
La France va suspendre les adoptions d'enfants en RDC

La France va suspendre les adoptions d'enfants en RDC


La France a décidé de suspendre, à compter du 31 décembre 2016, les adoptions d’enfants en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), en raison des «irrégularités» constatées «depuis des mois» dans les dossiers, a annoncé jeudi le ministère des Affaires étrangères.

«Il s’agit d’une décision difficile mais qui, en raison de l’insuffisance des garanties juridiques et éthiques entourant l’adoption dans ce pays, a été jugée impérative», a déclaré le porte-parole du Quai d’Orsay lors de son point presse hebdomadaire.

Jusqu’au 31 décembre, les familles qui sont en fin de procédure d’adoption et ont obtenu les autorisations nécessaires auprès des autorités locales, peuvent déposer leurs demandes de visa d’adoption auprès de l’ambassade de France à Kinshasa.

Italian minister calls Commission’s promotion of Brit ‘a scandal’

The European Commission on Tuesday named a new deputy director-general in the migration and home affairs department — and, to the surprise of many, it’s a Brit.

Simon Mordue, a director in the enlargement department, will start his new job on December 1, but the choice of a British official for a senior EU job after the Brexit vote has caused anger, with Italy’s deputy foreign minister calling it “a scandal.”

“In his new role, Mr. Mordue will be in charge of key EU policies in the area of migration and home affairs and, notably, the European agenda for migration,” said a Commission memo on the appointment. He’s an experienced Eurocrat, having worked in the private offices of commissioners Günter Verheugen and Štefan Füle.

“Why do we keep on appointing Brits to key positions?” Mario Giro, deputy Italian foreign minister, told POLITICO during a donor conference for the Central African Republic last week. He was already aware that Mordue was in line for a promotion, remembering him as “the one that negotiated the [migration] deal with Turkey,” referring to the fact that Mordue, in his previous position at the enlargement department, was director for strategy and Turkey.

“We are strongly against it,” Giro said of his new appointment.

Fwd: twitter / Child Trafficking in Congo by Amici dei Bambini

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Date: Fri 18. Nov 2016 at 22:20

Subject: RE: twitter / Child Trafficking in Congo by Amici dei Bambini


Adoptions, new interrogations throughout Italy Melissa Satta cancels the campaign with Aibi

Adoptions, new interrogations throughout Italy Melissa Satta cancels the campaign with Aibi

Melissa Satta has suspended its cooperation with Aibi-Friends of Children

Launch of the interrogations of the Guardia di Finanza for the scandal on international adoptions . These days witnesses were heard in various offices, from Lombardy to Sicily. Detectives are investigating the institutional relationships of Marco Griffini, 69, founder and president of "Aibi-Friends of Children" [Amici dei Bambini] , the association of San Giuliano Milanese authorized by the government to do international adoptions: in particular the delays in the complaint related to a network of pedophiles that raped and exploited children of an orphanage in Bulgaria for the production of pornographic films, and then adopted in Italy through Aibi.

When those children had complained, it was ignored by Griffini, which for this serious omission and for the delays in the protection of children has also been censured by a Juvenile Court . The facts date back to 2012 and 2013. The Financial Police is investigating the contacts of the president of Aibi with some members of the Commission for international adoptions, the government’s supervisory body, in its composition at the time when it had as deputee the child magistrate Daniela Bacchetta, until now foreign to the alleged offenses. The investigative departments have so far questioned doctors, psychologists and officials of the Ministry of Justice which have dealt with the case.

After the scandal on adoptions in the Congo, where Aibi is involved also, also showgirl Melissa Satta has suspended her advertising partnership with the association. This was announced by the lawyers of Marco Griffini, Stephen Pope and Marco Squicquero. The notice of cancellation of Melissa Satta goes back to last summer, "Mrs. Stefania Castaldi, the intermediary agency in the relationship between Aibi and spokesperson of Melissa Satta ," they know the Griffini lawyers, "he communicated in writing to the association and to dependent Chiara Angeli’s relations officer with companies and partners for the fund-raising activities, the desire not to proceed with the planned campaign for the period from 17 September to 3 October 2016 and, more generally, the desire to suspend the collaboration pending developments in the situation by explaining how, before proceeding with any promotional activities, it was "important that the situation is clear. '"Even UNICEF, after the scandal in Congo on adoptions, canceled their funding to Aibi of over 245,000 Euros.

Det var ulovligt at flytte adoptivbarnet Amy med magt

It was illegal to move the adopted child Amy forcibly

Parliamentary Ombudsman traps heavily on the municipality in case of placement. "This is a violent action against a child."

Photo: JACOB EHRBAHN (archive)

Photo: JACOB EHRBAHN (archive)


ECLI:NL:RBDHA:2016:13534 Dutch / Bangladesh Adoption 2016


Court of The Hague

Date of decision


Date of publication

La France va suspendre les adoptions d’enfants en RD Congo

La France va suspendre les adoptions d’enfants en RD Congo

24 novembre 2016 à 17h34

Par Jeune Afrique

Le Quai d'Orsay a annoncé jeudi sa décision, motivée par "les irrégularités constatées dans les dossiers d'adoption". Elle prendra effet à compter du 13 décembre 2016.


Kreutz Bruderschaft - Gun?

3 X 25 JAHRE


jubilareIm Rahmen des diesjährigen Patronatsfestes ehrte die Bruderschaft auch 3 Mitglieder, die bereits seit 25 Jahren der Bruderschaft angehören.

Als erster empfing Michael Kollberg aus der Hand des Brudermeisters die silberne Ehrennadel. Eigentlich hätte Michael Kolleberg die Auszeichnung bereits im letzten Jahr erhalten müssen, konnte jedoch wegen einer schweren Erkrankung die Auszeichnung nicht entgegen nehmen. Um so mehr freuten sich seine Schützenbrüder, dass er in diesem Jahr wieder mit dabei sein konnte.

Ebenfalls für 25-jährige Mitgliedschaft ausgezeichnet wurden Günther Kreutz und Gian Mario Candrian.

The Netherlands’ proposed ban on foreign adoption and the (ab)uses of ‘scientific expertise’

The scholarly work backing a Dutch board's recommendation to ban all foreign adoptions has been attacked as 'unscientific'. Does that argument hold water?

A local women feeds orphaned children at the Pouponniere of Mbour, Senegal. Joe Giddense/Press Association. All rights reserved.

On 1 November 2016, the Netherlands’ Raad voor Strafrechtstoepassing en Jeugdbescherming (RSJ – in English, The Council for the Administration of Criminal Justice and Protection of Juveniles) issued a report (in Dutch) advising the Dutch minister of security and justice to ban all foreign adoptions. Among their reasons for coming to this conclusion were documented illegalities and unethical practices in the intercountry adoption system, as well as scholarly literature that argues that intercountry adoption can lead to greater institutionalisation of children and/or disrupt the development of robust child protection systems in the children’s countries of origin.

Several faculty members of the Leiden University Knowledge Centre for Adoption and Foster Care (ADOC) immediately criticised the RSJ report. Marinus (Rien) van IJzendoorn in particular questioned the quality of the research on which the RSJ report based their decision. This included one of my own articles, Addicted to Orphans: How the Global Orphan Industrial Complex Jeopardizes Local Child Protection Systems, which I co-authored with Karen Smith Rotabi.

The ways that van IJzendoorn’s blog distorts our article’s argument deserves a personal response. It also raises crucial issues about what constitutes ‘quality research’ and the uses/objectivity of ‘science’, particularly when it comes to social justice and protection for children. Whether or not one agrees with the RSJ recommendation, these issues should also be critically addressed in the debate.