
Namuroise Julienne Mpemba prosecuted for trafficking Congolese children in the context of adoption to Belgium soon to be judged: “Children and adoptive and biological parents are destroyed in this case”

Julienne Mpemba, a Belgian-Congolese from Namur, is suspected of fraud in the adoption of Congolese children. Belgian families find themselves with a child who could have been stolen. Seven years after the opening of the case, it will be pleaded.

It is an old case but above all very emotionally heavy which will soon be pleaded before the Namur criminal court. Julienne Mpemba, a Belgian-Congolese from Namur, has been suspected since 2017 of adoption fraud, human trafficking, kidnapping of minors, hostage taking, fraud, corruption, forgery and use of forgeries.

Let's go back a few years. In 2017, the federal prosecutor's office discovered that the children, who arrived in Belgium in 2014, had been kidnapped. Other identities and dates of birth were allegedly given to them even though they were not intended for adoption.


At the time, reporters from the newspaper “Het Laatste Nieuws” even went looking for the biological parents. They had found them. They explained that they had the opportunity to send their children to camp through a youth organization. But the little ones never came back. These parents had no money to pay a lawyer. They had also been abandoned by the local authorities.

‘We’ll be trapped in a war zone’: couple face months in Kyiv to claim their baby

Fliss and Memet Demir are travelling to the Ukrainian capital, where a surrogate mother is due to deliver the child

They have been warned not to make the trip from their home in Cambridgeshire

Friday June 07 2024, 11.30pm, The Times

Like any expectant mother with a baby due in a few weeks, Fliss Demir is packing sleepsuits, nappies, infant formula and wipes.

But her excitement and trepidation are tempered by fear, for Demir and her husband, Memet, are travelling to war-torn Ukraine to pick up their surrogate infant.

Rights activist Sarim Burney held in Karachi on ‘human trafficking complaint by US’

KARACHI: The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) on Wednesday arrested human rights activist and philanthropist Sarim Burney when he arrived at Karachi airport from abroad for his alleged involvement in “child trafficking by way of illegal adoption” on the complaint of US authorities.

An FIA official said that the Anti-Human Trafficking Cell (AHTC) of the FIA-Karachi registered a case (FIR No. 126/2024) against Mr Burney under Sections 420 (Cheating and dishonestly, inducing delivery of property), 468 (Forgery for purpose of cheating), 471 (Using as genuine a forged document), 109 (abetment) of the Pakistan Penal Code read with Sections 3 (trafficking in persons), 4 (aggravating circumstances) and 5 (abetment and criminal conspiracy) of the Prevention of Trafficking in Persons Act, 2018.

According to the FIR, “Sarim Burney and his associates Basalat Ali Khan, Humaira Naz and others, in collusion with each other knowingly and wilfully gave false information, made misdeclaration as well as concealment of the facts before the Hon’ble Family Courts District East Karachi in the garb of illegal adoption/guardianship of three baby girls by using and providing fraudulent documents.”

It stated that the statement by the suspects that “the three baby girls in question were orphans and found from outside the gate of M/s Sarim Burney Trust and it tried level best to find their parents but no person came forward for claiming them” was contrary to the facts.

The FIA official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that the US Consulate General had stated in its complaint that during the last one and half years, around 17-18 children had been adopted in the US but the adoption process was ‘illegal’.

Adoption problems The poor carer: monthly magazine for poor relief and Youth welfare containing the decisions from the area of Welfare and social security systems

Adoption problems  The poor carer: monthly magazine for poor relief and Youth welfare containing the decisions from the area of Welfare and social security systems

OLAF to R&D: Letter - Notification of Decision to Dismiss a Case OC/2023/0646

De : OLAF-FMB-NO-REPLY@nomail.ec.europa.eu <OLAF-FMB-NO-REPLY@nomail.ec.europa.eu>
Date : mardi 4 juin 2024 à 08:41
Objet : Letter - Notification of Decision to Dismiss a Case OC/2023/0646
À : grouperacinesetdignite@protonmail.com <grouperacinesetdignite@protonmail.com>


Dear Sir/Madam,


Please find attached letter for your attention.


Kind regards,


OLAF Unit.0.1


Kindred documentary: Filmmakers Gillian and Adrian share their story of reconnecting with Country and culture after growing up as adoptees in white families

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised that the following article contains images of people who have died.

"If there's anything I've learnt in making this film, it's that I think the best thing anyone can do in their life is tell their story. Good, bad or indifferent," says Adrian Russell Wills.

Wills and his co-director and co-writer, Gillian Moody, have two powerful stories, but share one unique experience.

Moody, a Wodi Wodi woman, and Wills, a Wonnarua man, both grew up in white families.

As adopted Aboriginal children raised in affluent areas of Sydney's northern beaches in the late 1970s, they were both disconnected from Country and culture throughout their childhood.

Les victimes roumaines de traites humaines subissent encore une fois une forte complaisance de l’Office de Lutte Anti-Fraude (OLAF)

Les victimes roumaines de traites humaines subissent encore une fois une forte complaisance de l’Office de Lutte Anti-Fraude (OLAF).

par Racines & Dignité | 6 Juin 2024 | Nos actions, Actualités

Réponse OLAF le 4 juin 2024

D’un revers de main, le 4 juin, après des relances et une plainte auprès de la Médiatrice Européenne Mme O’Reilly pour mauvaise gestion administrative, l’OLAF nous adresse une réponse surréaliste avec le titre « SENSIBLE : OLAF Enquêtes » que les informations complémentaires fournies ne justifiaient pas une réévaluation de la décision.

How the 'Lost Children of Greece' are fighting for citizenship and access to their records

How the 'Lost Children of Greece' are fighting for citizenship and access to their records

Thousands of children were adopted to countries such as the US after the Greek Civil War, Mary Cardaras tells The Journal.

9.01pm, 1 Jun 2024



Sale and adoption: AP child rights commission issues instructions https://www.deccanchronicle.com/southern-states/andhra-pradesh/sale-and-adoption-ap-child-rights-commission-issues-instructions-896740

Sale and adoption: AP child rights commission issues instructions


Sale and adoption: AP child rights commission issues instructions

Action has been initiated by the police and 16 children have been identified out of 60 children rescued from illegal adoption and selling, and they have been sent to Shishuvihar, Hyderabad.


Vijayawada: The AP child rights commission has ordered immediate steps against illegal sale and adoption of children in the state. Its chairperson Kesali Appa Rao issued the guidelines to the director of women development and Child Welfare Department, Guntur, and also sought an inquiry in the matter. Action has been initiated by the police and 16 children have been identified out of 60 children rescued from illegal adoption and selling, and they have been sent to Shishuvihar, Hyderabad. Appa Rao said it was important to ensure the safety of the children through strict vigilance against their possible sale and purchase transactions across the state.

Children's rights in Europe

The election campaigns are in full swing again. Posters, flyers, advertisements – we are inundated with them. But one topic is often missing: children's rights. Unbelievable, right? Political decisions in Brussels affect children directly. Climate policy determines their future. Migration affects children fleeing war. And security of existence? Children in poverty start their lives at a disadvantage.

The biggest social problems also affect children. Why then are their rights ignored in debates? European policy has a major influence on our youngest inhabitants. That is why we must protect their rights and well-being. And politicians must pay attention to this. That is missing. The Children's Rights Collective therefore took matters into its own hands and organized the only debate on children's rights in the European election campaign in De Balie in Amsterdam.

Marc Dullaert, chairman of the Children's Rights Collective, opened the evening with a plea to put the interests of the child first. This does not happen enough and it has major consequences: despite prosperity, millions of children in Europe grow up in poverty, two images of child abuse are posted online every second, and the EU Migration Pact allows children to be locked up. “Unacceptable,” said Marc Dullaert.

Six candidate European Parliamentarians debated poverty, online security and migration: Gerrie Elfrink (SP), Ufuk Kâhya (GL-PvdA), Judith Koop (CU), Laura de Vries (D66), Sacha Muller (Volt) and Gerben Horst (CDA). ). The Children's Rights Collective would not be the Children's Rights Collective if the voice of the child itself was not central to the debate. That is why each theme was introduced by an expert who immediately asked the candidate parliamentarians a question.
