
Orphanages run by Mother Teresa foundation to close down?

Orphanages run by Mother Teresa foundation to close down?

Friday, 9 October 2015 - 8:55am IST | Place: New Delhi | Agency: PTI

The survey to be done by the Women and Child Development Ministry will identify those child care homes, which are not complying with the revised guidelines of the Juvenile Justice Act, one of which includes orphanages run by the Mother Teresa Foundation, Union Minister Maneka Gandhi said on Thursday

Mother Teresa Mother Teresa

Government will soon conduct a comprehensive survey to create a database of all registered child homes in the country, aiming to trace such institutions not complying with the law.

Scandalo Kirghizistan, cinque persone iscritte nel registro degli indagati

Scandalo Kirghizistan, cinque persone iscritte nel registro degli indagati

di Sara De Carli 07 ottobre 2015

Il sostituto procuratore della Repubblica Daniela Pischetola, a Savona, ha chiuso l’inchiesta sull'associazione Airone. Cinque persone sono accusate di associazione a delinquere finalizzata alla truffa. Sono 21 le famiglie coinvolte, che ora chiedono anche risposte istituzionali

Kirghizistan VYACHESLAV OSELEDKO:AFP:Getty Images

Il sostituto procuratore della Repubblica Daniela Pischetola ha chiuso l’inchiesta che ha coinvolto l’associazione Airone di Albenga. Cinque nomi sono stati iscritti nel registro degli indagati: la presidente dell’associazione, Silvia La Scala, la vicepresidente Orietta Maini; la collaboratrice Inna Troukhan e i kirzighi Alexander Angelidi e Venera Zakirova. L’accusa è di associazione a delinquere finalizzata a truffa. «Siamo in attesa di conoscere la data della prima udienza, parteciperemo come parte offesa», spiega Pierfrancesco Torrisi, avvocato esperto in adozioni internazionali, che rappresenta una della coppie truffate, la prima a sporgere denuncia. «Queste persone risponderanno personalmente delle accuse, il sostituto procuratore non ha indagato solo il presidente in qualità di rappresentante legale», sottolinea Torrisi. «Ci sono troppe cose che non tornano e tutti sapevano. Non si tratta solo di essersi fidati della persona sbagliata».

Adoption or trafficking? Fears grow for Uganda's 'orphans'

Adoption or trafficking? Fears grow for Uganda's 'orphans'

Agence France-Presse on Oct 5, 2015 @ 5:04 AM

When Agatha Namusisi, 64, let her grandson leave Uganda for medical treatment abroad, she assumed he would return, but more than a year later she says he has disappeared.

"They are nowhere to be seen," Namusisi said of the seven-year old boy and his Ugandan carer who travelled together to the United States in May last year, after an Arizona-based Christian charity arranged for surgery to correct his crippling spinal deformity.

The case is just one example of international adoption gone wrong through misunderstanding, negligence or even criminality, a trend that has Ugandan lawmakers worried, with a 400 percent increase in orphans going to the US alone between 2006 and 2013.

Cameron's flagship children's policy 'faces crisis' as adoption figures fall

Cameron's flagship children's policy 'faces crisis' as adoption figures fall

Prime minister’s promise to speed up process falters as figures show drop in children being matched with families

Barnardo’s is concerned about decline in children being put forward for adoption.

Barnardo’s is concerned about decline in children being put forward for adoption. Photograph: I Love Images/REX Shutterstock

Patrick Butler Social policy editor

Joint Council’s Closure: What Went Wrong?

Joint Council’s Closure: What Went Wrong?

Insights from an insider about what we can all learn from Join Council's mistakes.

article image

article image

By Jennifer Mellon on October 01, 2015

Moved to Washington, District of Columbia

Geraldine Dufort in Washington, District of Columbia.

28 September 2015 · ·

Moved to Washington, District of Columbia

28 September 2015

for 4 years working at the European Commission Delegation as Development Counselor

Ask the EU: SG not in a position to verify whether the statement by DG JUST is correct.

report "Adoption Battle Reached Peak" - 2

Arun Dohle made this access to documents request to Justice and Consumers

The request was refused by Justice and Consumers.

From: Arun Dohle

July 06, 2015

Förenad med mamman efter 42 år

Förenad med mamman efter 42 år

Elisabet Purve Jorendal adopterades bort som treåring.

Så, nyligen, kom det ett mejl.

Livets skärvor blev till en spegel. Så lik henne, så vacker.

Där, på den indiska landsbygden, hade 42 års sökande nått sitt slut.

Ces enfants belges pris en otage au Congo-Kinshasa !

Ces enfants belges pris en otage au Congo-Kinshasa !


« Le Ministre de la défense congolaise » dit : « Kagame est un homme providentiel ». Un Congolais révisionniste de l’histoire

27 septembre 2015


Virginia Eastern Bankruptcy Court - case filed

Joint Council on International Children's Ser

Virginia Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Chapter 7

Case #: 1:15-bk-13339

Case Filed: Sep 23, 2015