
Adopties uit Ethiopië stilgelegd

Adopties uit Ethiopië stilgelegd

Vandaag om 09:22 door Veerle Beel

Na problemen in Oeganda en Marokko, worden nu ook adopties uit Ethiopië stilgelegd. Daardoor staan 18 gezinnen in de kou.

De beslissing is vermoedelijk vanwege één dossier genomen, een dossier van een kind dat in augustus naar ons land kwam. Alleen de moeder had het kind afgestaan. Ze zei dat ze weduwe was, maar er zijn nu vermoedens dat de vader nog zou leven.

Kind en Gezin, de Vlaamse centrale autoriteit inzake adoptie, heeft daarop besloten een extern onderzoeker ter plaatse aan het werk te zetten. Die moet nagaan of er iets is misgegaan en moet ook alle lopende dossiers aan een extra controle onderwerpen. Tot dat gebeurd is, zal de federale autoriteit inzake adoptie, die onder Justitie valt, geen enkele adoptie uit Ethiopië goedkeuren. Het onderzoek zal weken zo niet maanden in beslag nemen.

By rushing to speed up forced adoptions we are letting children down

It is within the power of a judge to sever all legal ties between a child in care and its birth family through an adoption order. Most adoption orders for children in care in England are made without parental consent, and are sometimes referred to as “forced” adoption. With political pressure mounting to speed up the adoption process, we are at risk of rushing through more of these adoptions, despite serious concerns on whether this is the best option for the children involved.

In the year to March 31 2014, 5,050 children in England were adopted from care and over 95% of these were without parental consent. This happens in circumstances where children are deemed to have suffered or are likely to suffer significant harm through neglect or abuse.

The UK is not the only country in Europe with non-consensual adoption. It is possible in most countries, but no other EU state exercises this power to the extent that England does. In Germany, 250 non-consensual adoptions of children took place in 2010. In contrast the average number of children a year adopted in the Netherlands is 28 and only if the parents don’t object.

These comparisons highlight the different ways countries meet the needs of children in care and the influence of social and political contexts on how policies develop. They also challenge the dominant political narrative in England that contrasts the “loving” adoptive family with the “tragedy” of a child remaining with its birth families or in foster care. While there are many loving adoptive families, the same can be said about parents, relatives and foster carers.

In many other EU countries, it is much easier for families to access support if they need help. Great emphasis is placed on helping families to care for children safely at home and maintaining family links if in care. But in “austerity” England, family support services are closing, thresholds are high, and social work is being defined as a narrow child protection service.

VS bieden Belgische homo's adoptiekans

VS bieden Belgische homo's adoptiekans

Bijna overeenkomst met een Amerikaanse staat over samenwerking

08-12-15, 06.00u - (JBR)


1 Lieven Vandendriessche (r.) is met zijn Amerikaanse man Jeff Tallyen sinds de zomer van 2009 de trotse vader van Maya en Ella, twee meisjes uit Amerika. ©© Delia Vermant

Projects / Capacity Building on Right(s) Way Forward

PRIA facilitated a five day training on Right(s) Way Forward – Communities for Sustainability for Open Learning Systems (OLS) from December 7-11, 2015 in Odisha. This learning programme was promoted by Forum Syd, a Swedish funding organization, and its Swedish partner, Adoptionscentrum.

The primary objective of the training was to capacitate OLS to work on environment and climate change issues in 2016. The training was organised in Nimapara block of Puri district. A total of 20 participants (five women and 15 men) attended the training. The group consisted of two ward members, one sarpanch, two SHG members, three community volunteers and 12 field staff (working on community based rehabilitation). In addition, one main field programme coordinator from OLS and an Adoptionscentrum representative also observed the training.

While setting the objectives at the start of the workshop, the participants listed down many issues such as building understanding and awareness on climate change and its effects, whether it is manmade or not, changing attitudes and utilisation of local resources, etc.

All these issues were addressed in their learning. The programme primarily focused on building understanding of communities on issues related to climate change, how it has contributed to degradation of the environment and has affected their livelihood options. It also helped build understanding on the linkages between environment–institutions–economy and the wellbeing of communities. It took into account how climate change impacts natural resource management and its repercussions on women and men within a given community. The training process helped participants understand the importance of inclusion, especially marginalized groups, when preparing Community Action Plans. At the end of the training-learning programme, the participants were able to prepare a Community Action Plan.

The participants appreciated the training and actively engaged in the group exercises facilitated by PRIA. The Adoptionscentrum representative opined that the active participation by all was a good indicator of the success of the programme. “In many trainings, people generally disappear during group exercises, and only one or two work on the task at hand,” she said. “This especially happens at the community level. In this training, everyone participated. ”

Mobbing-Klage gegen Nestlé: Unappetitliche Einblicke in einen Lebensmittelkonzern

Mobbing-Klage gegen Nestlé: Unappetitliche Einblicke in einen Lebensmittelkonzern

Von Nils Klawitter

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Swiss newspaper: apology from Dalai Lama extremely important

Nenue: Did they seek for foster families through media afterwards?

Ueli Meier: Aeschimann targeted the media resources from the very beginning. The second child he adopted, who was a little girl, was killed in an accident. Therefore, he asked the Dalai Lama for a third child, as the Dalai Lama had guaranteed before on one condition that more exiled Tibetan children would come to Switzerland. And this time about 20 Tibetan children were sent to Switzerland. In order to help these children to find enough foster homes, several media started a campaign. Especially Vinay Warren Begg, a famous political commentator, called for Swiss people to adopt Tibetan children in his own column of Breaking Clouds (an ironic humor magazine in Switzerland). More than 300 families responded since then .

Nenue: How to deal with the applications of adopting Tibetan children?

Ueli Meier: The applications were all given to Aeschimann, then he invited every couple to his home in Olten for checking. Later he connected the elder sister of the Dalai Lama who was working in the children welfare home in Dharamsala. Then she chose several children who were able to be adopted by the Swiss families.

Nenue: Was the whole process ignored by the federal authority of Switzerland?

PETITION: Mr. Didier Reynders, Minister of Foreign Affairs: Bring together the 12 adopted Congolese children and their Belgian families.



To the attention of Mr. Didier Reynders, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

We are a collective of adoptive parents in Congo (DRC) and we ask for your help so that our adoptive children, stuck in Congo, can finally join us.

A dozen Belgian families are legally the parents of children born in the DRC.

Opschorting adopties uit Oeganda

Opschorting adopties uit Oeganda

2 december 2015

Vandaag woensdag 2 december verscheen in enkele kranten een bericht over de opschorting van adopties uit Oeganda. Het Vlaams Centrum voor Adoptie (VCA) heeft inderdaad de kanalen in Oeganda opgeschort. Dit betekent dat er voorlopig geen kinderen kunnen worden toegewezen.

Deze opschorting was nodig omdat de federale overheid tussengekomen is in de adoptieprocedures bij de Belgische rechtbanken. De kinderen uit Oeganda worden in Vlaamse gezinnen geplaatst met het oog op adoptie. De adoptie wordt later uitgesproken door de rechtbank in België, met goedkeuring van de Oegandese rechtbank. Door de tussenkomst van de federale overheid, is het niet zeker of deze Oegandese beslissingen zullen omgezet worden in adopties. Er is dus rechtsonzekerheid ontstaan voor heel wat adoptiegezinnen.

Het Vlaams Centrum voor Adoptie heeft samen met de adoptiediensten een gecontroleerde samenwerking opgezet met enkele tehuizen in Oeganda. Zowel het VCA als de adoptiedienst zijn ter plaatse geweest om deze samenwerkingen met de nodige garanties tot stand te brengen. De werking van deze tehuizen is voorafgaand geëvalueerd: enkel kinderen van wie de nodige achtergrondinformatie beschikbaar is en die in eigen land niet kunnen worden opgevangen, werden geplaatst in Vlaamse adoptiegezinnen. Bovendien zijn er duidelijke overeenkomsten gesloten met de tehuizen waarin o.a. alle kosten zijn opgenomen. De kosten die kandidaten moeten betalen bij een adoptie uit Oeganda worden op voorhand meegedeeld aan de adoptieouders en zijn beschikbaar op de website van Kind en Gezin.

EP Workshop on cross-border adoption

Workshop on Adoption: Cross-border legal issues - Hoofdinhoud

Brussel, het Atomium

datum 1 december 2015

plaats Brussel, België

aanwezigen (Tadeusz) Zwiefka, (Cecilia) Wikström, (Mairead) McGUINNESS, (Pavel) Svoboda e.a.

National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia | Nat…

Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of European Union Member States Endorse EU Enlargement and Opening of First Negotiation Chapters with Serbia

European Integration Committee Chairman Aleksandar Senic and Committee members Dusica Stojkovic and Katarina Susnjar took part in the 54th meeting of the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC), in Luxembourg, 29 November – 1 December, organised in the context of the parliamentary dimension of the Luxembourg presidency of the EU Council.

One of the key topics of the meeting was the EU enlargement policy. The member states spoke about the historical success of EU enlargement which had united and ensured the stability and progress of the old continent. They commended the support the European Commission provides to the candidate countries to help them meet the membership criteria and the progress of the Western Balkan countries in the stabilisation and association process. Simon Mordue of the EC Directorate General for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, said that in the last year Serbia had achieved notable progress in its economic reform, rule of law and fight against corruption, and the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and announced the opening of chapters 35 and 32 in December, at the international conference.

The Chair of the German Parliament’s Committee on the Affairs of the European Union, Gunther Krichbaum restated that the Western Balkan countries have a clear prospect of EU membership and informed the participants that the Bundestag green-lighted and recommended the opening of the first negotiation chapters with Serbia. He said that the reforms belong to the candidate country and that they are in the interest of the Serbian citizens. The quality of the negotiation is much more important than the number of opened chapters which is not in itself a measure of success. Speaking of Serbia he said that he agreed with the EC director and that chapters 35 and 32 would be opened in December, soon to be followed, in the first quarter of 2016, by chapters 23 and 24. Krichbaum said it is possible that Serbia’s membership talks will pick up speed after the opening of the first chapters, because a lot of time has passed and Serbia has in the meantime actively conducted reforms and prepared for the other negotiation chapters. He said he had a great deal of trust in Serbia, its institutions and the ongoing reform process.

European Integration Committee Chairman Aleksandar Senic emphasised the importance of support and encouragement for the European prospects of all the Western Balkan countries, adding that he was sure all the obstacles on Serbia’s path to opening the first chapters by the end of the year have been removed and that all the EU member states would support the efforts of the Serbian institutions by endorsing the opening of the negotiating chapters at the coming international conference. Senic opined that the enlargement process remains crucial for the momentum of the reforms and the future of the Western Balkan countries, well-being and stability in the region, and, he believes, the accession talks have the same kind of priority for the European Union as before: they continue in the same spirit with the same dedication, and the EU member states will continue to actively support Serbia and the countries of the region in their preparations for accession.