
10 Years Towards Inclusion

10 Years Towards Inclusion

Posted on January 16, 2020 by lauraeeg



European Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based care

The Orban government wants to make the foundation "The Orphanage Mogul of Romania's Orphans" of public utility.

The Orban government wants to make the foundation "The Orphanage Mogul of Romania's Orphans" of public utility. The foundation, accused in a documentary of experiments on children in Romania

FacebookTwitterg +E-mailBY ?TEFANIA BRÂNDU?? / NEWS / Posted: Thursday, 16 January 2020, 12:16 / Updated: Thursday, 16 January 2020, 12:47 / 4 comments

The Orban government wants to make the foundation "The Orphanage Mogul of Romania's Orphans" of public utility. The foundation, accused in a documentary of experiments on children in Romania


Times survey: Mass experiments on children in a UK transgender clinic. The scandal has led to a wave of resignations of doctors accusing "wrong treatment and diagnosis" Times survey: Mass experiments on children in a UK transgender clinic. The scandal has led to a wave of resignations of doctors accusing "wrong treatment and diagnosis"

SICK SALES Inside ‘paedo paradise’ The Gambia where sex beasts are buying African children and toddlers to rape

TRAGIC Gambian children are being sold to British paedophiles for as little as £2-a-time by their desperate parents, Sun Online can reveal.

Huge numbers of predators are taking advantage of lax laws in the poverty stricken African country to embark on sick child abuse holidays where they openly target little boys and girls.

Sun Online saw first hand how poor Gambian children can be vulnerable to British paedos when we visited the beach resorts that dot Kololi on the country’s picturesque Atlantic coastline.

Our reporter was constantly shocked by the number of unaccompanied African minors he saw being cared for by middle-aged, Western men who did not appear to be their biological fathers.

The encounters witnessed included a girl aged between six and eight having lunch with a balding, white haired man in a restaurant filled with similarly aged tourists.

Local authorities told to focus on adoption for children in care

Government says age, income, sexuality and marital status should not exclude potential adopters

The government has written to directors of children’s services across England urging them to prioritise adoption for children in the care system and to ensure that prospective adopters are not turned away when they are actually eligible.

Ministers say they want a renewed focus on adoption from all local authorities and have called on councils to review their practices following a drop in the number of assessments recommending adoption as the best option for a vulnerable child.

Figures published by the Department for Education (DfE) last month revealed the number of adoptions in England has fallen by a third in the past four years, dropping to 3,570 in the year up to the end of March 2018 from a peak of 5,360 in 2015.


Francois de Combret si Orfanii României – milioane de euro în joc ! Unde duc toate drumurile misterioase ale adoptiilor din Roma

Francois de Combret and the Orphans of Romania - millions of euros at stake! Where do all the mysterious roads of Romanian adoptions lead: Pizza Gate, Organ Trafficking, Satanic Sacrifices?

Most of the false images around Romania come from a lobby that desperately wants to reopen Romania. One of the key figures is Francois de Combret, the founder of the aforementioned NGO, SERA and a member of the Renault board.

Although he is certainly not the only player on the field. I think his actions are the most disturbing. Not only that, he is also a very influential man, with high positions in some of the largest French companies and political connections both in the French government and in the European Parliament.

His motivations are clear to me, the rest remains to understand what you are talking about. He presents three naked Romanian boys in a bath with a Masonic background. I wonder where this photo was taken. The bath certainly does not seem to be found in a Romanian orphanage. I also wonder who took this photo.

Many European organizations involved in a strong lobby to resume international adoptions

Orban vrea s? fac? de utilitate public? funda?ia “Mogulului orfanilor României”. Funda?ia, acuzat? într-un documentar de experim

Orban wants to make the foundation of the "Orphan Mogul of Romania" public utility. The foundation, accused in a documentary of experiments on children in Romania

A draft Government decision was posted on the website of the Ministry of Labor, led by Violeta Alexandru, and the project is in public debate until February 12, 2020. The foundation note and the draft Government decision, assumed by Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, Deputy Prime Minister Raluca Turcan, as well as the ministers Violeta Alexandru, Vasile Florin Cî?u and Marian C?t?lin Predoiu, show that they declare as "of public utility" the "Sera Romania" Foundation, which requested this from the General Secretariat of the Government and which invested in Romania during the period 1996-2019, in the child protection programs about 85 million euros.

The SERA Foundation (Solidarity with Abandoned Romanian Children) is founded in the 1990s by the banker Francois Polge de Combret, investigated by several authorities in a huge corruption scandal, the Combret Frenchman being over time extremely interested in children. orphans from Romania and making a very strong lobby in Brussels.

The SERA Foundation (Solidarity with Abandoned Romanian Children) also appears in a documentary broadcast on 2009 on German WDR television, “Find me a child, I pay cash. Lobby for international adoptions ", in which are presented the pressures made to European officials for the resumption by Romania of international adoptions and it was even accused that it financed, together with American universities, the program" Project for Adoption ", carried out at the Saint Catherine Center in Bucharest, through which scientific experiments were carried out on orphaned Romanian children.

The executive director of the SERA Romania Foundation is Bogdan Simion, initially proposed, in the past, even by the former prime minister Dacian Ciolo? to be minister of Labor, but for different reasons Ciolo? has renounced its non-monetization. Bogdan Simion, a wealthy man, was also vice president of CES and, according to his statement of wealth, he also consulted with the Tanner Foundation, the World Bank and the International Bank for Reconstruction.

Panel looks at surrogacy through docs, mothers

All parties involved to be consulted to understand issues in commercial surrogacy, altruistic surrogacy, permissions to single parents and so on

NEW DELHI Members of a select committee of Rajya Sabha, examining the Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill 2019, will visit Anand in Gujarat, Hyderabad and Mumbai from January 21 to 24 to examine if surrogacy should be

allowed for live-in couples and single intending parents and whether a ban on commercial surrogacy replaced by ‘altruistic surrogacy’ is a viable option.

The team will interact with surrogate mothers, ‘intending infertile couples’, doctors and health department officials to get a first-hand feedback on the process.

The 23-member select committee headed by Upper House BJP MP Bhupendra Yadav is mandated to draw up suggestions on eleven points including ban on commercial surrogacy, definition of a close relative who can

Abandoned, 3-year-old child in Gujarat gets home in US

AHMEDABAD: Three-year-old boy, Kishan, was all smiles on Saturday when John and Kristen Castill, residents of South Carolina in the US, took him in tow to the district collector office to get his passport. The couple — a teacher and a nurse — adopted the child after a yearlong process. They are expected to fly soon, said adoption agency officials.

Kishan was found from the city streets about three years ago and he’s been with the Odhav observation home for past two years. K K Nirala, district collector, wished Kishan and the couple for their better future. “He was loved by everyone at the centre. I would also like to thank the support staff that raises these kids,” he said.

Talking about the adoption process, the Castills told reporters that they had been trying for the past couple of years for the adoption. “I have always loved India for the people, culture, beauty and diversity. That is the reason my husband and I applied for adoption in India. This way, we can be part of this cultural experience. Kishan is the perfect completion to our family,” said Kristen.

John added that the child is a ‘gift from the above’ and he was meant to be with them. The adoption agency officials said that they conduct regular follow-ups with adopted parents and kids to ensure well-being of the child.


Mijn rootsreis naar India, het einde van een zoek… (My roots trip to India, the end of a search…)

My roots trip to India, the end of a quest

My roots trip to India, the end of a quest

It's the beginning, not the end

Honestly, I never thought I could write this blog. But look, it's here now. My motto to “never give up” has brought me to where I am today. Regardless of how you look at it now. The whole roots thing is a huge roller coaster of emotions. While I can easily put things into perspective otherwise, this is a completely different story.

Once you are in that flow of such a search for your roots. Well, actually you don't know what you're looking for or what you're going to find and everyone answers that question in their own way. But once that train has left, it is not always easy to keep a balanced approach to it. Those emotions, it grabs you by the throat. You are completely taken in by it and before you know it you are completely swept up in it. And all you can do is trust that it will all work out, someday.