
Family First Act, Proposed Overhaul of IV-E, Dies as Senate Adjourns

Family First Act, Proposed Overhaul of IV-E, Dies as Senate Adjourns

by John Kelly September 29, 2016

The U.S. Senate adjourned this afternoon, and in doing so ended any chance for the Family First Prevention Services Act of 2016, a bill that would have dramatically altered the federal IV-E entitlement, the largest conduit of funds to states for child welfare services.

Family First was conceived of by Senate Finance Committee leaders Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), and paired two legislative objectives: increasing federal investment in services aimed at preventing the need for foster care, and curbing federal spending on congregate care.

Wyden and Hatch negotiated a bill with House Ways and Means leadership that used a delay in new federal spending on adoption assistance to make the act a cost-neutral proposition. Ways and Means marked Family First up in June, and it passed in the House the next week.

Fwd: one more serbia story - THE PROCEDURE OF ADOPTION OF THE CHILD CONTINUES The Swedes are still given a boy from Zrenjanin

The Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans' Affairs and Social Affairs announced that the procedure of this adoption will be continued, because "based on monitoring the course of mutual adjustment of the child and potential adopters, it was assessed that concrete adoption is in his best interest."

- The interest of the child and respect for the law is the only thing that the competent institutions are guided by, and public pressure cannot have an influence on that - the ministry announced. They accused the child's foster parent of obstructing the process.

Serbian children are adopted by foreigners

The Ministry states that about 10 percent of all children eligible for adoption in Serbia are adopted by foreigners, and that Sweden and the United States are in the lead. During the last 10 years:

- 60 children went to Sweden

THE DESTINY OF THE ADOPTED BOY SHOOK ENTIRE SERBIA: People will go on the streets because of him!

THE DESTINY OF THE ADOPTED BOY SHOOK ENTIRE SERBIA: People will go on the streets because of him!

The law requires a minimum of one year searching for adoptive parents in Serbia, and then the child can go to a foreign adoption

De?ak pla?e

Foto-ilustracija: Profimedia/imageBROKER

A protest will be held today in Zrenjanin for taking the fire year old boy from a foster family. This story shook entire Serbia, because it all happened suddenly, in three days.

BOY TAKEN FROM THE FOSTER MOTHER, took her baby and gave it to strangers!

Google translation

BOY TAKEN FROM THE FOSTER MOTHER, took her baby and gave it to strangers!

Author: Radmila Briza | 28/09/2016. 10:36 - 09/28/2016. 12:25

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Vu?i? has begun and our children to sell to foreigners! (Child has sibling/parents)

Highlights of Serbia

28 September 2016.

Dev?irme: Vu?i? has begun and our children to sell to foreigners!

Author: editor

In the city on Begej protest today because of the seizure of the five-year children from foster families. It all happened at the gap to three days, says its host. Ljiljana under the law for years, can not adopt a child

More children being adopted within Nepal than by foreigners

More children being adopted within Nepal than by foreigners

September 26, 2016 00:30 AM Gyanu Sapkota


More children being adopted within Nepal than by foreigners

KATHMANDU, Sept 25: The number of Nepali children being adopted by couples within the country is higher than those being adopted by foreign couples.

Look at adoption in Hungary

For several years now, children from Hungary have been adopted in the Netherlands through the Dutch Adoption Foundation (NAS). In order to get a better picture of this adoptive country, two employees of the Adoption Services, Zindzi Folmer and Annemarie Vernooij, traveled to Hungary in the spring of 2016 to take a look at homes and schools. In this article, they describe some of the information they gathered along the way on their work trip.

During our stay in Hungary we visited, among other things, the child protection services in various provinces and the Central Authority in Budapest. We also visited a children's home and met a foster family.

Reception within the province

The entire system of child protection, adoption, foster care and guardianship matters is provincially regulated in Hungary. There are nineteen provinces. If a child is placed out of home, it is first taken care of in foster care within the province. Even if the child later qualifies for adoption, adoptive parents are initially sought within this province before a nationwide search is made for suitable parents. An advantage of this system is that child protection officers personally know all the children in their province, as well as the foster parents and prospective adoptive parents in the area. Matching is therefore not only based on a paper file, but also on the basis of personal contact.

In Hungary, the stability of the living environment of children is of paramount importance. Children stay in the same place for a long time and ideally do not experience transfers after the out-of-home placement until they go back to the biological family or are adopted. If this is not possible due to an extra care need (for example because a specialist lives too far away), this will be deviated from. But the policy is that children stay in one place and, in principle, always with a foster family. Many children who are adopted are therefore first able to build a bond with their foster parents.

The Council of Europe forced Serbia to finally solve the problem of missing babies


The Council of Europe forced Serbia to finally solve the problem of missing babies

Nataša Latkovi? | 25th 09. 2016-07: 35h

| Comments: 24

The law on missing babies, which insists Council of Europe, should be adopted in early October, at the next regular session of the Assembly of Serbia, 'Blic' learns.

Reynders bespreekt adopties met Oegandese president

Reynders bespreekt adopties met Oegandese president



Door: redactie

23/09/16 - 06u47 Bron: Belga

Children of All Nations supports work of Child Advocacy Program with $250,000 gift

Children of All Nations supports work of Child Advocacy Program with $250,000 gift

September 23, 2016

Teaching & Learning

Child and Advocacy Program Faculty Director Elizabeth Bartholet '65, HLS Dean Martha Minow, Children of All Nations President and CEO Snow Wu, and Boston College Associate Professor of Law Paulo Barrozo S.J.D. ’09

Credit: Lorin Granger