
AD to Timmermans (Rp Medical Service)

Sent: Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2016 19:19

To: frans.timmermans@ec.europa.eu

Subject: RE: Open Letter

Dear Mr. Timmermans,

I have spoken today with Mrs. Post.

How a Boy Kidnapped in India and Raised LDS in America Miraculously Found His Way Home After Nearly 20 Years

Kidnapped from his village in India and sold to a Christian orphanage. Adopted and raised in Utah by a loving LDS couple who was told his parents were dead. Taj Rowland’s incredible journey is filled with twists and turns that would rival a blockbuster movie. And just when he had given up hope of ever seeing his birth family again, the Lord led him down a path that would defy all odds and guide him back home.

On a snowy night in December 1979, a young boy from India shivered from the cold and trembled with fear as he exited an airplane in Salt Lake City, Utah. Surrounded by white people speaking a language he didn’t understand, he clung in terror to the legs of the orphanage owner who was delivering him to his new adoptive parents. The boy kicked and screamed as he was wrapped in a warm blanket and put in the back of a car, sobbing himself to sleep on the way to his new home.

“The most frightening part was being taken away from everything that was familiar and being thrown into something that was completely different. I didn’t know exactly what was happening to me,” Taj Rowland recalls.

New Family, New Life

Fred and Linda Rowland had been searching for another child to adopt, but almost everything about their new son would come as a surprise.

“We are making strict verification in adoption procedures”-Shashi Panja

“We are making strict verification in adoption procedures”-Shashi Panja

The child trafficking story beginning from Baduria seems to get denser with ever passing day. Addressing the issue Union Minister for Women and Child Development Maneka Gandhi asked the state government’s health department to submit a detailed report to the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights. Ms. Gandhi has also instructed the NCPCR to look into the case with due sincerity and bring out all possible information .

In this regard , State Minister of Women Development & Social Welfare, Child Development Shashi Panja said that the state is doing everything to keep an eye on these


CUTTING THE LINE–A ROMANIAN JOURNALIST’S STORY OF LOVE, SURVIVAL, AND IMMIGRATION offers unique insight into the female immigrant experience in America: the small cruelties, the unexpected kindnesses, the many obstacles, and the occasional victories. From big-city Romania to small-town New England, this memoir explores what it means to leave the life you know behind—and what it takes to create a new one in the face of overwhelming odds.

Before I moved to the United States, I was well on my way to an illustrious career in journalism in Romania. At thirty-three, I had a published book, a TV show, and a number of investigative print pieces to my name, and my star was still rising. Then I met Lyman Dezotell in Romania— an American man with a wide smile and a huge heart, the sole father of five girls. He came to visit Romania, but I gave up everything to marry him and move to America.

In Bucharest, I was a successful career woman with my own apartment and a tight circle of loved ones; in Coventry, Vermont, I was disconnected, with a limited grasp of English and only Lyman to lean on. Then, just months after the move, Lyman died in a freak accident on his way to work, leaving me penniless and pregnant with our child. With a plane ticket in my pocket, and the unexpected tragedy, I had to make a choice: leave the country or stay and find a way to survive on my own.

I am a former writer for the newspaper the National Daily in Bucharest, Romania. I am recognized as one of the country’s best post-revolution reporters; some of my press campaigns are now taught in courses at the University of Journalism in Romania. In 2001 I moved to Vermont, where I worked as a science teacher (the 2014 Vermont Outstanding Science Teacher of the Year) and am the co-editor of a Romanian language magazine, New York Magazin.

“Dana Dezotell’s memoir Pasiflora drops you into a world you will never forget, from a magical childhood in Romania to a love story that unfolds in America.”

La France refuse de délivrer des visas à 54 enfants de RDC adoptés par des familles françaises

BFMTV Société Famille

La France refuse de délivrer des visas à 54 enfants de RDC adoptés par des familles françaises

09/12/2016 à 15h08

Des enfants jouent au football à Butembo, en République démocratique du Congo

Des enfants jouent au football à Butembo, en République démocratique du Congo - Eduardo Soteras-AFP

“It’s probably the thing of which I am most proud”: J K Rowling in conversation with Eddie Redmayne

“It’s probably the thing of which I am most proud”: J K Rowling in conversation with Eddie Redmayne

The Harry Potter creator talks to the star of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them about her work with the Lumos charity and the urgent need to end the institutionalisation of children.


EDDIE REDMAYNE: Good evening, good evening ladies and gentlemen.

I am so excited that you are excited! Welcome to Carnegie Hall and – thank you! – Welcome to a very what I hope is a very special evening. More than 25 years ago, an author put pen to paper and created one of the most extraordinary stories that the world has ever seen. Her astounding imagination continues to thrill us, it captivates us, it enthrals us, it moves us, and it leaves us wanting more. And tonight ladies and gentlemen. . . there will be more.

Baby selling racket member sold baby even to her own uncle

CID sleuths interrogating couples who bought babies from the racket. Though they can be charged with trafficking and take the babies away, the investigators are treading cautiously.

Criminal Investigation Department (CID) sleuths were shocked to find out on Wednesday that one of the members of the recently busted baby sale racket sold a baby to her own maternal uncle for an amount of Rs 2 lakh.

Paramita Chatterjee, who was associated with Sree Krishna Nursing Home on College Street and arrested for her involvement in the racket, sold a baby a year-and-a-half old.

On Tuesday and Wednesday CID officers interrogated three couples from the city and outskirts, who bought babies from the recently busted racket, to find out how they were rearing the kids. The investigators are likely to continue the interrogation of more couple in the next few days.

Of the three couples questioned were the uncle of Chatterjee and his wife, a couple who live in Kalindi and another couple from the city.

Reply Cab Timmermans, HR and JUST will reply

From: Bernd.Martenczuk@ec.europa.eu [mailto:Bernd.Martenczuk@ec.europa.eu]

Sent: Montag, 5. Dezember 2016 22:22

To: arundohle@gmail.com

Subject: FW: Open Letter

Dear Mr Dohle,

Pressions diplomatiques (27.000 paid by Belgian Government to orphanage)

Pressions diplomatiques

Parallèlement, à cette époque, le ministre Madrane et le ministre des Affaires étrangères Didier Reynders (MR) usent de tous les moyens diplomatiques pour forcer la venue des enfants en Belgique. Certaines familles commencent à perdre patiente et décident de ne plus payer.

C'est dans ce cadre que la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles effectue un versement de 27.000 euros à l'orphelinat via "son organisme d'adoption agréé", nous précise le cabinet. Des retours inquiétants leur parviennent du Congo et les enfants ne s'y trouveraient plus dans des conditions optimales.

Mais les pressions diplomatiques des deux ministres font leur effet et les onze enfants arrivent finalement en Belgique en novembre 2015. Mais entre-temps, le parquet fédéral lance une enquête sur la directrice de l'orphelinat, la fameuse J.M.L..

Trois dossiers sur onze posent problème: relance de l'enquête