
14 jaar Leuvense AdoptieStudie! Een interview met Simon Fiore - Detail - Steunpunt Adoptie - 14 years of Leuven Adoption Study!

The Leuven Adoption Study is blowing out 14 candles this month. We spoke to Simon Fiore, child and adolescent psychologist and doctoral researcher at the LAS, about the study and some of the findings.

What is the LAS study and what is its purpose?

LAS stands for Leuven Adoption Study. It is the first large-scale long-term study in Flanders that follows about forty families with an adoption story.

The aim of the LAS is to better understand how families with an adoption story develop over time. I am talking about both adoptive parents and children and young people with an adoptive background.

Where does the question or interest in following these families through time come from?

Ina Hut, CEO of CoMensha, says goodbye

Ina Hut, director of CoMensha, has decided to say goodbye after a period of more than eight years. She will take on other challenges as of 1 May. Ina has been director of CoMensha since 2015.

As director of CoMensha, Ina has made an important contribution to the positioning of CoMensha and to raising awareness and putting the approach to human trafficking on the agenda in the Netherlands. Under her leadership, CoMensha has managed to put itself on the map as a solid and connecting partner in chain cooperation. Her vision, tireless effort and dedication will be missed within the organization and in the field.

Ina: 'Although I made this choice very consciously, I also leave the organization and the field with a heavy heart. I have committed myself with heart and soul to CoMensha and to the victims of human trafficking. I have also always appreciated the cooperation with the chain partners. There is a solid CoMensha, with a professional and involved team. I am confident that my successor will continue on this path. Every goodbye is a new beginning. I am going to set up my own fund that will invest in initiatives that realize social impact, for example through micro-credits. In addition, I will remain active in the field with a number of supervisory and advisory positions.'

The Supervisory Board: 'We respect Ina's decision and express our appreciation for her efforts and involvement over the past eight years. We also thank Ina for the way in which she has guided and led CoMensha in recent years. We wish her all the best in her next phase. We are pleased that the follow-up has now been arranged, which guarantees continuity.'

Conny Rijken, National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings and Sexual Violence against Children: 'Under Ina's leadership, CoMensha has become a professional organization with a clear role for the care of victims of human trafficking. With her enormous efforts over the past eight years, she has put human trafficking firmly on the map, further enriched our knowledge of human trafficking and brought parties together.'

Adoptee reunites with family 42 years after going missing at bus terminal

A 46-year-old man who went missing at a bus terminal in Suwon, Gyeonggi, more than 40 years ago before being adopted by a German couple reunited with his biological family on Thursday.

Local authorities said it was the third time they linked a missing Korean child who was adopted overseas during the 1970s and ‘80s with their birth family through a program jointly run by the Korean National Police Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Center for the Rights of the Child.

The latest adoptee who benefitted from the program was identified only as Jeong, the Korean surname he was given by his birth parents.

Police said he refused to reveal his German name to the press.

He was four years old when his parents lost him at the Suwon Bus Terminal in January 1981.

Adoption order does not confer citizenship, High Court rules

Couple loses bid to have adopted son declared a citizen by operation of law.

PETALING JAYA: A court has held that an adoption order issued by a lower court concerning a man almost 10 years ago did not confer on him a right to citizenship.

Lau Jhun Guan, 22, and his adoptive parents had applied to the Johor Bahru High Court for a declaration that he was a Malaysian citizen by operation of law.

He also sought a court order compelling the government to issue a birth certificate and an identity card reflecting his status as a citizen.

Dismissing the application, judicial commissioner Shamsulbahri Ibrahim said that while an adoption order conferred the adoptive parents certain rights and obligations over a child, its “operability and interpretation should not be stretched to supplement the provisions of the (Federal Constitution) in matters relating to citizenship”.

79 children died in specialised adoption agencies from April-December 2022

There is no report available regarding death of children after their adoption from these agencies: Centre

A total of 79 children have died between April to December, 2022, in Specialised Adoption Agencies (SAAs) majorly due to unsafe abandonments which exposed them to harm like being bitten by animals or asphyxia. Very low birth weight and premature birth were some of the other reasons.

However, there is no report available regarding death of children after their adoption from these agencies, the Ministry of Women and Child Development informed the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday.

The Ministry said that for improving quality child care in Child Care Institutions (CCIs), particularly in SAAs, Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) has been advising the agencies through circulars and through various training and development activities.

Adoption Regulations, 2022, also emphasises on quality child care by the adoption agencies and also mandates Chief Medical Officers for necessary interventions.

Access to origins: from the recognition of a fundamental right to the emergence of new relational categories

Ihe question of access to knowledge of personal origins entered social and political debates a few decades ago in many countries of Europe and North America, concerning adoptive family situations, which became transnational at the end of the XX th century, then families resulting from assisted procreation involving a third party donor. Carried by the claims of movements militant for the rights of people born in secret or abandoned, then by the demands expressed by people conceived by gamete donation, it called upon knowledge in psychology, the opinions of lawyers and the lighting of social sciences while leading to lively societal exchanges and several parliamentary debates. The legislative changes that have occurred in recent decades bear witness to the growing importance recognized in origins in conceptions of identity, but they also lead to new questions about the limits of kinship.

2Based on the case of France, we propose, in this article, to return to the way in which the question of origins was first manifested by issues relating to fundamental rights, linking protection of children and construction of personal identities. , then to consider its effects on the transformations of kinship and its borders, seen from the angle of anthropology. What forms of links can it give rise to, and to what extent do these transform the relational environment of the people concerned?

(Dis)placed children, adoption and origins

The 2002 law and the CNAOP

3In France, as in the United States a little earlier, claims for access to personal origins emerged in the field of abandoned childhood and adoption during the last decades of the 20th century . They echo old situations: the history of Public Assistance traces the secrets and silences imposed on foster children

79 children died in specialised adoption agencies from April-December 2022

There is no report available regarding death of children after their adoption from these agencies: Centre

A total of 79 children have died between April to December, 2022, in Specialised Adoption Agencies (SAAs) majorly due to unsafe abandonments which exposed them to harm like being bitten by animals or asphyxia. Very low birth weight and premature birth were some of the other reasons.

However, there is no report available regarding death of children after their adoption from these agencies, the Ministry of Women and Child Development informed the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday.

The Ministry said that for improving quality child care in Child Care Institutions (CCIs), particularly in SAAs, Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) has been advising the agencies through circulars and through various training and development activities.

Adoption Regulations, 2022, also emphasises on quality child care by the adoption agencies and also mandates Chief Medical Officers for necessary interventions.

Binnenlands geadopteerden vragen meer aandacht: ’Maak haast met het onderzoek naar de praktijk van afstand en adoptie. Straks ka

Binnenlands geadopteerden vragen meer aandacht: ’Maak haast met het onderzoek naar de praktijk van afstand en adoptie. Straks kan het niet meer’

Domestic adoptees demand more attention: 'Hurry up with research into the practice of distance and adoption. Soon it won't be possible anymore

Domestic distance children are beating the drum, in the wake of the distance mothers who have been doing so for some time. The distance children hope that research into the practice of distance and adoption will be speeded up in the years 1956 to 1984, the years in which more than 15,000 children were adopted.

Commissioned by the Ministry of Justice, a study is being conducted into the practice of renunciation and adoption in the Netherlands between 1956 (the adoption of the Adoption Act) and 1984 (the implementation of the Abortion Act). In those years, 15,290 babies were given up immediately after birth and later adopted, according to the report 'Strapped in the hinges of time' from 2017 by the Scientific Research and Documentation Center.

Developmental delays

Our Adoption Story

Our adoption story begins around May 1997, we wondered if our family could have another girl. A baby didn't seem to fit into the age chain, because our son Björn was already 10 years old at that time. That's how we came up with the idea of ??adoption, and adoption didn't pose the risk that it could end up being a boy. Because my wish (Peter) was another daughter, but it should be 2. More on that later. After a while we both made up our minds.

So our way led us to our youth welfare office. The social worker was very nice and helpful. So we submitted the adoption application and our adoption suitability report should also be prepared quite quickly.

But there was also disillusionment: Adopting even an older child in Germany is almost hopeless.

Some time later she visited us to get to know us and our home better.

It was here that the question of "foreign adoption" came up for the first time. She reported from the ISD in Frankfurt.