
Children Should Not Have to Sacrifice Their Right to a Family to Receive an Education

Gillian Huebner Become a fan

U.S. Director of Policy and Advocacy, Lumos


Children Should Not Have to Sacrifice Their Right to a Family to Receive an Education

Posted: 09/04/2015 9:32 am EDT Updated: 09/04/2015 9:59 am EDT

Greek police make 4 arrests over illegal adoption

NEWS 01.09.2015 : 20:33

Greek police make 4 arrests over illegal adoption


A couple aged 45 and 38, as well as two other people, were arrested in Athens on Tuesday on suspicion of arranging an illegal adoption.

They allegedly arranged for a pregnant 18-year-old Bulgarian woman to come to Greece to give birth and then register the baby using the 38-year-old woman’s identity.

ISS: Romania: 'A better future is possible' Project for children with disabilities in institutional care, September, 2015

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Romania: 'A better future is possible' Project for children with disabilities in institutional care, September, 2015

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As part of ISS project 'A better future is possible', ISS General Secretariat was invited by local child protection authorities of Timisoara and Caras Severin to carry out a needs assessment mission in their institutions caring for children with disabilities.

The goal of the mission was to understand the institutional care framework for children with disabilities and propose actions to promote their access to family based-care. Thanks to ISS Romania Branch's (Generatie Tanara Romania-GTR) excellent preparation in organising the visits, the ISS team was warmly welcomed by the institutions' staff. A wrap-up session with the concerned authorities concluded the mission and gave the opportunity to ISS to propose recommendations in the framework of the project. The recommended actions focus mainly on strengthening and improving the existing foster care services and reinforcing long term life plans for the children through a regular, systematic and comprehensive assessment of the situation of the child and a well-proven multidisciplinary approach. Moreover, the need to support care givers in their daily care activities was highlighted. A detailed report will be shared with the authorities and next steps such as identifying the pool of national trainers and the training curriculum will be jointly discussed.

Uprooted: the lost children of Hato Mayor

In the 1980s, more than 200 children in Hato Mayor, Dominican Republic, were separated from their families and placed in the care of couples from Quebec. In the heart of this small town lost in the Caribbean, a formidably efficient "adoption machine" had been set up completely legally by a Quebec network of missionaries and adoptive parents. Thirty years later, accompanied by Orlando Fleurant, one of these children who is now an adult, Isabelle Hachey followed in the footsteps of this organization which, although motivated by good intentions, gave false hope to many families. Through the history of Orlando, DERACINES lifts the veil on the drift of a system whose impacts are still felt, in Quebec as in the Dominican Republic.

Those who purchase trafficked children to face punishment

Those who purchase trafficked children to face punishment

2015-08-31 08:08 Global Times Editor: Li Yan

People who buy an abducted child from traffickers will now face punishment, according to amendments to the Criminal Law adopted by China's top legislature on Saturday.

According to amendments made to Article 241 of the Criminal Law, those who buy an abducted child but "do not maltreat the child nor obstruct his or her rescue" shall now be punished, although that punishment will be lighter than those who do abuse children or hamper their rescue, reported the Xinhua News Agency.

The previous provisions stipulated that suspects were exempt from punishment if they did not maltreat the abducted children, which has led to controversies, said experts.

The United States and Vietnam are emerging as the top countries for Irish people adopting abroad

Foreign adoptions on the rise again, says report

Eilish O'Regan Twitter



28/08/2015 | 02:300 COMMENTSSHARE

?Mexico adoption-for-cash scheme took babies from mothers

AP August 28, 2015, 7:36 PM

?Mexico adoption-for-cash scheme took babies from mothers

Mexico's flag flutters next to the Metropolitan Cathedral at Zocalo Square in Mexico City, Mexico August 26, 2015. HENRY ROMERO, REUTERS

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MEXICO CITY -- A child welfare official in northern Mexico took at least nine babies from poor or drug-addicted mothers and offered them to adoptive parents in exchange for payments ranging from $5,000 to $9,000, authorities said Friday.

Dit is vanaf volgende week de machtigste Nederlander in Brussel

Dit is vanaf volgende week de machtigste Nederlander in Brussel

Als secretaris-generaal gaat Alexander Italianer elke maandag de vergadering van de kabinetschefs leiden, en zit hij 's woensdags bij het wekelijkse overleg van alle Eurocommissarissen. Beeld Tim Dirven, HH

Als secretaris-generaal gaat Alexander Italianer elke maandag de vergadering van de kabinetschefs leiden, en zit hij 's woensdags bij het wekelijkse overleg van alle Eurocommissarissen.Beeld Tim Dirven, HH

De Nederlander Alexander Italianer bekroont zijn model-carrière in Brussel: hij wordt de nieuwe secretaris-generaal van de Europese Commissie. Een 'dossiervreter' is hij, die de publiciteit mijdt.

Christoph Schmidt28 augustus 2015, 20:39

Dos funcionarios vendían niños en Sonora desde 2012, confirma el procurador

Dos funcionarios vendían niños en Sonora desde 2012, confirma el procurador

ago 27, 20150

El procurador de Sonora, Carlos Navarro, confirmó este jueves 27 de agosto que al menos dos funcionarios estatales participaron en la venta de unos nueve niños –entre 80 mil y 50 mil pesos cada uno–, desde 2012, publicó Animal Político en su página de internet.

En conferencia de prensa, Navarro dijo que hasta el momento se han logrado identificar a nueve menores que fueron sustraídos de manera irregular, y agregó que “el primer responsable del tráfico de menores es Vladimir Arzate. Ya se le giró orden de aprehensión”.

Arzate era el coordinador de la línea telefónica Protege en Sonora, destinada a recibir denuncias de maltrato infantil.

India gets its first UNCRC chair in Dr Asha Bajpai

Asha Bajpai

Asha Bajpai



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