
Compensation on the way to six living Greenlanders who were sent to Denmark in 1951

The state has entered into a settlement in a lawsuit brought by the six people.

In 1951, 22 Greenlandic children were temporarily sent to Denmark as part of a social experiment. The intention was to give them a Danish background and language as well as a better life. But as the experiment progressed, it also came to be about the children being able to return to Greenland to form a vanguard for the development in Greenland.

In December 2020, the Prime Minister gave an official apology for the failures the children were exposed to.

In December 2021, the six people sued the state because they believed that the move, among other things, was a violation of their right to private and family life.

Now the six people will each be paid a compensation of DKK 250,000 after the state has reached a settlement in the case.

Compensation on the way to six living Greenlanders who were sent to Denmark in 1951



The state has entered into a settlement in a lawsuit brought by the six people.

In 1951, 22 Greenlandic children were temporarily sent to Denmark as part of a social experiment. The intention was to give them a Danish background and language as well as a better life. But as the experiment progressed, it also came to be about the children being able to return to Greenland to form a vanguard for the development in Greenland.

In December 2020, the Prime Minister gave an official apology for the failures the children were exposed to.

Queensland parliament to investigate establishing sperm, egg and embryo donor register

A state parliamentary inquiry will consider whether a government donor conception register should be established to give Queenslanders conceived through donated sperm, eggs or embryos access to information about their donors.

Key points:

Attorney-General says a register could help donor-conceived people better understand their origins and manage their health

Queensland advocate argues for a retrospective scheme

IVF doctor says the more complex and bureaucratic the system is, the more there could be growth in underground unregulated sperm donations

Local group working to get more orphans out of Ukraine

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (WAFF) - An Alabama organization called Bridges of Faith is racing against war to help children in Ukraine. Volunteers are on the ground, working through chaos and mounting tension to give a group of orphans a better life.

Dr. Tom Benz, president of the Bridges of Faith exchange program based in Chilton County, has been involved in Ukraine for the past 25 years. He knows all too well that orphans are often left behind in dire times and said his team is committed to rescuing as many kids as possible.

Bridges of Faith has its roots in the late 1990s when Benz first began going to eastern Europe. He was a regional director for the International Bible Society and placed in a Ukrainian orphanage.

“The children have never let go of my heart,” Benz said. “In two years I had spun off from the bible society and formed the roots of what is now Bridges of Faith. I’ve spent chunks of my life in Ukraine with kids, working to bring them here. For me, I feel like it’s an outworking of my faith.”

In 2007, Bridges of Faith acquired a 140-acre retreat center in Chilton County for Ukrainian orphans. About 500 orphans have come to Alabama through the program and nearly 200 have been adopted.

French people of Malian origin file a complaint against an adoption organization

Nine French people born in Mali are filing a complaint against the Rayon de Soleil association for fraud and breach of trust. They accuse the adoption agency of having "circumvented the law" and lied to their families, biological and adoptive.

This Monday, June 8, nine French people of Malian origin filed a complaint with the Paris court for fraud, concealment and breach of trust , against the association Rayon de soleil for foreign children (RSEE) and their correspondent in Mali, Danielle Boudault, reveals Le Monde .

Falsified identity papers

What alarmed the nine plaintiffs, aged around 30, were first of all the inconsistencies around their identity papers. Pauline, interviewed by France 3 , shows that her date of birth on her different adoption papers differs.

For her part, Marie M., aged 32, realizes by consulting the archives in Mali concerning her adoption, that her civil status information corresponds to that of a man, aged the same age as her. "His adoptive mother was asked to choose his date of birth, there is 'blanco' on official documents " adds La Croix about his adoption.

Blood connection isn't everything

We are the happy parents of two happy intercountry adopted children (Columbia, 1971 and Brazil, 1973). Two more families with excellent intercountry adoptions (Brazil and Sri Lanka) live in our neighborhood. Our objection to the opinion article End Adoption(15/2) is twofold. First of all, it radiates an overvaluation of the blood ties. The lack of these does not in any way stand in the way of a happy life together (marriage between two strangers, successful adoption and foster family situations). What's even more disturbing is that in all the publications devoted to this topic, only the negative results have received attention. To our knowledge, no proper research into successful adoptions has been done. As long as that doesn't happen: don't throw the baby out with the bathwater and keep the option of (intercountry) adoption.

Octa and Ernst Raaymakers



International Adoption Reform - Law to reform adoption comes into force

Prohibition of individual adoptions

Individual international adoptions are prohibited . This provision is immediately applicable.

Henceforth, all candidates for adoption holding approval, a mandatory prerequisite for any process, must be accompanied by an organization authorized for adoption (OAA) or by the French Adoption Agency (AFA) in their international adoption procedures, including in the case of intra-family adoptions.

A derogation is provided for candidates for adoption holding an authorization valid on February 22, 2022 (date of publication of the law), and whose adoption file has been registered with the Mission of the international adoption (MAI) no later than August 22, 2022 (within six months after the promulgation of the law).

If you find yourself in this situation, the MAI invites you to register as soon as possible .


Fatmeh (24) was born in Bethlehem. When her biological parents find out that she has Epidermolysis Bullosa (also known as butterfly disease) , they give her up for adoption to Dutch foster parents.

“I used to think: why did my parents drop me in a children's hospital. But afterwards I am very grateful to them for that," says Fatmeh in Je Zal Het Maar Hebbben .


“My biological parents saw that something was wrong and they didn't know what to do with it,” says Fatmeh. “Then they asked another organization if they could take care of me.” When she was almost two years old, a Dutch couple took her into their family.

Due to her illness, Fatmeh is deficient in proteins. This makes her skin extremely vulnerable and open wounds can arise out of nowhere. She has to be bandaged from head to toe every day to prevent infections, with the only exceptions being her neck and head.

Defence for Children International (DCI)

Defence for Children International (DCI)

Defence for Children International (DCI) is a leading international, non-government organisation, focussing on child rights.

Founded in 1979, DCI has been promoting and protecting children’s rights at the global, national and regional level for over 40 years.

DCI’s mandate is to ensure the effective implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child everywhere.

DCI’s vision is that children, as human beings, are able to pursue a life in which they can enjoy their human rights with dignity, in a just and responsible society.

NO KIDDING My terminally ill sister has asked me to adopt her three kids – people think I’m selfish for refusing but it’s MY lif

NO KIDDING My terminally ill sister has asked me to adopt her three kids – people think I’m selfish for refusing but it’s MY life

PICTURE the scene - you've barely spoken to your sister in 10 years when she gets in contact to say she's suffering with a terminal illness.

And if that wasn't a big bombshell, she's also asking you to legally adopt her three kids - who you've never met - when she passes away.

If you found yourself in this scenario, would you A. agree to anything she asks out of sympathy or B. put your own happiness first?

Well one woman who is facing this dilemma in real life has sparked fierce debate online after admitting she's opted for the latter option.