
Temporary Suspension of Michael S. Goldstein, Esq.’s Approval

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Temporary Suspension of Michael S. Goldstein, Esq.’s Approval

May 23, 2016

On May 21, 2016, the Council on Accreditation (COA) suspended the approval of Michael S. Goldstein, Esq. for failing to maintain substantial compliance with the accreditation standards. This adoption service provider has assisted with adoptions to and from the United States.

During this suspension, Michael S. Goldstein, Esq., must cease to provide all adoption services in connection with intercountry adoption cases that are subject to the Intercountry Accreditation Adoption Act and/or the Universal Accreditation Act, including for any cases subject to the grandfathering provisions of the Universal Accreditation Act, other than any required corrective action. If you have an open case with this adoption service provider, please contact the adoption service provider directly to find out how this will affect your case. Michael S. Goldstein, Esq., is not required to transfer its cases to another provider at this time, but COA reserves the right to require a transfer of any or all of Michael S. Goldstein, Esq.’s cases at any time while it remains under suspension.

Werkbezoek van het Vlaams Centrum voor adoptie aan Guinée

Werkbezoek van het Vlaams Centrum voor adoptie aan Guinée

Posted on 17 mei 2016 by leenvandamme

9 en 10 maart ontving het VCA een delegatie van de centrale autoriteit van Guinée. Tijdens dit bezoek kregen we meer informatie over de hervormingen die momenteel gaande zijn in Guinée. Ze zijn bedoeld om het Haags Adoptieverdrag zoveel mogelijk in de praktijk te brengen. Zo willen ze een centraal systeem installeren waarbij alle binnenlandse en buitenlandse adopties via één centrale lijst verlopen. Er komt een matchingscommissie die zal instaan voor alle beslissingen over adoptabiliteit van de kinderen en voor de toewijzing van deze kinderen aan binnenlandse en buitenlandse kandidaten. Ook zullen de weeshuizen, die nu hoofdzakelijk privé-initiatieven zijn, een accreditatie moeten aanvragen bij de bevoegde overheid, waar mogelijk zal dit samengaan met een subsidie.

De Guineese centrale autoriteit vroeg tijdens het bezoek aan het VCA om een vorming te geven aan alle betrokkenen uit het adoptieveld in Guinée.

In het kader van de samenwerking bracht het VCA een bezoek aan Guinée van 25 tot en met 28 april. Het werkbezoek startte op maandag met een bezoek aan mevrouw Sanaba Kaba – la ministre de l’enfance et de l’action sociale. Tijdens deze ontmoeting kwam het belang van de huidige hervormingen aan bod. Zowel de minister als wijzelf gaven aan dat we volledig achter de hervormingen staan en dat de Guineese centrale autoriteit de volledige steun krijgt bij de invoering. Hierop volgde een ontmoeting met de medewerkers van de centrale autoriteit., Zij gaven meer uitleg over hun huidige manier van werken en toonden hoe dit er in de toekomst zal uitzien.

AD - Open Letter to European Commission

From: Arun Dohle [mailto:arundohle@gmail.com]

Sent: Montag, 16. Mai 2016 18:39

To: president.juncker@ec.europa.eu; federica.mogherini@ec.europa.eu; frans-timmermans-contact@ec.europa.eu; cab-georgieva-webpage@ec.europa.eu; cab-ansip-web@ec.europa.eu; cab-sefcovic-web@ec.europa.eu; cab-dombrovskis-contact@ec.europa.eu; jyrki-katainen-contact@ec.europa.eu; guenther-oettinger-contact@ec.europa.eu; cab-hahn-contacts@ec.europa.eu; cecilia-malmstrom-contact@ec.europa.eu; cab-mimica-webpage@ec.europa.eu; cab-arias-canete-archives@ec.europa.eu; cab-karmenu-vella-contact@ec.europa.eu; cab-andriukaitis-webpage@ec.europa.eu; dimitris.avramopoulos@ec.europa.eu; cab-thyssen@ec.europa.eu; cab-moscovici-webpage@ec.europa.eu; christos.stylianides@ec.europa.eu; phil.hogan@ec.europa.eu; cab-hill-contact@ec.europa.eu; Violeta.Bulc@ec.europa.eu; elzbieta.bienkowska@ec.europa.eu; vera-jourova-contact@ec.europa.eu; cab-navracsics-contact@ec.europa.eu; corina-cretu-contact@ec.europa.eu; margrethe-vestager-contact@ec.europa.eu; cab-moedas-contact@ec.europa.eu

Subject: Open Letter

Dear Members of the European Commission,

Charity boss scammed taxpayer for £5MILLION with FAKE Gift Aid claims using DEAD people

Charity boss scammed taxpayer for £5MILLION with FAKE Gift Aid claims using DEAD people

A HEARTLESS conman has been jailed for more than a decade after scamming £5 million from the taxman - while running a CHARITY.

PUBLISHED: 00:00, Mon, May 16, 2016 | UPDATED: 15:22, Mon, May 16, 2016

Charity fundraising pot - Man stealing cashGETTY

The charity scammed £5 million from the taxpayer

Reunited Indonesian twins on Swedish television

It was via Facebook the two fraternal Indonesian twins Emelie Falk and Lin Backlund found each other after being separated at birth. Both were adopted more than three decades ago from an orphanage in Semarang, Indonesia, by different Swedish parents.

In 2012, they made headlines all over the world, after they had finally reunited via social media. Three years later, they searched for their missing twin brothers, also on Facebook – and they found them, too! Now the amaxing story of the siblings who found each other on social media will be shown at the TLC documentary series “Separated at Birth”, which will air at both Swedish and British television.

It all began five years ago, when the adopted Emelie got married. Now she had started her own family, she was wondering about her own roots, especially because she was recently noticed about a woman, who had told to Emelie’s adoptive mother that her child might be the biological sister to Emelie.

Just like a blind date

Emelie needed to know her roots, and she took the matter into her own hands by searching for Lin on Facebook. Surprisingly, Lin, the girl claimed to be her sister, lived only few miles away from Emelie in Helsingborg. She contacted Lin, and both agreed to meet each other.

Adozioni internazionali. Renzi: “A Boschi la titolarità delle adozioni e la delega alle pari opportunità”


Data: 10-05-16

Adozioni internazionali. Renzi: “A Boschi la titolarità delle adozioni e la delega alle pari opportunità”

boschi“Nella riattribuzione delle nomine di governo ho chiesto al ministro Boschi di assumere la titolarità politica delle adozioni internazionali e la delega alle pari opportunità“.

Lo ha annunciato il premier Matteo Renzi, in conferenza stampa al termine del Consiglio dei ministri. Con gli avvicendamenti nel governo, ha spiegato Renzi, “abbiamo ridotto il numero delle donne che fanno parte del governo, è una cosa che un po’ mi dispiace ma sono felice di questa scelta (la nomina di Calenda al posto della Guidi, ndr) e delle scelte fatte in precedenza e sono convinto che tutta la tematica debba trovare nuova linfa“.

Communiqué relatif à la suspension des adoptions internationales en Éthiopie (4.05.2016)

Communiqué relatif à la suspension des adoptions internationales en Éthiopie (4.05.2016)


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#Whistleblowers: Robert McCoy - 'We are not made to feel welcome'


Malta in talks with at least 12 governments over inter-country adoption agreements

Malta in talks with at least 12 governments over inter-country adoption agreements

Cambodia to reopen inter-country adoptions after a four-year hiatus following human trafficking concerns

Miriam Dalli 3 May 2016

The Maltese government is in talks with at least 12 governments over inter-country adoption agreements, Family Minister Michael Farrugia informed parliament this evening.

Following up on questions raised by backbencher Anthony Agius Decelis to Foreign Affairs Minister George Vella, Farrugia listed a number of countries which the government is in talks with over adoptions.

Nicaragua Media Reports Allege Irregularities in Nicaraguan Adoption Procedures

Nicaragua Media Reports Allege Irregularities in Nicaraguan Adoption Procedures

The Department of State is aware of recent Nicaragua media reports alleging inconsistencies in Nicaraguan procedures for finding children eligible for intercountry adoption. Prospective adoptive parents and adoption service providers should be aware that the Government of Nicaragua’s efforts to investigate these allegations may result in delays in Nicaragua’s adoption process.

The Department seeks to ensure that all adoptions or grants of legal custody in Nicaragua by U.S. citizens are carried out in an ethical and transparent manner, in accordance with Nicaraguan law, and are in the best interests of the child.

Nicaraguan children who were adopted by, or are in the process of being adopted by, U.S. citizens are eligible to apply for a U.S. immigrant visa only after completing the adoption process in the Nicaraguan courts. We encourage all individuals involved in the Nicaraguan adoption process to follow Nicaraguan laws and procedures.

Please continue to monitor travel.state.gov for updated information on adoption in Nicaragua.