Equality for Adopted Children (EACH)
Ethica, Inc.
Ethiopian Adoption Connection
EurAdopt Australia
EuroAsian Adoption Consultants of Illinois Inc.
EuropeAid/129204/C/ACT/Multi - Against Child Trafficking
European Adoption Agency/Monitoring Centre
European Adoption Consultants
European Adoptions /Terre des hommes Event on Intercountry Adoption, 26.02.2008 in Brussels
European Children Adoption Services
European Children Trust
European Commission
European Commission Mediator
European Convention on the Adoption of Children
European Council
European Court on Human Rights, Strasbourg
European Expert Group on transition from institutional to community-based care
European Forum for Child Welfare (EFCW)
European Guidelines on De-institutionalisation
European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)
European Network of Ombudspersons for Children (ENOC)
European Ombudsman
European Ombudsman Case: 1189/2016/JN (Kyenge/Pittella)
European Ombudsman case 1743/2013 contacts staff of DG JUST and staff of Amici dei Bambini
European Ombudsman case 1805/2015/DR: OLAF CASE: OF/2014/1062
European Ombudsman Complaint 1327/2023/LM - Case T-658/17 ACT v COM
European Ombudsman Complaint ref. 2015/1349 (Timmermans/Georgieva)
European Ombudsman - Letter Le Bail/OLAF 1805/2015/DR
European Parliament
European Parliament Hearing - 2006
European Parliament Special Hearing
European Parliament Written Declaration No 23
European Union
Europol Operation Golf
EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child
Evan B Donaldson Adoption Institute
Evangelical Child and Family Agency (IL)
Evangelical Child and Family Agency (WI)
Evangelical Christian Credit Union
Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA)
Evangelischer Verein für Adoptions- und Pflegekindervermittlung Rheinland e. V. (EVAP)
Evangelism Explosion International
Every Child, Inc.
Every Child, UK
Every Orphan's Hope
Excellence in Media