
Betty is happy to have withdrawn her adoption

DENMARK APRIL 7. 2016 KL. 22:52

Betty is happy to have withdrawn its adoption

In a case reminiscent of Amy, was Ethiopian Betty adopted to Holland and the wreckage of his adoptive family. Today she 'peace of mind' after the adoption was revoked and she can again be with his Ethiopian family.

REUNITED. Betty Demoze and her Ethiopian mother seen here just after the court lifted her adoption, just as it is this day for Danish-adopted Amy. - Private Foto


ISS Conferentie in Australië

ISS Conferentie in Australië

07/04/2016 - Categorie: KID-DNA Databank

De Australische afdeling van de International Social Service (ISS) organiseert in samenwerking met de universiteit van Melbourne een tweedaagse conferentie over grensoverschrijdende maatschappelijke dienstverlening.

Op de conferentie komen professionals uit de sociale sector, de wetenschap en de rechtspraak samen om te spreken over zeven onderwerpen die verband houden met het bredere thema van de conferentie. Zo komt internationale kinderbescherming, interlandelijke adoptie, draagmoederschap en donorconceptie, internationale kinderontvoering en kinderhandel aan bod.

Binnen het thema donorconceptie geeft Hans van Hooff, senior beleidsmedewerker bij Fiom, een lezing over de Fiom KID-DNA Databank.

E-Mail Exchange: UAI (Anand), Mia, Illegal adoption project update 30 March

---------- Forwarded message ---------

Van: UAI - Anand Kaper

Date: vr 1 apr. 2016 21:00

Subject: Fwd: illegal adoption project update 30 March

To: UAI - Chamila Kwakernaak , Hilbrand Westra

A holy anger against the adoption industry

A holy anger against the adoption industry

(Google Translation from Swedish)

published March 31, 2016 at 09:08

"She is angry" is a furious showdown with the transnational adoption industry.

Valerie Kyeyune Backstrom golvas of the strength of Maja Lee Langvalds repeating prose.

Australia: Outrage over child models used to 'sell' adoptee children from broken homes

Outrage over child models used to 'sell' adoptee children from broken homes

March 28, 2016

Rory Callinan

Investigative journalist

Children offered for adoption are being represented as photogenic child models with attractive personalities in a controversial internet advertising campaign run by a NSW government-funded charity.

Father of Madonna's adopted son David Banda blasts singer's 'shocking lifestyle' and admits concern over Rocco custody battle

Father of Madonna's adopted son David Banda blasts singer's 'shocking lifestyle' and admits concern over Rocco custody battle

07:50, 28 MAR 2016UPDATED 07:55, 28 MAR 2016


The singer adopted David from Malawi in 2006 just months before splitting from husband Guy Ritchie


Education Secretary unveils a new blueprint for adoption

Press release

Education Secretary unveils a new blueprint for adoption

From:Department for Education and The Rt Hon Nicky Morgan MP First published:27 March 2016Part of:Looked-after children and adoption

New plan to see more children placed in loving, stable homes by ensuring adoption is always pursued where it is in a child’s best interest.


Malta registers lowest child adoption for 10 years

Saturday, March 26, 2016, 12:01 by Kim Dalli

Malta registers lowest child adoption for 10 years

Video: Darrin Zammit Lupi

Last year, Malta registered its fewest overseas adoptions for the past 10 years, latest figures show.

One child was adopted from Albania, four from Slovakia and 13 from Russia.

Pourquoi moi, lanceuse d'alerte, je dois quitter mon appartement

Pourquoi moi, lanceuse d'alerte, je dois quitter mon appartement


En juin 2008, j'ai refusé de détruire des données concernant les clients de mon employeur de l'époque, la banque UBS. J'ignorais alors que ma vie « normale » allait voler en éclats. Aujourd'hui, le gouvernement promet de mieux prendre en compte le statut des lanceurs d'alerte. Mais la réalité est toute autre : personne ne nous protège.



With forced adoption lose children and parents the right to each other

Google translation from Danish

With forced adoption lose children and parents the right to each other

Last year, local authorities allowed to forcibly adopt children. It is an extremely violent interference with the right to parenthood and may be in violation of basic human rights

Last year, local authorities allowed to forcibly adopt children. It is an extremely violent interference with the right to parenthood and may be in violation of basic human rights

Clara Bach / iBureauet