
DR Congo approves about 70 int'l adoptions: Belgian FM

The Democratic Republic of Congo has agreed to lift its suspension on international adoptions for "about 70" families, including all 11 cases in Belgium, the Belgian foreign affairs minister told local media on Tuesday.

Belgian public broadcaster RTBF reports that Belgian families have been waiting two years to be united with the Congolese orphans they adopted, after the central African nation's president Joseph Kabila ordered in September 2013 that exit permits for adopted children should be suspended.

Belgian foreign affairs minister Didier Reynders told RTBF: "We have received confirmation from the Congolese justice ministry that the children can come to Belgium."

He said that "about 70" cases involving adoptive families from several countries had been resolved. Some of the 11 children due to head to Belgium will arrive in Brussels later this week.

Reynders said the Belgian embassy in Congo was in the process of organizing the children's journey to Brussels and he would be meeting the parents on Nov. 4.

Congo clears the way for 72 adoptions after 2-year wait

Congo clears the way for 72 adoptions after 2-year wait

By the Associated Press | November 2, 2015 | 10:35 AM EST

KINSHASA, Congo (AP) — Congo's government cleared the way Monday for dozens of children to join their adoptive families abroad after more than two years of waiting, though a further 1,000 others will have to remain in orphanages for now.

Fourteen of the children are now headed to the United States, while other boys and girls are going to start new lives in Italy, Belgium, Canada, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

Authorities in Congo put a halt to international adoptions in 2013, saying their adoption system was beset by corruption and falsified documents. The children's adoptions had been legally approved by the Congolese courts before the government suspended the issuing of exit permits, causing heartache and frustration for families around the world.

Onze enfants adoptés par des familles belges autorisés à quiter la République démocratique du Congo et à venir en Belgique

Onze enfants adoptés par des familles belges autorisés à quiter la République démocratique du Congo et à venir en Belgique

Rédaction en ligne

Onze enfants adoptés par des couples belges vont pouvoir quitter la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) après y avoir été retenus pendant plus de deux ans à la suite d’un moratoire sur l’adoption internationale, a annoncé lundi le ministre belge des Affaires étrangères, Didier Reynders.

6 réactions


Groen licht voor de komst van 11 Congolese adoptiekinderen

Groen licht voor de komst van 11 Congolese adoptiekinderen

02 november 2015 17u40 Bron: Belga


Buitenlandminister Didier Reynders (MR).

BELGA Buitenlandminister Didier Reynders (MR).




1 November, 2015 - 10:41 General

One of the state's only adoption agencies has dramatically closed following a funding crisis, leaving more than 60 couples that had initiated an inter-country adoption, in limbo.

The Sunday Business Post reports that Arc adoption, one of just two agencies authorised to facilitate inter-country adoptions, told clients last week that it was 'winding down its operations with immediate effect'.




1 November, 2015 - 10:41 General

One of the state's only adoption agencies has dramatically closed following a funding crisis, leaving more than 60 couples that had initiated an inter-country adoption, in limbo.

The Sunday Business Post reports that Arc adoption, one of just two agencies authorised to facilitate inter-country adoptions, told clients last week that it was 'winding down its operations with immediate effect'.

David Cameron in call to speed up adoption process

David Cameron in call to speed up adoption process

ROBIN DE PEYER 14 hours ago

David Cameron

Adoption pledge: David Cameron PA

David Cameron will call for a major speeding up of the adoption process to end the "tragedy" of children waiting to be placed in a loving family home.

Irene Piria: PETITION: Faisons sortir 1300 enfants congolais légalement adoptés et bloqués en RDC depuis plus de 2 ans!

Piria told Roelie Post that the Dutch parents did not want to be part of this. The Dutch Ministry told them to stay low key

Faisons sortir 1300 enfants congolais légalement adoptés et bloqués en RDC depuis plus de 2 ans!

2?092 personnes ont signé. Allons jusqu'à 3?000

Melinda H. a signé il y a plus d'un mois

Chiara C. a signé il y a plus d'un mois

ISS-USA Reflects on National Adoption Month with Thomas Waterfield

We Never Outgrow the Need for a Family

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ISS-USA Reflects on National Adoption Month with Thomas Waterfield

November is National Adoption Month: a time to increase awareness about the need for adoptive families for thousands of children in the U.S. waiting for permanent families. This November, National Adoption Month sheds light on the critical need for finding families for older youth. More than 20,000 children age out of the U.S. foster care system every year without ever having found a permanent family. For more information on National Adoption Month, please see the Children’s Bureau’s Adoption Month page.

There is no specific day or month dedicated to intercountry adoption, yet there are millions of children around the world living without the care and protection of a family. We believe that our work is not done until every child is reunited with a family whose only goal is the safety and well-being of that child. It matters not where that family is from, nor whether they are biologically related to the child. If it is in the child’s best interest to be placed with a particular family, then all necessary steps must be taken to ensure that the placement occurs. It is the right of every child to have a family, and domestic and intercountry adoption are two ways to promote and protect that right.

Children’s residential care review to transform lives

Press release

Children’s residential care review to transform lives

From:Department for Education, The Rt Hon David Cameron MP and The Rt Hon Nicky Morgan MP First published:28 October 2015Part of:Looked-after children and adoption

Prime Minister and Education Secretary announce root-and-branch review of children’s residential care.

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