
Italian woman 'returns mixed-race surrogate baby'

Italian woman 'returns mixed-race surrogate baby'

5 hours ago

A baby boy is held by a midwife after being born in an NHS maternity unit, in Manchester, EnglandImage copyrightCHRISTOPHER FURLONG/GETTY IMAGES

Image caption

The baby girl (not pictured) has been placed in foster care

Children Of The World India Trust vs Roy Edward Roos, American And ... on 27 April, 2016

Bombay High Court

Children Of The World India Trust vs Roy Edward Roos, American And ... on 27 April, 2016

Bench: G.S. Patel



Mail DG REGIO to Managing Authority: project withdrawn / cancelled

5 Re Sistemul informatic pentru Oficiul Roman de Adoptii.txt


Adina <[email address]>


21 April 2016 19:34

Cops rule out Nanded-based agency’s involvement in adoption racket

The Tardeo police has ruled out involvement of a Nanded-based adoption agency in an adoption racket.

The Tardeo police has ruled out involvement of a Nanded-based adoption agency in an adoption racket. The police, which on Monday started looking into the case of an 18-month-old baby adopted by a Tardeo family, said that the agency’s previous records of adoption were in order.

The social service branch started probing the case following an anonymous letter received by Police Commissioner, Datta Padsalgikar, regarding an illegal adoption. “We tracked down the family to Tardeo that had adopted the baby when he was 10 days old. When we enquired with them, we found that they did not have proper adoption papers and no proof of having adopted the baby from the said agency. Finding something amiss, we handed over the case to Tardeo police,” said an officer of the social service branch.

After investigating the case, the police on Monday arrested Satyashree Gutte (27), Director of Sunita Gutte Shishugrah, a Nanded-based adoption agency. They also arrested the parents Manvi Pawar and Mahesh Pawar along with two other family members Manjari Pawar and Deepak Salvi who visited the adoption centre.

Investigators said that records of other children adopted by other families through the agency were in order. A Tardeo police officer said, “It was only in the case of this baby that the adoption agency had failed to process papers. While the agency claims that they knew the adoptive family and hence, decided to delay the adoption documentation, the family alleges they were not informed at all about any registration that needed to be done.”

Wie niet horen wil, moet voelen

Those who do not want to hear must feel

Recently a testimony appeared on social media about the serious mistreatment of a lesbian couple in the inner city of Groningen. A passing police car drove on at a slow pace and the abused couple was eventually brought to safety by a bystander. This crime prompted PvdA MP Ahmed Marcouch to ask parliamentary questions on the theme of "safety and discrimination of lesbians, homosexuals, bisexuals and transgender people" (hereafter: LGBT).

Discriminate, insult and stereotype

How could this happen in "my" city? The city where I lived for years and I never felt unsafe, because there were always people on the street: as soon as the last bars closed, the first people were already on their way to work. As a result, the feeling of social control was constantly present. These two women have been mistreated because they cannot be who they want to be from the perpetrators. In other words: not everyone accepts the propagation of a sexual identity other than the unsolicited norm of being heterosexual. This is also evident from the insulting statements made to the couple: "Flat on flat does not fill a gap", and "if you look like a guy, you must also fight like a guy".

The above not only speaks of intolerance towards lesbians, but it seems to be more the case: by explicitly referring to appearance, these women are related to stereotypical elements of how a "real" woman behaves and looks.

Vietnam: Adoption: "Meine Mama ist meine Mama - fertig!" (Adoptions going down in Germany)

Do. 07. April 2016

Adoption: "Meine Mama ist meine Mama - fertig!"

Jana Endres ist 16 Jahre alt, besucht das Franz-Ludwig-von-Erthal-Gymnasium in Lohr, singt in der örtlichen Singgruppe und engagiert sich beim Kinderturnen des örtlichen TSV. Viele Jahre war Jana als Ministrantin aktiv, ihre große Leidenschaft ist das Klettern beim Deutschen Alpenverein.

Ich weiß, ich gehöre hierhin: Sagt Jana Endres zu Hause im Garten in Urspringen. Foto: H. Vogel

Was sich zunächst wie die Biografie eines gewöhnlichen Teenagers liest, verbirgt jedoch eine beeindruckende Geschichte. Denn Jana Endres stammt aus Vietnam und ist ein Adoptivkind. Mit vier Monaten kam sie nach Urspringen zu ihren Adoptiveltern Heidi und Manfred Endres.

Dalend aantal adopties van buitenlandse kinderen

Decreasing number of adoptions of foreign children

In 2014, the Federal Central Authority for the adoption of the FPS Justice recognized and / or registered 199 foreign decisions about an adoption in Belgium. There are noticeably fewer than in previous years. In 2010 there were 446 children, in 2011 388, in 2012 289 and in 2013 239. This is apparent from the answer from Minister of Justice Koen Geens to a written question from Philippe Goffin (MR).

Before an adopted child is transferred to Belgium, the Central Authority must recognize and record all foreign decisions regarding adoption. As soon as proof of registration has been issued, the child can be registered in the population register of the municipality of his place of residence or in the aliens register.

From 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2014, 1,843 applications for recognition and / or registration of a foreign decision on an adoption were received. 1,163 of those applications were made in the context of files handled by an approved adoption service or by the competent Community. 624 applications were not supported by an adoption service or a Community, in 56 cases it was for registration applications.

”The fall in the number of intercountry adoptions since 2010 is mainly due to the international context. Because the countries of origin are developing economically, fewer children need adoptions and the chance of a domestic adoption increases, "says Koen Geens. "The downward trend can also be observed in our neighboring countries and not only in Belgium."

Subject: advertising of Bulgarian children by US adoption agencies.

From: Arun Dohle [mailto:arundohle@gmail.com]

Sent: Freitag, 15. April 2016 19:34

To: jean-claude.juncker@ec.europa.eu; martin.schulz@ep.europa.eu; Tiina.ASTOLA@ec.europa.eu

Cc: Christian.Danielsson@ec.europa.eu

Subject: advertising of Bulgarian children by US adoption agencies.

Congolese adoptiekinderen eindelijk hier (NL)

Een Congolees kind.

Foto: Flick.com, Mulungwishi mission station, D.R. Congo

Congolese adoptiekinderen eindelijk hier

12 APR 2016

DEN HAAG - De Nederlandse adoptieouders van bijna dertig Congolese kinderen hebben deze eindelijk in de armen kunnen sluiten. Ze hebben lang moeten wachten. De Democratische Republiek Congo wilde sinds 2013 geen kinderen meer naar verschillende westerse landen laten afreizen, ook al waren ze wettig met instemming van een Congolese rechter geadopteerd. Congo zag gevaren op het gebied van mensenhandel.

Una guerra sulle adozioni internazionali

Una guerra sulle adozioni internazionali

Viviana Daloiso

8 aprile 2016

Nel caos delle adozioni internazionali sono piovute come macigni le ultime, pesantissime dichiarazioni della presidente della Cai Silvia Della Monica: che – lo si scopre per la prima volta – non riunisce l’organismo da oltre due anni «perché esiste un conflitto di interessi» con enti che «seppur in modo indiretto agiscono all’interno della stessa Commissione ». Ed è solo il principio.

Le adozioni fallate