
New foundation focuses on helping Korean American adoptees and families find out where they fit in

According to the National Institutes of Health, in 2013, five doctors conducted a study at the University of Minnesota on the suicide rate of adopted children versus non-adopted children. The study showed that adoptees were almost four times more likely to commit suicide.

And the number of suicides by adopted Korean children is four times the national average, says Manchester resident Moses Farrow, a licensed marriage and family therapist who practices in Glastonbury.

Farrow, a Korean American who was adopted in 1980 at the age of 2, recently joined the Gide Foundation as leader of its mental health task force. The Gide Foundation is a nonprofit organization started in May that focuses on adoptee education and the mental health of Korean American adoptees. Gide’s founders are Derek Fisher of Durham, North Carolina, and Jodi Gill of Oregon City, Oregon

The Gide’s first project is a mental health guide for people who will reunite with their birth families. For future mental health projects, Farrow will lead the mental health task force.

Farrow received his master’s degree in human development and family studies at the University of Connecticut with a concentration in marriage and family therapy.

The 1st Adoption Truths Day International Conference

Adoption Justice: Issues of Records and Identity

International Social Service and the Hague Permanent Buro (Part 4)

Corruption has many shapes and the higher one gets, the more blatant and at the same time subtle it becomes.

No one would really accept if tobacco companies make public health policies.

In the area of child adoption, however, society accepts this.

Let´s have a closer look.


International Social Service and the Hague Permanent Buro (Part 4)

Corruption has many shapes and the higher one gets, the more blatant and at the same time subtle it becomes.

No one would really accept if tobacco companies make public health policies.

In the area of child adoption, however, society accepts this.

Let´s have a closer look.


Adoption Croatia still in its infancy: first gay couple to have foster children

In the Netherlands, gay couples have been able to adopt children from abroad for over ten years, and foster children were already placed in the home of loved ones of the same sex in the last century. Adoption is still in its infancy in Catholic Croatia, or even in tiny baby shoes. But the first foster children have now been placed.

Gay couple has two foster children after a long and hard fight against the system, prejudice and discrimination. Thank you guys! ”, Writes a young Croat on social media.

Because it is indeed a special moment for the country. After a long legal battle, two foster children have been placed with a gay couple for the first time in Croatia. It is an important step for the gay community in predominantly Catholic Croatia, says Daniel Martinovic of the Rainbow Families interest group that released the news. In the eighties of the last century, foster children were already placed in the same-sex house in the Netherlands.

Now there is a shortage of foster parents in our country and more and more foster grandparents are called upon, such as foster grandmother Ilja, whose life has changed completely. She was recently even in the Etos to buy condoms. You can read her story here.

Gay rights Croatia

Jyoti (36) uit Deventer werd slachtoffer van gesjoemel met adoptie in India: ‘De priester weet veel meer’

Jyoti (36) uit Deventer werd slachtoffer van gesjoemel met adoptie in India: ‘De priester weet veel meer’

Jyoti Weststrate (36) was een jaar of 2, al sluit ze niet uit dat ze ouder was, toen ze bij haar biologische ouders in India werd weggehaald en werd ‘geschonken’ aan een priester. Ze belandde in Zutphen, waar vragen over haar oorsprong al een leven lang op antwoord wachten. Nu, woonachtig in Deventer, probeert ze misstanden binnen internationale adoptie aan de kaak te stellen.

Niek Verhoeven 05-09-20, 16:00 Bron: de Stentor


,,Ik heb uren naar die boogjes in de muren van de kerk zitten kijken. De marmeren treden en de priester die in een wit gewaad door de ruimte liep, kan ik me ook nog herinneren. Mensen zeiden dat zo’n herinnering niet kon, omdat ik nog zo jong was. Maar ik ben bij mijn moeder weggehaald, dat vergeet je nooit meer. En toen ik veel later die priester ontmoette en hij hetzelfde verhaal vertelde, toen wist ik het zeker.”

Telangana: Woman files plea in HC on adoption

Hyderabad: A two-judge panel of the Telangana High Court, comprising Chief Justice Raghavendra Singh Chauhan and Justice B Vijaysen Reddy, on Thursday adjourned a habeas corpus petition filed by M Kavitha Reddy seeking directions to produce her daughter before the court.

The counsel appearing for the petitioner complained that her daughter was taken away by the Child Welfare Committee on the grounds that the adoption was illegal. He pointed out that no orders were passed by the Child Welfare Committee but with the aid of the police, the petitioner’s daughter was taken away.

He submitted to the court that the biological mother of the minor had abandoned her when the child was 2 months old and her present address was not known. The father of the minor daughter had expired in an accident. The child was with the paternal grandparents and that they had given her in adoption to the petitioner who was a distant relative of the child. The panel directed the petitioner to implead the grandparents and confirm the authenticity of the adoption deed. Court posted the case to next week.

State police functioning irks panel

The same panel came down heavily on the state on the functioning of the State police in giving instructions to public prosecutors. It directed the Advocate General to examine the same and issue necessary instructions to the public prosecutors. The panel was dealing with a habeas corpus case filed by Pagidi Ravi who sought the release of Pagidi Sashi who was detained under the Preventive Detention Act.

‘Love child’ saved from illegal adoption

Surat: It was borne out of their love, but sadly the foetus did not get its share of love from its unwilling parents. Born into the world of deceit, the newborn was almost on the verge of being lost forever in the web of treachery had it not been saved by Navsari’s District Child Protection Unit.

The baby was delivered by an unwed 18-year-old woman, who was cheated by her lover who deserted her after she became pregnant.

However, the parents of the woman wanted to give the child up for adoption illegally to any willing people. But, before they could act, the incident came to the child protection unit’s knowledge that rescued it in the nick of time.

“We received a tip-off about the 18-year-old girl giving birth to a child in a hospital in Navsari town. We also came to know that her parents were planning to give it for adoption illegally. We immediately visited the family at the hospital and probed the case,” said an official.

“She was minor when she fell in love with a youth and had physical relations. However, when she realized about her pregnancy and approached her boyfriend, he did not respond to her. She also kept it as a secret from her parents, but her mother suspected it and took her to a doctor where they came to know she was six months pregnant. Worrying about the societal backlash after knowing about their unmarried daughter’s pregnancy, they decided to give the child in adoption,” the official added.

‘Love child’ saved from illegal adoption

Surat: It was borne out of their love, but sadly the foetus did not get its share of love from its unwilling parents. Born into the

world of deceit, the newborn was almost on the verge of being lost forever in the web of treachery had it not been saved by

Navsari’s District Child Protection Unit.

The baby was delivered by an unwed 18-year-old woman, who was cheated by her lover who deserted her after she became


Wob decision of September 1, 2020 on five Wob requests from Against Child Trafficking - ketenoverleg (wrong)

This WOB was wrongly called 'Ketenoverleg', it is about these:

FIOM, Stichting Adoptievoorzieningen

(SAV), Terre des Hommes, Unicef en Zunderdorp Beleidsadvies & Management.

A decision was made on 1 September 2020 on a request under the Government Information (Public Access) Act. The request concerns information about chain consultation on adoptions. The decision and the annexes provided with the decision are now being made available for public access.

Download 'Wob decision ACT'