

The Health (Assisted Human Reproduction) Bill 2022, which establishes a regulatory framework for the establishment of a regulatory agency to oversee AHR in the state was passed without a vote in the Dáil yesterday. 

It includes measures which limits surrogacy within the state to couples in which the child will have a “genetic link to at least one intending parent,” and that there is no commercial transaction involved.  

However, the Bill also gives legal recognition to children who were born to surrogate mothers outside of the state and provides a framework for the licensing of commercial agencies engaged in international surrogacy. That recognition and the facilitating of such arrangements, all of which are commercial, in the future is in fact the main burden of the legislation.  The proportion of non-commercial arrangements within Ireland is likely to be a much smaller proportion.

It is notable that very few of the media reports on the passing of the legislation referred to the commercial aspects of international surrogacy, nor to any of the considerable criticisms of the practise. 

That avoidance of the monetary aspects is made easier by the fact that the only reference to the commercial nexus is covered by “reasonable expenses.”

CWC To Decide If Unwed Mom Can Reclaim Baby: HC

CWC To Decide If Unwed Mom Can Reclaim Baby: HC


|Rosy Sequeira | May 29, 2024, 04:04 IST


CWC to decide if unwed mom can reclaim baby: HC

Pleegouders zwaargewond meisje (10) opgepakt voor poging tot doodslag

Pleegouders zwaargewond meisje (10) opgepakt voor poging tot doodslag

De pleegouders van het 10-jarige meisje uit Vlaardingen dat verleden week zwaargewond naar het ziekenhuis werd gebracht, zijn maandagmorgen opgepakt. De 37-jarige Vlaardingers worden verdacht van poging tot doodslag en zware mishandeling van het slachtoffertje in hun woning.

Adrianne de Koning 27-05-24, 13:37 Laatste update: 27-05-24, 14:23


In de nacht van maandag op dinsdag werd het meisje met zwaar lichamelijk letsel en in zeer zorgwekkende toestand door de pleegouders zelf naar het ziekenhuis gebracht. Zij was niet aanspreekbaar en kon niet zelf vertellen wat er was gebeurd. Ze is er nog altijd slecht aan toe. Er waren direct twijfels over hoe zij zo gewond kon raken.

ISS Pioneer Advocacy related to adoption and, in particular, intercountry adoption.

ISS Pioneer Advocacy related to adoption and, in particular, intercountry adoption.

  • 27 MAY 2024   


Involved in the drafting of the 1993 Hague Convention on the ‘Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (HCCH 1993 Adoption Convention), ISS remains committed to ensuring that adoptions and, in particular, intercountry adoptions, are truly a child protection measure as set out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Young mother was allegedly forced to give up her five-month-old for adoption

Young mother was allegedly forced to give up her five-month-old for adoption

A young mother’s life has been torn apart after an official of a child adoption organisation allegedly forced her to give up her five-month-old son. Picture | Henk Kruger.

A young mother’s life has been torn apart after an official of a child adoption organisation allegedly forced her to give up her five-month-old son. Picture | Henk Kruger.

Published May 25, 2024


Inside the Conservative Movement to Promote Adoption

Inside the Conservative Movement to Promote Adoption


The mothers of ModernAdoptionPlans.org have a message for women who find themselves unexpectedly pregnant: You, too, can turn this difficult time into a rewarding experience by relinquishing your baby for adoption.

In glossy videos, they tell their stories. They found themselves in crisis. Many considered abortions before deciding on adoption. It was a painful choice, but it was the right choice.

“This is one of the greatest things a parent could ever do,” says Adrianne, a Black birth mother, from a sun-filled loft. Sarah, a white birth mother, speaks to us from what looks like a church. “I didn’t choose what was best for me. I chose what was best for him,” she says.

55 Adopted Kids In Madurai To Get Birth Certificates55 Adopted Kids In Madurai To Get Birth Certificates

55 Adopted Kids In Madurai To Get Birth Certificates


|Kaushik Kannan | May 22, 2024, 05:47 IST


55 adopted kids in Madurai to get birth certificates

S Africans urged to adopt and foster children to ensure the protection of youngsters

S Africans urged to adopt and foster children to ensure the protection of youngsters

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

With the Child Protection Week campaign in full swing, the Department of Social Development (DSD) has encouraged South Africans to seek alternative care for their children if they are unable to care for them.

Social Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu launched Child Protection Week on Sunday in Kimberley, Northern Cape. 

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Bombay HC tweaks order, lets Hyderabad couple see adoptive baby 3 hours daily

MUMBAI: Bombay high court on Thursday allowed a couple from Hyderabad to meet their 7-month-old adoptive child, who was allegedly trafficked, at a children’s home in Mahalaxmi three hours daily for six days a week. 

Vacation bench of Justices Sandeep Marne and Neela Gokhale modified their order, passed on Tuesday, that had allowed them visitation rights for 12 hours daily. 

“Accordingly it is directed that petitioners shall have the right to visit the child between 3 pm and 6 pm every day from Mon to Sat,” they added. 

The couple had filed a habeas corpus petition to direct the Child Welfare Committee to produce the child and hand over her custody to them. Their petition said that since their marriage in 2015, the wife had three miscarriages. Her aunt introduced them to a couple from Visakhapatnam who wanted to give the fifth child up for adoption. 

On Sept 23, both parties executed a deed of adoption and the seven-day-old baby was brought home. Since then the couple has taken care of her. On April 29 a team from Mumbai Crime Branch–Unit II “forcibly” took the baby away. They informed that the aunt was arrested in an FIR registered at Vikhroli police station for trafficking.