
Two-week deadline to clear pending adoption cases

Two-week deadline to clear pending adoption cases


New Delhi, Sept. 6: Maneka Gandhi has asked states to ensure that cases of orphaned or abandoned children pending with child welfare committees are cleared for adoption within a fortnight.

Sources said there were as many as 10,000 prospective adoptive parents (PAPs) awaiting a call from the women and child development ministry but only 1,500 children with the Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) legally free for adoption.

"The problem is that while there are huge numbers of PAPs waiting to adopt, CARA has only 1,500 children in its pool for adoption. We have realised that many cases of orphaned and abandoned children are pending with child welfare committees (CWCs), which are delaying certifying them legally free for adoption," said a source in the women and child development ministry.

Zes Oegandese kinderen mogen eindelijk met hun adoptieouders naar België vertrekken

Zes Oegandese kinderen mogen eindelijk met hun adoptieouders naar België vertrekken



Door: redactie

3/09/16 - 09u46 Bron: Belga

(Uganda) Affaires consulaires: Reynders appelle les politiques à la retenue dans les cas délicats

Affaires consulaires: Reynders appelle les politiques à la retenue dans les cas délicats

Accueil Toute l'actualité en direct Régions - samedi 3 septembre 2016 19h30 - Belga

Le ministre des Affaires étrangères, Didier Reynders, a appelé samedi les responsables politiques à tout niveau à faire preuve de retenue dans certaines affaires consulaires délicates, comme des adoptions d'enfants, pour ne faire échouer au dernier moment des médiations menées en coulisses.

"Que les politiques fassent preuve de discrétion" et attendent "que le dossier soit finalement réglé" avant de s'exprimer, a-t-il déclaré à quelques journalistes dans l'avion qui le ramenait d'une réunion européenne à Bratislava en faisant référence à quelques cas récents, comme l'arrestation d'une étudiante belge d'origine turque Bilen Ceyran à Balikesir (nord-ouest de la Turquie) qui a été libérée jeudi après six jours de détention.

M. Reynders (MR) a insisté sur "la volonté d'aider" les ressortissants belges à l'étranger qui existe aux Affaires étrangères, via leur réseau consulaire.

Adoption body plans immediate placement of selected children

Adoption body plans immediate placement of selected children

Press Trust of India | New Delhi Sep 01, 2016 03:48 PM IST

If you want to adopt a child but are wary of the protracted process, there is some good news for you as the national adoption body plans to facilitate "immediate placement" of selected children, so parents can take home a child in three months.

The children available for quicker adoption will include older children (more than 5-6 years of age), those with minor medical ailments but who do not fall under "special needs" category and children who have been referred several times to prospective parents through Child Adoption Resource Information and Guidance System or CARINGS but have not found a family.


FBI informed Polish Agency about the abused child, Polish prosecutor not informed

Already in September, the US police announced the fate of the girl's adoptive National Center for Children's Friends Association - this, however, decided not to inform about the situation or Polish prosecutor's office nor the relevant ministry, also continued cooperation with the US Agency EAC.



I haven't slept for several days now. But not because of June's short nights. Because I learned some details of a terrible story that falls under the definition of the genocide of the Russian people. Of the 1260 children taken from Russia to Italy, Russian investigators found only five adopted. And where is everyone else?

At one time, Nadezhda Fratti (Shchelgacheva) was accused of fraudulently taking 1,260 Russian children to Italy for adoption. And where is this Fratti now? Fratty like Frankenstein I ask again: where are all the other children? And I'm not the only one asking. Russian law enforcement agencies have repeatedly sent inquiries about the whereabouts of our children to Italy. According to Nikolai Bichekhvost, an employee of the prosecutor's office of the Volgograd region, while the trials of N. Fratti were going on in Russia, an international order was prepared: to check the fate of every child living in Italy. Vasily Goshchuk, deputy head of the investigative department of the Volgograd region, adds:

- We were waiting for documents from Italy, where for each of the Volgograd adopted children, officially confirmed information should be provided that the children are alive. But they never answered us.

Volgograd investigators were not given a business trip to Italy. Moscow investigators went there with an inspection. Who found footprints of five children. Five out of one thousand two hundred and sixty.

Meanwhile, the world, tired of sensational revelations such as the fact that the Roman surgeon Raffaello Cortesini performed hundreds of secret kidney transplants, learned something else about "blessed" Italy. Moreover, from the lips of the Minister of the Interior of Italy itself, Roberto Maroni. The minister revealed the bitter truth not in a newspaper interview, but at UNICEF's annual assembly in Rome:

Reducing Sexual Violence against Children, with special attention for sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism, in 25 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East

  Terre des Hommes TdH Netherlands and Terre des Hommes International Secretariat (International Federation) in Geneva have supported the consultancy and expert meeting which will lead to the publication of the report of the UNSR on the Sale of Children on illicit adoptions during the Human Rights Council Meeting in March 2017. The draft report is written by consultant Nigel Cantwell. An expert meeting was held on 19-20 September 2016 to verify the findings and discuss the outcomes and recommendations. The expert meeting was organised by Terre des Hommes Netherlands staff in cooperation with the University of Leiden.61 The expert meeting was attended by UNSR Ms. Maud de Boer-Buquicchio as well as a number of international experts on (illegal) adoption, such as David Smolin, Claire Achmad, Hans van Loon, Laura Martinez, Sarah Guebreyes (African Child Policy Forum), Bernadette Babejo (Philippines Central Authority), Carolina Pimentel, Nekane Lavin and Dorian Hall. The final report will be published in March 2017.   


René Hoksbergen on adoption and foster care

By: Ranada van Kralingen and Yvonne Fiege


Emeritus professor and adoption expert René Hoksbergen has been approached by her biological parents to assist them in a case of youth care Groningen about the possible return of a seven-year-old girl. In his view, the child can return to her parents, who have since been fully rehabilitated, but youth care Groningen, which in the case is mainly guided by the view of Tonny Weterings (1), opposes this. In this interview, Hoksbergen explains how an outdated view of foster care and adoption care, especially in relation to the often underestimated aspect of the identity of the growing child, can hinder the well-being of the child in the long term.

Problems with adopted children

René Hoksbergen: The core of the matter is that both Femmie Juffer and Tonny Weterings are personally involved in their statements. (2) Juffer is an adoptive mother who obtained her doctorate with me. After that she went to Leiden and unfortunately it all went wrong. She worked together with professor van IJzendoorn, who has now been expelled from the university. As an adoptive mother, she has tried to demonstrate when adopting a foreign child how good that is for the child compared to children who remain in a comparative situation in the country of origin. Now the sad thing about her research and that is what I also blamed Frank Verhulst (3) thirty years ago, that she does not emphasize that if those children come here, all kinds of special problems arise and that we have to help adoptees with that. It does, however, provide information about this in certain analyses, for example, that they need help much more often - there is no other way because that just comes from that and a lot of other research - but how you should deal with those problems and what kind of problems they are, she says. nothing left. She does not come up with a specification of the problems and how to tackle them.

Leiden University and UNICEF Netherlands renew collaboration

On Wednesday, August 24, 2016, Leiden University and UNICEF Netherlands extended the successful collaboration for the next five years. During this period, there will be cooperation on an international children's rights expertise center around the UNICEF Chair in Children's Rights.

This expertise center will focus on fundamental and applied children's rights research and education for students and professionals. The proposed center will make connections between law and other scientific disciplines, nationally and internationally, with law and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as a starting point.

'To make children's rights truly meaningful, scientific research and children's rights education for students and professionals are of the utmost importance. We want to continue working on this in the coming years, together with UNICEF Netherlands," says Professor Ton Liefaard . Jan Bouke Wijbrandi, director of UNICEF Netherlands, adds: 'The collaboration deepens and broadens knowledge about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This is vital for the realization of children's rights in practice, and therefore has a positive impact on the rights and well-being of children – the mission of UNICEF'.

Five years ago, UNICEF Netherlands and the Faculty of Law of Leiden University started an initial five-year collaboration. During this collaboration, the UNICEF Chair in Children's Rights and the part-time chair in Children's Rights in the Developing World were created, the Master in Youth Law and the Master in Advanced Studies in International Children's Rights were launched, and scientific research into the rights of the child has resulted in Dutch and international publications. The annual Summer School Frontiers of Children's Rights has also been realized.

Begium: De politieke strijd achter adoptie in Oeganda

TOM DIEUSAERT | 19 augustus 2016

De politieke strijd achter adoptie in Oeganda

Leestijd: 5 minuten