, today, and do not have the tools to investigate things that are back in time," she comments.

The mission was not designed in this way

What is the tool you're talking about?

"It is for example about our right to take part in documents and documents, but above all, our mission is not designed in this way.

References to the website

The Adoption Center's Operations Manager Maria Doré refers to the information they have on her website and gives no more detailed answers.

"We have requested a review, but we can assume that MFoF decided not to do one," says the head of operations.

Communicate the adoptions

The task of the Adoption Center is to convey the actual adoptions and yet the criminal investigation in Chile has not presented any allegations or issues directed at the business.

Answered questions about a colleague

The mediation so far linked to the development of events is to answer questions relating to a former employee who reported the Chilean TV channel for delusions when the channel revealed suspicions of illegal adoptions, writing the Adoption Center on its website.
