Julienne Mpemba


Organization Relation type Date from Date to
Tumaini ASBL Founder of 2009 Jan 01


Title Publication date
TUMAINI ("to hope" in Swahili) - website archive - start Tumaini 19 December 2021
Child trafficking: Merci Dieu Kitambo charges Julienne Mpemba 26 February 2021
Interview. Julienne Mpemba: "There has never been a theft of children" 23 February 2021
Julienne Mpemba: This prescription that satisfies 23 February 2021
“Kroongetuige in zaak van adoptiefraude wordt met de dood bedreigd” 27 September 2020
Chambre du conseil de Dinant: le dossier des fraudes suspectées à l'adoption d'enfants congolais reporté sine die 10 March 2020
Raadkamer beslist vandaag of acht ambtenaren naar rechtbank moeten voor adoptiefraude 9 March 2020
Spilfiguur in Congolese adoptiefraude Julienne Mpemba (42) doorbreekt stilte en haalt zwaar uit naar ambtenaren Franse Gemeensch 30 September 2019
Civil servants suspected of adoption fraud 14 September 2019
Ouders van minstens vijf Congolese “weeskinderen” blijken nog in leven 1 August 2019
Prey children Investigation (CC BY-NC-ND): Olivier Bailly Illustrations (CC BY-NC-ND): Orfee Grandhomme 14 June 2018
Prey children 14 June 2018
Pourquoi personne n'a pu éviter le drame des enfants volés du Congo 9 April 2018
Debate in Belgian Parliament about adoptions congo 16 May 2017
"Belgium has long been aware of suspicious adoptions from Congo" 16 May 2017
Kidnapped or not: No guarantee that children are returned to parents 10 May 2017
Pressions diplomatiques (27.000 paid by Belgian Government to orphanage) 3 December 2016
Four raids in investigation into trade in Congolese orphans 1 December 2016
An exclusive first look at Fusion's newest investigative series, 'The Traffickers' 3 November 2016
Congolese Police raids Belgian orphanage February 2016
Didier Reynders: ‘Congolese adoptiekinderen onder hoede Belgische ambassade’ 7 November 2015
"Uitbaatster weeshuis ontvoerde kinderen" 7 November 2015
NGO's: Congo - kidnapping for Belgium 26 August 2015
L’orphelinat des petits Congolais menacé 23 June 2014
Adoption Democratic Republic of Congo Journeys of the Heart/Tumaini 17 September 2013
Youtube Tumaini 1 January 2012
Des enfants congolais scolarisés grâce à votre générosité 5 September 2010
Congolese children educated thanks to your generosity 9 May 2010
L’espoir des enfants congolais 6 August 2009