
Disaster and bureaucracy leave stateless child stranded despite Canadians' quest to adopt her

CABARATE, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC -- The world has essentially been imprisoned by a virus. Borders are closed, flights are cancelled and cities are in lockdown. Thousands of Canadians are now separated from the ones they love. These are extraordinary and uncertain times.

In my recent reporting for CTV National News, I have spoken to many families who are desperately trying to be reunited with those now trapped thousands of kilometres from home. Their fear, their sense of powerlessness, their desperation has an aching similarity to a story I have been working on for the last six months for W5.

It’s called Prisoner in Paradise and instead of a nasty virus keeping people apart, it’s the story of one Canadian family who has been separated off and on again for 10 excruciating years because of a natural disaster, changing laws and the politics of three countries.

Back in 2010 Christal and Vaden Earle launched a project in the Dominican Republic to build homes for the impoverished Haitian community. Much of their time was spent at a sprawling dump far from the all-inclusive resorts, where Haitians would try to scrap together a living by picking through the waste. It was there that the Earles met a parentless toddler named Widlene. Their attempts to adopt her have been herculean, and stymied by a series of very unfortunate events.

Her adoption paperwork was destroyed by a 7.0-magnitude earthquake that wiped out entire neighbourhoods in Port au Prince, Haiti. The Dominican Republic changed laws that made Widlene stateless, a citizen of nowhere. And the Canadian government has rejected repeated legal attempts to bring her to Canada.

Fwd: FOI 19/20-080 - Notice of decision [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Arun Dohle


Fri, 20 Mar, 11:18

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A New Way neemt adoptiebemiddeling Slowakije over

A New Way neemt adoptiebemiddeling Slowakije over

16 maart 2020

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Adoptiebemiddelaar A New Way neemt de adoptiebemiddeling uit Slowakije over van vergunninghouder Stichting Kind en Toekomst. Kind en Toekomst kondigde vorig jaar aan per 1 oktober 2020 te gaan stoppen met haar activiteiten als adoptiebemiddelaar.

Kind en Toekomst is nog in gesprek met New Way over de overdracht van andere procedures en landen waarmee lopende adoptieprogramma’s bestaan.

Woman booked for selling her daughter to neighbour in UP

Moradabad, Mar 16 (IANS): A woman has been booked for allegedly selling her seven-day-old daughter for Rs 10,000 to a neighbour at Kathghar area of Moradabad district in Uttar Pradesh.

The matter came to light when the woman herself went to the SSP office to lodge a complaint against her neighbour, saying that she wanted her daughter back.

On being questioned, she admitted that she had sold her daughter to the neighbour two months back.

The SSP directed the station house officer (SHO) of Kathghar police station to detain the woman and register an FIR against her.

The police later told reporters that the woman was married nearly three years ago and separated from her husband after she gave birth to a baby girl on January 4. Since she was living alone and her daughter had a medical condition, she allegedly threw the newborn on a railway track.

A complaint against Kalev on the basis of a failed suicide mission?

After having lodged a complaint against the former boss of the ANR, Dieu Merci Kitambo, Human Rights Defender and Head of Office in charge of Child Protection at the Network of Human Rights and Civic Education Organizations of Christian Inspiration, RODHECIC in acronym, was visited on March 09, 2020 at his home by strangers.

Obviously, these unidentified bandits were on a suicide mission. They did not find their target, missing from her home for the simple reason that she spent the night at a wake in Yolo in Kalamu Municipality.

Contacted by Objectif Infos CD, the unfortunate man presented a paper on which these thugs left him a message written in red: "GOD THANKS OKO KUFA LOKOLA MBWA PONA COMPLAINT AGAINST KALEV", a message which simply means in French: " Thank God you will die like a dog for a complaint against Kalev ".

In addition to this message, these strangers, after a systematic search, managed to extract from the inside pocket of a bag, the sum of 120 US dollars and the passport.

Recently, Mr. Kitambo posted a video of himself on social networks denouncing the horrors he experienced during his imprisonment in the ANR prison in 2017 while he was investigating a network of child traffickers implicated by Belgium.

Why the wait to adopt a child could get longer

The wait for adopting a child could get longer with more than 29,000 prospective parents registered with Central Adoption

Resources Authority (Cara) and just 2,317 children available for adoption, according to latest data.

Among the orphan children, 1,401 are with special needs. There are just 89 normal children below 2 years, the most sought

after age group for adoption while there are 649 normal children who are over two years. There are 178 children in the

‘siblings’ category. As per rules, siblings have to be adopted together by the prospective parents.

'Baby trade is pure mafia'

More than 20,000 Chilean babies were stolen and illegally adopted. They also ended up with Belgians who thought it was legal adoption.


Latvian Welfare Minister receives letters asking to not ban child adoption by foreigners

Latvian Welfare Minister Ramona Petravi?a has received 17 letters from children who were adopted by foreigners and who now live abroad, asking her to not ban child adoption by foreigners for children who remain in orphanages, as confirmed by the minister’s advisor for communication affairs J?nis Zari?š.

Authors of those letters shared with the minister their adoption experience, expressing gratitude for the opportunity be adopted into a family that cares for them. Letters have also been received from grown-up youngsters, who described their life now, says Zari?š.

Considering the content of those letters, more than a dozen of NGOs and activists have turned to Latvia’s top officials, government, parliament and the ombudsman, detailing confusion over Saeima’s Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee’s decision on establishing a moratorium on child adoption by foreigners. Zari?š says activists outline the fact that only representatives of NGOs that are publicly against allowing foreigners adopt children were present at the committee’s meeting. Activists also mention in the letter that there were no representatives of orphan courts or orphanages among the people invited by the committee. Nor there were there representatives of child right protection institution or representatives of organizations that represent the children who grew up in the system, says Zari?š.

The rush with decision-making is also confusing, because there is currently no crisis in Latvia with child adoption by foreigners, nor are there any major human rights violations. Zari?š says the letters addressed to the welfare minister also reference Section 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which provides that member states’ duties include making sure every child able to formulate their opinion has the right to ask questions regarding them, and the state has the duty to listen.

«By banning child adoption to foreign countries, children would be denied their interests and their opinion would be ignored.»

Vijayawada: Child adoptions come under District Child Welfare Committee scanner

Vijayawada: Krishna District Child Welfare Committee (DCWC) directed the District Child Protection Unit to rescue and produce two infants, who were taken for adoption against the Government of India's CARA guidelines by two families in Kalidindi village in Krishna district. On receiving specific information from the police of Kalidindi village, the Child Welfare Committee, Krishna district, has conducted a spot inquiry regarding two cases of illegal adoption

It was observed that these families have taken infants for adoption. When it was noticed by the local ICDS Supervisor and Anganwadi worker, they have warned those families against illegal adoptions and suggested them to take guidance from the Project Director of Women Development and Child Welfare department in Vijayawada. Accordingly, those families have come to Vijayawada and contacted District Child Protection Officer, who has advised them to enter into an agreement and get it registered in local Sub Registrar office to legalise the adoption, which is a gross violation of adoption process. According to his advice, they have registered the agreement on January 6, 2020 and January 9 respectively, said the chairman of the CWC, BVS Kumar. The adoptions are guided by CARA (Central Adoption Resource Authority), Ministry of Women Development and Child Welfare, Government of India. As these two adoptions were not done as per the CARA guidelines, CWC directed the DCPO to immediately rescue and produce before CWC Bench for necessary orders to keep the children in Sishu Gruha. CWC has also taken this issue to the notice of CARA and District Collector and requested the Collector to constitute an inquiry committee with Joint Collector to probe into the details of the case and to initiate action. CWC members L Francis and L Malleswara Rao also participated in the spot inquiry at Kalidindi.

The UN’s Legal Identity Task Force: Opportunities and Risks

The future of identity systems is being shaped by the UN's Legal Identity Task Force, which has opportunities for a positive influence, yet severe risks remain.


The UN Statistics Division has endorsed the Legal Identity Agenda and the Legal Identity Task Force, which shape the understanding of the key Sustainable Development Goal 16.9 on legal identity for all.

Dangers remain in the potentially severe human rights implications of their approach towards civil registration and identity systems.

However, they are aware of many of the dangers surrounding issues like unique identifiers, function creep, and the role of the private sector.