
The newborn trafficking racket (West Bengal)

The newborn trafficking racket

(DNA - Gajanan Nirphale)



ANVIT SRIVASTAVA | Sat, 19 Aug 2017-08:05am , New Delhi , DNA

New software to greatly improve monitoring of children in care

New software to greatly improve monitoring of children in care

Friday, August 18, 2017

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State Minister for Education, Youth and Information Floyd Green (seated left) navigating the newly developed Social and Health Management software (SOHEMA) – Child Case Management System — during the launch Wednesday at the Child Development Agency (CDA) headquarters in downtown Kingston. Developed by Canadian software development company, Avocette, the software allows childprotection officers to upload and track cases of children who are registered in the child protection system. Seated (from second left) are Acting Mission Director for the United States Agency for International Development Rebecca Robinson, and Chief Executive Officer of Avocette Scott Ross. In the background (from left) are system administrator for the CDA, George Bowes; project integration manager for Avocette, Cathy Deluca and chief executive Officer for the CDA, Rosalee Gage-Grey. (Photo: JIS)

GOVERNMENT is streamlining services within the child protection sector with the launch of the Child Case Management System (CCMS), incorporating the Social and Health Management (SOHEMA) software.

Search for ‘dead’ child raises disturbing questions

Search for ‘dead’ child raises disturbing questions

August 16, 201710 Min Read

ESTHER Katongo (left) and Sikwela.

Web Editor

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Search for ‘dead’ child raises disturbing questions

ESTHER Katongo (left) and Sikwela.

Web Editor

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IT IS only a very special circumstance that would make a man want to pursue an issue for as long as a decade, and in the case of one Zambian man, that circumstance involves his 10-year-old son whom he last saw as a three-month-old baby.

Bombay High Court Adharashram vs Raymond Micallef,Maltese And Anr ... on 16 August, 2017 Bench: Rajesh G. Ketkar

Bombay High Court

Adharashram vs Raymond Micallef,Maltese And Anr ... on 16 August, 2017

Bench: Rajesh G. Ketkar



Founder, CEO, and Employee of International Adoption Guides (IAG) Sentenced for Adoption Fraud Schemes

U.S. Attorneys » District of South Carolina » News


Department of Justice

U.S. Attorney’s Office

District of South Carolina

Balkan Mining Tycoon Arrested for Alleged Graft

Billionaire Benjamin Steinmetz, the owner of two iron and gold mining companies in the Balkans, who is wanted by anti-graft prosecutors in Romania, has been arrested in Israel for alleged money laundering.

Israeli billionaire Benjamin Steinmetz, who has strong business ties to the Balkans, was detained for questioning alongside three other businessmen on Monday for allegedly using fake contracts to move and launder money in connection with an iron-mining operation in Guinea.

The homes and offices of some of the men were raided by law enforcement officers on Monday morning, according to Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

One of Steinmetz’s associates, political advisor Tal Silberstein, who was close to former Romanian president Traian Basescu, former Prime Minister Adrian Nastase and former Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu, is also among the detained businessmen, according to Israeli media.

Silberstein has also advised politicians in Austria.

Fwd: FB chat Sue walter

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Arun Dohle" <arundohle@gmail.com>
Date: 14 Aug 2017 12:47
Subject: FB chat Sue walter
To: <infoagainstchildtrafficking@gmail.com>


Hi Arun, I hope it's OK to write a private message. I am not sure of your connection with adoptions, or if you were adopted. I was very surprised that you mentioned the abortion aspect to the group. While this is true, I have never seen it written down before and I am very concerned about the adoptees and how this may affect them. I have struggled for many years wondering how to say this to them and not traumatize them. I was just curious about your thoughts on this. Now that it's out there, I will address it on the general feed.

Du hast Sues Anfrage angenommen.

Sue Walter

I was the first person with IMH to go to the nursing home looking for abandoned children. I cannot describe in words the shock and horror that there were live birth abortions going on. These babies literally laid there and died until we came along. It was so shocking and unbelievable; our only focus was to save their lives and give them homes. Initially, we did not think about the birth -mothers and their presumptions; although The babies were in the same room with the women in process of having an abortion, and they did see us take the babies. I left, and I'm not certain of the date, but the mothers did start signing releases at some point.


I m adopted

and run











CRIB – Connected Roots of India – The Backbone Are you an Indian adoptee in search for answers about your adoption, your story, and your Indian roots? Are you looking for your Indian family? Wondering if they can be traced? We were in the same #crib and, thanks to intercountry adoption, our identiti...



where are the release forms you mention ?

thanks for contacting me 🙂

if you google my name

there is all out about me

Sue Walter

I am happy to hear there are people like you who are actively trying to prevent trafficking. I can only say and you can believe it or not, that was never our intention. I have only heard of the releases, but was no longer in India when that happened.


i started with my own search

then set up

Sue Walter

Do you feel most adoptees no of the abortion attempts?




Against Child Trafficking Inter-country adoption is a legalised form of child trafficking

Against Child Trafficking Since 2008, ACT (Against Child Trafficking) provides the evidence that inter-country adoption is a legalised form of child trafficking. ACT is critical of the Hague Adoption Convention as it results in a legalised market in children (see Perverse Effects of the Hague Conven...



i don't understand


you meant " know"

not " no"

got it

Those to whom that happened

will know

every cell in their bodies

might remember

even if not conscious

Trauma goes deep

i believe one can deal with it

once one consciously knows

Sue Walter

I agree that at some level children now; however it's another to have it pointed out to them. We shall see if there are any post about this being a true Maddock realization. We did place children in India, but there weren't enough Indian families who wish to adopt. I have had many discussions especially with older children. I only know our motive was to save lives and hopefully enrich them.

Sue Walter

I have wanted to share this information, but was always afraid to. Maybe it's good that we've had this conversation and it will help others.



I ll be straightforward honest

i want every little peace of paper

related to this

if we cannot find back the mothers

i want a CBI investigation

i believe you

about. your motive

However some people may have had other motives

i m not grumpy about the past

however all #cribmates should be able to know the full truth

and be able to know their original identities

Let me be straight

i d appreciate an affidavit from you


are you 100 %

sure, that it were abortions ,?

not that the mother's were told something else ,? their babies died ,?

who translated for you ?

Sue Walter

I do not have any documentation- here's what I know: I went in to the nursing home and asked for abandoned babies. They brought me into a room where there were four very tiny babies laying in one small crib. There was a row of about 10 women laying in beds having induced labor. The nurses said to choose one. I said I couldn't choose just one. They took me back to see Dr. Chatterjee and he said I could take all of them. Three of them we're about 3 pounds and one was 1.5 pounds. We had difficulty even finding a hospital that would care for them; we were not yet set up to do so at that time. We found a place; two of them survived two did not. I was so traumatized I could not return. I have not read all of your information, but I personally see a big difference between trafficking children and helping abandoned children find homes.


I d be traumatised like you


So i do understand

There's s a full documentary

one of many

Then you may better get to know me

Sue Walter

I would like to see the documentary. The women who wrote the article for the London newspaper, came over, stayed with us, cried with us when babies died. Shared their admiration for us in bringing these babies in and trying to save their lives. They then went back and wrote a horrible article, and left out all the good things. I trusted them, so now I'm a little leery.




Manufactured Orphans

Nearly 90% of the estimated 143 million children in orphanages worldwide are not orphans at all. They are systematically bought, coerced, and stolen away from their birth families. The adoption industry is a huge market driven by money where orphans are ‘manufactured’. 



I m off to bed

almost 2am here

in India


catch up soon

and thanks for contacting


Structural Neglect in Orphanages: Physical Growth, Cognition, and Daily Life of Young Institutionalized Children in India

In this chapter we present our study in an orphanage in India. We examined physical growth and cognitive development in 37 young children (1–6 years; mean age 35 months) and conducted time use observations in a subsample of 20 toddlers (mean age 25 months). In the time use procedure, spot observations focused on toddlers’ daily life experiences. Each child was observed on 1 day during 5 h, once every 10 min, resulting in 31 observations per child. Our findings show that more than a third to half of the children had severe growth delays (underweight, stunted growth, or microcephaly). Their mean developmental quotient (DQ) was 68, with 61% of the children showing a severe delay in cognitive development (DQ < 70). Follow-up assessments revealed that there was no catch-up in physical and cognitive development after more than a year of institutionalization. The time use observations showed that the toddlers did not interact with caregivers or peers most of the time (80%). Based on our findings and convergent evidence from comparable studies, we conclude that children’s daily life experiences in orphanages should be qualified as structural neglect, resulting in profound developmental delays. Placement in (foster or adoptive) family care is necessary to break the cycle of sustained traumatization and to enable the children to recover from their developmental delays.


Institutional care Orphanage India Physical growth Cognitive development Time use Developmental delays

(…) the more the social environment in which a human child is reared deviates from the environment of evolutionary adaptedness (which is probably father, mother, and siblings in a social environment comprising grandparents and a limited number of other known families) the greater will be the risk of his developing maladaptive patterns of social behavior.

Bowlby (1982, p. 166).

IAG Officials Sentenced

August 11, 2017

IAG Officials Sentenced

The three defendants from International Adoption Guides were sentenced yesterday: Mary Mooney got 18 months in prison. James Harding got 12 months in prison. Alisa Bivens got probation. All had pled guilty to the charges of fraud, bribery, and corruption brought against them by the US Justice department; the crimes all involved Ethiopian adoptions. Many families, in the US and in Ethiopia, were harmed by IAG.

In addition, the three defendants have been ordered to pay restitution. The court will be contacting the victims individually with the restitution calculations.

The three were sentenced yesterday by Judge David Norton in South Carolina district court. It is unclear when Mooney and Harding will begin their prison terms.