
Adoption rights in the United Arab Emirates

Adoption rights in the United Arab Emirates

6/7/2016byHassan Elhais


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There are many good reasons couples choose to adopt, and the procedure can provide a wonderful solution for adoptive parents, biological parents and children alike. However, the law relating to adoption in the UAE is less straightforward than in other countries in the world, particularly for expatriates. Here are the major points to note if you reside in the UAE and wish to become an adoptive parent.

Features 24: The Truth of an Adoption

Fernando and Constanza were separated for 42 years and three years ago she learned that she was adopted and that she belonged to the group of irregular adoptions sponsored by the priest Gerardo Joannon and the doctor Gustavo Monckeberg .

Although both sought each other, it was Constanza's action that achieved the reunion after confirming that her lifelong family was not the biological one.

In his process, he created an NGO to unite illegally separated families, went to an international blood bank and met his biological mother, from whom he did not receive the expected affection.

However, from this side of his biological family he received the necessary clue to find the whereabouts of Fernando.

Learn about this exciting story and that of the NGO that Constanza leads to help Chileans who live what she experienced in the following Report 24.

NAS adopting from Nicaragua

Nederlandse Adoptie Stichting

5 June at 12:22 ·

Nicaragua: ¡Bienvenido en su casa! De vlaggen mogen uit want Camilo Andres komt vandaag thuis met zijn papa en mama. Welkom thuis lieve jongen, we hopen dat je in Nederland heel gelukkig zult worden.

Nederlandse Adoptie Stichting's photo.


International adoptions account for more than half of all adoptions in Latvia this year

International adoptions account for more than half of all adoptions in Latvia this year



[Rolands Lakis]

[Rolands Lakis]

Varsha's body prefers turmeric to dairy

AT THE TABLE Cooking and dining for hours. AD Haagsche Courant joins fellow locals every week for a snack, a drink and a good conversation. This week with Varsha Gerritsen (30) from The Hague, for whom Indian food is not only tasty, she also needs it. Her body responds better to turmeric and lentils than to Dutch dairy.

The smells that haunt Varsha Gerritsen's hall already reveal the type of cuisine she is serving this evening: Indian. A mix of garlic, ginger and slivers of onion is simmering in a pan on a separate burner in her student room in The Hague.

Chili peppers
"Garlic and ginger are kind of my basic ingredients," says 30-year-old Varsha. "I use them for almost every Indian dish. Not that it is the same everywhere in India. That differs per region. But in the In the region where my roots are located, garlic, turmeric, ginger and chili peppers are common. As a result, they are used for many different dishes. You carry something like that with you from your youth."

Varsha came to the Netherlands at the age of 2. A new country with a completely different food culture. “Lots of dairy. Something that Dutch people experience as healthy. But for me this was not always the case. My body is not built for the large amounts of dairy that are used here."

Varsha couldn't get used to the Dutch way of cooking. It was therefore soon time for her to take up the cooking utensils herself and delve into flavors and products that her body wanted: ginger, garlic and those chopped onions. Her interest in Indian cuisine was sparked.


Tarka dahl

Ingredients for 2 people
• 150 g red split lentils
• 50 g mung dhal
• 500 ml of water
• 1 tsp grated ginger
• 1 tsp grated garlic
• 1/4 tsp ground turmeric
• 1 tsp ground chili powder
• 1.5 tsp salt
• 2 tbsp oil
• 1 onion in cubes
• 1/4 tsp mustard seeds
• 1.5 tsp salt
• 1 tomato in cubes
• 2 tbsp finely chopped coriander

Preparation: Boil the red lentils, mung dahl, ginger, garlic, turmeric, chili powder and salt in the water for 20 minutes, with the lid on the pan. Mash the mixture until it is a creamy soup. Add salt. Put oil in another pan and fry the onion with the mustard seeds and tomato for 2 minutes. Pour the tarka over the lentils and garnish with coriander.




Hundreds of thousands of protesters in the streets across the globe. Hundreds of thousands of social media posts, mailings, e-mails, phone calls and meetings.

Tens of millions of hits on various domestic and international news articles in the United States, Europe, Australia and Asia. Millions of visits to various blogs and news outlets.

Approximately 270,000 visitors/views at Delight in Truth, and many more at Agnus Dei, Popas Pentru Suflet and other blogs.

Grandmother of Madonna's adopted African daughter Mercy begs to see her one final time

Grandmother of Madonna's adopted African daughter Mercy begs to see her one final time

22:10, 3 JUN 2016 UPDATED 22:10, 3 JUN 2016


Lucy Chekechiwa pleaded for “one last chance” to be with the grandchild she hasn't seen since she was adopted by the singer in 2009

REUTERSPop star Madonna sits with her adopted Malawian child Mercy JamesMadonna with her adopted Malawian child Mercy James

Joint meeting to discuss the progress on deinstitutionalisation (EEG - COM)

Joint meeting to discuss the progress on deinstitutionalisation

03-06-2016 Eurochild News -

The European Commission and the European Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care met on 1 June in Brussels

A joint meeting of the European Commission (EC) and the European Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care (EEG)- of which Eurochild is a member- was held on 1 June in Brussels. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the progress on deinstitutionalisation in several Member States through the exchange of positions between representatives of state institutions, civil society and the European Commission.

The situation in Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Malta, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic was discussed. Eurochild took part in the meeting and its members from Bulgaria represented the views of civil society – the National Network for Children was represented by Vania Kaneva, Policy and Advocacy Adviser at For Our Children Foundation. Vania presented a joint position of the NNC and the coalition "Childhood 2025" on the progress on deinstitutionalisation of children in the country. The position describes the key successes that were achieved during the first stage of the process (2010-15) and the key challenges that emerged during this period, along with recommendations to address them.

Museveni assents to children’s Bill

Museveni assents to children’s Bill


President Museveni

President Museveni


Police hand over 26 boxes of secret files as Kincora abuse investigation opens

Police hand over 26 boxes of secret files as Kincora abuse investigation opens

Panel told they will have to consider claims of State-sponsored child prostitution

By Lesley-Anne McKeown

