Rwanda ISO 3166-1 code RW Region Middle AfricaSubdivisionsCity KigaliProvince EasternNorthernSouthernWestern Documents Title Publication dateAl 134 meldingen over mogelijke onregelmatigheden bij adopties | De Standaard Mobile (Already 134 reports about possible irregularities in adoptions | The Standard Mobile) 24 March 2024CFAB - An overview of our history 30 November 2023Abuses in foreign adoptions have not yet been investigated 18 July 2023Children are collateral damage as DNA paternity tests rise 12 July 202329 orphanages shut down in Egypt due to higher rates of adoption 27 February 2023Recommendations for* child welfare care reform in the global south: Perspectives of 542 adults who were separated from parental care during childhood in 12 nations 22 September 2022The Story of Adoption 19 August 2022The Harrowing Story of the 'Children of Sin' 1 June 2022Trial of Métis children against the Belgian state: not a crime against humanity, according to justice 8 December 2021Foster care: Why child adoption is the answer for abandoned children 6 September 2019Stringent rules slowdown international adoption 26 August 2019Stringent rules slowdown international adoption 26 August 2019Stringent rules slowdown international adoption 26 August 2019Zodra met adopties geld te verdienen valt, loert fraude om de hoek 18 May 2019Jaak Albert werd uit Rwanda ontvoerd en groeide in België op zonder identiteit 30 April 2019Michel excuseert zich bij kinderen van de kolonie 3 April 2019About 900 children await adoption from orphanages 18 January 2018Rwanda: Taken as a Toddler, 'Orphan' Reunites With Family 16 October 2017Jeannette Kagame Shares Rwanda’s Journey to Orphanage-free Society 22 September 2017Rwanda: Govt Lifts Ban on Foreign Adoption of Rwandan Kids 21 September 2017East Africa: EALA Locks Out Foreigners From Child Adoption 22 August 2015East Africa bans adoption of children by foreigners 19 August 2015Rwanda outgrows its genocide orphanages 12 March 2015141109 Ploumen leidt handelsmissie naar DR Congo en Rwanda 11 September 2014Momma Mia! 23 October 2013Rwanda: Children Council Rejects Adoption Age 3 May 2013Saddleback aims for zero orphans in Rwanda 28 November 2012Hope & Homes: National survey of institutions for children in Rwanda October 2012A child-friendly adoption policy is paramount 20 July 2012Rwanda: Adoption Policy Questioned 19 July 2012Notice: The Hague Adoption Convention Enters into Force for Rwanda 1 July 2012Suspension - pipeline 10 September 2010Gov suspends new registrations for ICA (Hague ratification) 31 August 2010Rwanda Adoption Program 2009UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION OF RWANDAN ADOPTION LAW September 2007Report on the In-house Capacity Building Workshop on Intercountry Adoption, ICDC, Florence, Italy, 14-17. September, 1998 September 1998Unicef report: Starting from Zero 1994History Sewers of Joy 1958Child topics: Kigali (Rwandan city)Eastern (Rwandan province)Northern (Rwandan province)Western (Rwandan province)Southern (Rwandan province) Parent topics: Middle Africa