
Develop instead of phasing out support for adoptees and their families!

The government has been clear that it wants to promote the mental health of children and young people and announced in the spring amendment budget for 2017 an investment of SEK 100 million extra for this.

The Social Services Act also states that the municipality has a special responsibility for children who have been adopted.

But now the activities at the Erica Foundation are threatened as Stockholm County Council has decided not to extend the choice of care. The same applies to Duvnäs' parental support, open the Spira preschool and Resurscentrum when the City of Stockholm wants to save money.

Good businesses must be developed, not wound up! The knowledge and expertise on adoption issues that has been built up over many years is invaluable and should rather be more widely disseminated in the form of a national resource center. The activities show that it is possible to provide adoptees and their families with qualified support and professional help.

If you want to show how important these activities are for adoptees and their families with demands that the activities be developed instead of being wound up, sign this name collection today!

DCI / Margaret Tuite

DCI Belgium \ Structure and team

Structure and team


Benoît Van Keirsbilck

Benoît Van Keirsbilck

Man booked by Mumbai cops 2 years ago for ‘purchasing child’ approaches Delhi HC for streamlining adoption process

In 2018, the Mumbai Police had rescued six children, claiming they were sold by their biological parents to couples looking to adopt children through middlemen, including staffers of hospitals and fertility clinics

A MAN booked by Mumbai Police two years ago for allegedly purchasing a child has approached the Delhi High Court, seeking to make the legal adoption procedures comprehensible and stating that he fell victim to the illegal adoption process and faced separation from his son.

In 2018, the Mumbai Police had rescued six children, claiming they were sold by their biological parents to couples looking to adopt children through middlemen, including staffers of hospitals and fertility clinics. The man, a Delhi resident, had claimed that he was fooled into believing that he was adopting a nine-year-old boy through a legal adoption process and that many like him fall for the “lies of touts who offer adoption through illegal ways”.

Last year, a civil court in Mumbai granted him and four other couples the legal custody of the rescued children, who spent over a year in an adoption centre.

Following this, the man found an organisation named Yathartha Foundation to create awareness about the adoption process, in a bid to ensure that others like him do not fall prey. In the petition before the Delhi High Court through this Foundation, the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development, National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) and others have been named as respondents. The petition seeks that the legal adoption process should be made lucid and comprehensible and awareness should be created among masses with regard to “rampant illegal adoptions in the country”.

They saw themselves as progressive - and sexually exploited children

A study examines how supposedly progressive networks in Berlin sexually abused children from the 1970s to the 1990s. Pedophile homosexuals and left-wing autonomous projects were involved. A look into human abysses.

I.ngo Fock doesn't want to tell so much about himself that day. “I am a contemporary witness and a victim, but my story is actually only exemplary. So it shouldn't be the focus today, ”he says. Just so much: he too suffered abuse in a so-called pedophile circle of friends. Later also sexual violence, on the children's line at the Bahnhof Zoo in Berlin.

Today's chairman of the “Against Abuse” association spoke more intensively about this time with the “Fluter” magazine. About how he, the neglected separation child, between the ages of seven and 13, was abused and passed around by an acquaintance of his mother's. Nude photos, stroking, kissing, oral sex, anal sex - Fock suffered all of this. Then the children's stroke. When he was 13 years old, he was too old for men.

"It was completely normal for children to run around naked on the street in Berlin-Kreuzberg," says Ingo Fock, who as a child was himself a victim of abuse in the capital

"It was completely normal for children to run around naked on the street in Berlin-Kreuzberg," says Ingo Fock, who as a child was himself a victim of abuse in the capital

Julienne Mpemba: "There has never been child theft"

Main accused in the case of alleged fraud in the adoption of Congolese children, the Belgian-Congolese lawyer, Julienne Mpemba, breaks the silence and delivers, for the first time, her version of the facts to the media. And this, a week after his dismissal in correctional by the Chamber of advice of Dinant. For Ms. Pemba, this is a fabricated case, because there has never been any child theft and the investigation has never proven otherwise. ACTUALITE.CD publishes below, the entire interview with the Director of the TUMAINI Orphanage.

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by Taboola

Israel offers compensation to families of missing children

Jerusalem, Feb 22 (AP) The Israeli government on Monday approved a plan to offer USD 50 million in compensation to the families of hundreds of Yemenite children who disappeared in the early years of the country''s establishment.

But the announcement received a cool reception from advocacy groups that said the government had failed to apologize or accept responsibility for the affair.

Stories about the missing children have circulated in Israel for years. Hundreds of newborn babies and young children of Jewish immigrants from Arab and Balkan countries, most of them from Yemen, mysteriously disappeared shortly after arriving in the country.

Many families believe their children were taken away and given to childless couples of European backgrounds, both in Israel and abroad. Although previous inquiries have dismissed claims of mass abductions, the suspicions have lingered and contributed to a long-simmering fault line between Jews of European origin and those of Middle Eastern backgrounds.

“This is among the most painful affairs in the history of the state of Israel,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. “The time has come for the families whose infants were taken from them to receive recognition by the state and government of Israel, and financial compensation as well.”

Jenny was adopted illegally: "Was shocked when I found out"

Children have been adopted away to Sweden against the wishes of their biological parents. Jenny Wirgart was told as an adult that she was one of the children who were abducted illegally from Chile. "I have tried to deal with all my life that I was unwanted, now I would deal with this as well," she says.


Interview. Julienne Mpemba: "There has never been a theft of children"

Main defendant in the case of alleged fraud in the adoption of Congolese children, the Belgian-Congolese lawyer, Julienne Mpemba, delivers, for the first time, her version of the facts to a media, a few days after her dismissal in correctional ( criminal court) by the Dinant Council Chamber. For her, it is a completely fabricated affair, because there has never been any theft of children and the investigation has never proven the slightest theft of children.

Le Courrier de Kinshasa: You are the main defendant in a case of alleged theft of children in Congo to have them adopted in Belgium and you have just been referred to the correctional court, therefore before a criminal court. Could you summarize the substance of this case for us?

Julienne Mpemba : First, I deny all the charges against me and I reject them altogether. There have never been any child thefts. Indeed, I have just been returned to correctional in this case where there were ten accused. At the level of the rules of procedure, my lawyers and I had seen fit not to fight at the level of the Council Chamber. I was impatiently awaiting a referral to corrections, because I want to go and explain myself to the trial judge. I was therefore not surprised by this referral to correctional, given that I never asked for the case to be dismissed. My strategy was not to fight in front of the Council Chamber in order not to reveal my defense strategy.

LCK: You reject the charges, but what are the reasons for which you are being prosecuted?

JM: If I have to lay out all the reasons, we could spend 48 hours discussing. I am currently in the process of writing a book on this case, in particular on the genesis of this assembly and the way in which all my rights were disregarded. There was never any child theft and the investigation never proved that there was child theft.

Julienne Mpemba: This prescription that satisfies

Julienne Mpemba and her lawyers will perhaps finally face the trial judge in a few months in the case of alleged "fraud in the adoption of Congolese children" charged to the Belgian-Congolese by the Belgian justice. So decided on February 16, the council chamber of Dinant. Nine other people, civil servants of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, cited in this file have benefited from a dismissal.

The prospect of appearing before the criminal court suits Julienne Mpemba and her lawyers, who are calm. The case dates back to 2015. Director of the "Tumaini" Orphanage, Julienne Mpemba is asking 8 Belgian couples who have adopted Congolese children to pay the arrears they owe to the Orphanage to ensure the work of childcare workers. and by extension, the good supervision of the 22 other children. While she was within her rights, the sky fell on the director of "Tumaini". Michel Lastchenko, head of the Belgian diplomatic mission in Kinshasa at the time of the events, joins the dance. The Belgian diplomat alerted the Congolese authorities, including the then Minister of Justice, Alexis Thambwe Mwamba. At the request of the Belgian Ambassador,

Quickly, we move from words to deeds. A team of 7 agents (four Congolese policemen and three elements of the security of the Belgian Embassy) will burst into her home, to her great surprise, provided with a warrant to bring doubled that of search. Léon Nema Lemba (Papa Molière), was at that time with Mrs. Mpemba, attended the scene which he also filmed. The investigators sent to Julienne Mpemba had been given the task of finding the children adopted by Belgian parents... The latter was surprised to find that the Belgian agents of the Belgian embassy could afford this in the DRC.

She will be arrested and imprisoned for two days at the Kinshasa-Gombe High Court prosecutor's office. It didn't stop there. She was ordered to hand over the children to the Ambassador in defiance of the work of an entire Congolese team. While the Belgian parents of these children still refused to reimburse the costs of the Orphanage. The Wallonia-Brussels Federation imposed on Ms. Mpemba a sum that did not cover the costs of the children at the orphanage and, moreover, the orphanage was also indebted.


The wait to adopt a child got longer amid pandemic

The outbreak of the pandemic in March had brought the adoption process to a standstill for several reasons – lack of information, closure of courts and fear of contracting the infection

The ongoing pandemic has left prospective parents (PPs), hoping to adopt a child, in uncertainty.

The outbreak of the pandemic in March had brought the adoption process to a standstill for several reasons – lack of information, closure of courts and fear of contracting the infection. These reasons refrained PPs from approaching adoption centres.

After being halted for April and May 2020 owing to the Covid-19 outbreak, the process of adoptions – considered lengthy and tedious – restarted in June. Since then, 437 children have been adopted domestically and internationally in the state.

Of these 378 were adopted by domestic applicants, while 59 children were adopted by international applicants between June and December last year, data provided by the State Adoption Resource Agency (SARA) stated. During the financial year 2019-20, 539 children were adopted domestically, while 69 were adopted internationally in Maharashtra.