
Al bijna drie maanden kamperen ouders in Oeganda omdat ze land niet uit kunnen met hun adoptiekinderen

Al bijna drie maanden kamperen ouders in Oeganda omdat ze land niet uit kunnen met hun adoptiekinderen



Door: redactie

3/08/16 - 07u10 Bron: Belga

Vlaams Centrum voor Adoptie bezorgd over 10 adopties uit Oeganda

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Vlaams Centrum voor Adoptie bezorgd over 10 adopties uit Oeganda

3 augustus 2016

Op dit ogenblik verblijven er sinds midden juni 9 ouders voor 10 adoptiekinderen in Oeganda. Deze ouders wachten op een visum om met hun kinderen naar België te kunnen afreizen. 3 gezinnen hoopten maandag al het vliegtuig naar België te kunnen nemen maar omdat de Belgische ambassade het visum niet verleent, konden ze niet vertrekken. 6 andere gezinnen wachten op de afronding van hun dossier in Oeganda, maar vrezen in een gelijkaardig scenario terecht te komen.

Psychological impact of forced adoption

The illegal and unethical forced adoption practices that commonly occurred in Australia through maternity homes, hospitals, adoption agencies and privately from the 1940s through to 1980s has affected thousands of people.

Research shows forced adoption can have long-term psychological impacts ranging from complex and pathological grief and loss to self-identity and attachment issues, anxiety and attachment disorders, personality disorders, and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

In 2012, the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) conducted research into past adoption practices.

More than 1500 people participated in the study, including 823 adopted persons, 505 mothers, 94 adoptive parents, 94 other family members, 12 fathers and 58 service providers.

The study found mothers in labour had been tied to beds or held down while pillows or sheets were held up to obscure any view of their newborn baby.

Eindelijk steun voor geadopteerde Oostenrijkse kinderen

Marco Huiskes. Foto Ronald Hissink

Eindelijk steun voor geadopteerde Oostenrijkse kinderen

APELDOORN - Ongeveer 400 Oostenrijkse kinderen zijn in de jaren 60 en 70 door Nederlanders geadopteerd en ongeveer 100 daarvan kwamen in Apeldoorn terecht.

Redactie 31-07-16, 12:16 Laatste update: 12:46 Bron: destentor

Dat zegt Marco Huiskes (49), zelf ook uit Oostenrijk is geadopteerd als klein kind en in Apeldoorn is opgegroeid.

US Adoption Alert: Ugandan High Court Recall of Guardianship Orders Issued After June 2, 2016

Adoption Alert: Ugandan High Court Recall of Guardianship Orders Issued After June 2, 2016

On July 27, the Ugandan High Court informed the U.S. Embassy in Kampala that it is planning to “recall” for reconsideration guardianship orders issued to non-Ugandans after June 2. June 2 is the effective date of amendments to Uganda’s Children Act, as referenced in the Department’s June 2 and July 6 Adoption Alerts.

The U.S. Embassy in Kampala is seeking clarification from the High Court on the impact of this recall on any guardianships issued after June 2, and to ascertain its possible effects on U.S. citizen prospective adoptive parents currently in the process of seeking guardianship of a child from Uganda.

The Department will provide additional information regarding the Court’s planned recall of these guardianship orders as it becomes available. If you have questions about this notice, please contact the Department of State’s Office of Children’s Issues via email at adoption@state.gov. Please continue to monitor our website for updates on adoptions in Uganda.



Secretariat General of the European Commission

July 25, 2016

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Child adoption registration fee announced

Last update 10:30 | 22/07/2016 0

Child adoption registration fee announced

Foreigners residing in Vietnam will have to pay a registration fee of 4.5 million VND (204 USD) to adopt a Vietnamese child, the same level for foreigners residing in border areas of Vietnam’s neighbouring countries who wish to adopt a Vietnamese child in Vietnam’s border localities.

Child adoption registration fee announced, social news, vietnamnet bridge, english news, Vietnam news, news Vietnam, vietnamnet news, Vietnam net news, Vietnam latest news, vn news, Vietnam breaking news

Under a new decree issued recently by the Government, a fee of 9 million VND (409 USD) will be applied for each Vietnamese child adoption registration by Vietnamese nationals abroad and foreigners living outside Vietnam.

Delhi HC slams Central Adoption Agency, blames it for low adoption rates

Delhi HC slams Central Adoption Agency, blames it for low adoption rates

The situationISHAKH UNNIKRISHNAN@sparksofvishdom | First published: 20 July 2016, 23:25 IST Low adoption rates in India

Delhi HC slams Central Adoption Agency QUICK PILL

The number of children being adopted in India is falling

The Delhi High Court has blamed the central agency for the falling number of adoptions