Austria ISO 3166-1 code AT Region Western EuropeSubdivisionsState BurgenlandCarinthiaLower AustriaSalzburgStyriaTyrolUpper AustriaViennaVorarlberg Adoption Agency: Family For YouEltern für Kinder ÖsterreichFoundation: Tesfaye - Hoffnung für äthiopische KinderGovernmental Organization: Bundesministerium für Justiz (Federal Ministry of Justice), Austria Documents Title Publication dateInternational Social Service NEWSLETTER October 20242023: Sad days for ‘adoptable’ children in Greece 19 August 2023Abroad instead of children's homes: Czech children in adoptive families in foreign countries 26 May 2022A Jewish teen put her baby up for adoption in WWII. They just reunited. 25 May 2022Residential Child and Youth care in a Developing World 3 September 2021SOS Children's Villages investigates violence and abuse in 50 projects 7 May 2021Charity probes child abuse allegations in Africa, Asia 7 May 2021ISS NL involved in Adoptions from Greece and Austria 9 February 2020Cambodia’s Stolen Children: Fraud and Corruption in the Inter-Country Adoption System 30 March 201837 Cases of Child Sex Abuse Involving Staff Reported at Austria-Based Charity in 2016 16 February 2018Accessing adoption files and information on the biological family | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights 2017Eindelijk steun voor geadopteerde Oostenrijkse kinderen 31 July 2016Adoption of children in the European Union 1 June 2016European Parliament: Briefing - Adoption of children in the European Union 1 June 2016Spread of 'baby boxes' in Europe alarms United Nations 10 June 2012International adoptions to Austria and their connection with child trafficking 2012Woman drags orphanage boss to Police 10 September 2011Russian Ministry of Education and Science releases new list of homestudy agencies with missing postplacement reports 10 April 2010Musiol zu Auslandsadoptionen: Lizenz zum Kinderhandel abschaffen 2 February 2010Über die Adoption ihres Sohnes Daniel aus den USA im Dezember 2008 berichtet Familie V. aus Niederösterreich. 2009EurAdopt and FFY (Austrian case Ethiopia - the wrongdoing was proven in Court) 7 January 2008"Babyexporteure" Guatemala und Haiti 3 December 2007180 adoptive parents protest against Agstner's criminalization of international adoption 29 August 2007Business with poverty 29 June 2005ADOPTIONS FROM ROMANIA 1990 BIS 1999 AND HOW IT IS TODAY FOR THE CHILDREN 2 June 2004Über die Adoption der Zwillinge Lena und Matthias aus der Slowakei berichtet die Familie Siegthaler aus Wien* 8 November 2003Parliamentary paper 2001-2002 28457 No. 3 9 July 2002Justiz (OGH, OLG, LG, BG, OPMS, AUSL) 25 June 2002Child topics: Burgenland (Austrian State)Carinthia (Austrian State)Lower Austria (Austrian State)Upper Austria (Austrian State)Salzburg (Austrian State)Styria (Austrian State)Tyrol (Austrian State)Vorarlberg (Austrian State)Vienna (Austrian State) Parent topics: Western Europe