
Namakkal: Retired nurse quizzed for ‘child trafficking’

The lady speaker in the audio reportedly said that she had been buying children "on a conscionable basis" from a person in Dharmapuri.

Namakkal: The Namakkal district police have begun questioning a retired government hospital nurse, Ms Amudha, for alleged 'child trafficking' as an audio clip of a purported conversation of a Rasipuram-based woman involved in "buying and selling children" went viral on social media on Wednesday night.

The lady speaker in the audio reportedly said that she had been buying children "on a conscionable basis" from a person in Dharmapuri.

They were being later sold to childless couples who genuinely seek to raise children.

But all this came at a price, depending on whether the baby is a boy, girl, healthy etc. The adoption process was also facilitated through proper documents, the lady voice averred.

'Fair skinned, Amul baby will cost Rs 4 lakh,' says TN nurse running baby sale racket

A Tamil Nadu woman was arrested after it was found that she used to sell newborn children. Amudha, a retired nurse, was arrested by Namakkal police some days ago. In disturbing detail, it has emerged that the woman offered babies at varying prices depending on their skin colour, weight and the like.

According to a conversation accessed by The News Minute, a female baby would cost Rs 2.7 lakh, and a male baby Rs 3.5 lakh. "The rate depends on gender, colour and weight. If it is a female, the rate begins at Rs. 2.70 lakh. If the girl is fair and is of good weight the price could go up to Rs.3 lakh. For a dark baby boy the rate is between Rs.3.30 lakh and Rs.3.70 lakh and if you want a beautiful Amul baby it is over Rs.4 lakh," Amudha said on the phone, reports TNM.

She added that the buyer could give Rs 30,000 as an advance and the rest of the transaction could be done after the customer receives the baby.

For an extra Rs 70,000, Amudha would be able to get the child's birth certificate with the names of the parents on it. She assured the buyer that she would get the certificate from the Municipality in one month. She added that since this is an illegal process, it will take some time. She assured the prospective parents that they needn't worry about the birth certificate since it will look just like an original one. The process of getting it will be a bit difficult because nowadays, everything is done online.

How Did She Procure Babies?

[WATCH] Adoptions from Nepal could become a reality

Social Care Standards Authority CEO Matthew Vella says that efforts are underway to widen the group of countries from where Maltese could adopt children

The Social Care Standards Authority is currently negotiating with Nepalese authorities over a possible deal which would allow prospective Maltese parents to adopt from the country.

Social Care Standards Authority CEO Matthew Vella said this while addressing the National Adoption Conference on Friday.

Also addressing the conference was Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, who insisted that every effort should be done to make it easier for prospective parents to be able to adopt.

“There’s no cutting corners when it comes to adoption. We must ensure that as policy makers we do the utmost to facilitate adoption of both Maltese and foreign children for parents looking to adopt,” he said.

Adoptions from Nepal could become a reality

Social Care Standards Authority CEO Matthew Vella says that efforts are underway to widen the group of countries from where Maltese could adopt children

The Social Care Standards Authority is currently negotiating with Nepalese authorities over a possible deal which would allow prospective Maltese parents to adopt from the country.

Social Care Standards Authority CEO Matthew Vella said this while addressing the National Adoption Conference on Friday.

Also addressing the conference was Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, who insisted that every effort should be done to make it easier for prospective parents to be able to adopt.

“There’s no cutting corners when it comes to adoption. We must ensure that as policy makers we do the utmost to facilitate adoption of both Maltese and foreign children for parents looking to adopt,” he said.

Tjibbe Joustra leidt Commissie Onderzoek Interlandelijke Adoptie in het verleden

jibbe Joustra leidt Commissie Onderzoek Interlandelijke Adoptie in het verleden

Nieuwsbericht | 25-04-2019 | 16:00

De commissie die onderzoek doet naar de rol en verantwoordelijkheid van de Nederlandse overheid bij interlandelijke adoptie van kinderen in tenminste de periode 1967 – 1998 wordt geleid door de heer mr. Tjibbe Joustra. De commissie bestaat verder uit de leden mevrouw prof. dr. Beatrice de Graaf en de heer mr. Bert-Jan Houtzagers.

Vergroot afbeelding Beeld: ©Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid / Robert Huiberts

‘Ik kan mij heel goed voorstellen dat mensen die in onzekerheid verkeren over hun identiteit op zoek zijn naar antwoorden. De omstandigheden van hun adoptie destijds kunnen een stukje van de puzzel zijn. Daarom laat ik onderzoeken of er zich mogelijk misstanden hebben voorgedaan bij sommige adopties waar de Nederlandse overheid een rol bij heeft gespeeld. Ik doe een beroep op de meest ervaren en onafhankelijke onderzoekers die ons land kent zodat duidelijk wordt wat er precies is gebeurd.’

Sierra Leone adoption scheme sparks controversy

Sierra Leone adoption scheme sparks controversy

News APAAPA24 April 2019 | 17:14



Fort Bragg soldier sexually abused adopted children for years, FBI says

A soldier with the U.S. Army adopted six children in 2000 and sexually abused them for years until one daughter reported the abuse in 2017, according to an indictment filed recently in a federal court in North Carolina.

Daniel Kemp and his wife Shanynn Kemp were arrested last year by New York State Police, each charged with several counts of sodomy related to the abuse in Jefferson County, New York, according to police. Daniel Kemp was based at Fort Drum in Jefferson County when he adopted the children, the FBI said in the indictment.

One of the victims told investigators “it happened so many times she was unable to quantify how many times she was abused,” according to the federal indictment filed in the Eastern District of North Carolina.

That victim told investigators the abuse began when she was 12 or 13 and the family was living in Clarksville, Tennessee, near Fort Campbell, according to the indictment. When the abuse stopped with her, Kemp began abusing another girl the FBI described as “mentally disabled,” the FBI said in the court filing.

The abuse came out in April 2017 when one of the victims, a senior at a high school near Fort Bragg in North Carolina, told school officials and the U.S. Army Criminal Investigations Command that her adopted father had been abusing her for years, according to the indictment.

Baby farming scandal: The Motherhood of Man

Back in 1953, New Zealand was rocked by an enormous scandal when a group called the Motherhood of Man Movement were caught running a baby farming scheme.

The movement was originally set up to help unwed mothers, but it turned out its chair and treasurer had been forcing the women in their care to give up their babies to rich donors and they were pocketing the cash.

The scandal led directly to the foundation of New Zealand's modern adoption laws.

Ione Cussens is the curator of Papakura Museum, who has written an academic paper on the scandal.

Motherhood of Man was established in 1942 by a woman called May Harvey, she says.

The Truth About Intercountry Adoption’s Decline

In a recent flurry of articles, the National Council for Adoption asserts that the State Department is responsible for the plummeting number of intercountry adoptions. They are wrong. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

There are a multitude of reasons international adoptions to the United States and all other receiving countries have declined. Foreign governments have moved, in many cases, to bolster their own child welfare programs. But as they make progress they have also become concerned about what they increasingly view as lax practices by U.S. adoption service providers (ASPs) and inadequate regulation by federal and state child welfare agencies.

The unfortunate practice of unregulated custody transfer, more commonly referred to as “rehoming,” has become the focus of major concern for sending countries, as well as the State Department. Guatemala, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Nepal have all closed their intercountry adoption programs due to concerns about child trafficking as well as rehoming and other questionable practices by ASPs. The U.S. Department of Justice has successfully prosecuted more than one ASP for criminal activity, but concerns remain.

Russian adoption is a particularly troublesome issue. Russian children have been overrepresented in child fatality and abuse statistics. In one notorious rehoming case, an American adoptive mother put her Russian adopted son on a flight back to Moscow with a one-way ticket.

Ultimately, Russia’s closure was out of the State Department’s hands when Russia chose to close intercountry adoptions in retaliation to U.S. Congress’ passage of the Magnitsky Act.

UN Special Rapporteur on the Sale of Children raises serious concerns regarding Ireland’s history of illegal adoption practices

Ireland has an extensive history of systemic human rights abuses of women and children, encompassing multiple institutional settings and spanning most of the 20th century: Magdalene Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes, industrial schools and the non-consensual practice of symphysiotomy in hospitals.

The legal responses of the state have been fragmented, generally narrow in approach, and often the subject of censure from various UN Treaty Bodies (see Concluding Observations on Ireland by CAT 2011, 2017, HRC 2014, CESCR 2015, CEDAW 2017), with consistent recommendations to the effect that there must be independent and thorough investigations, prosecution of perpetrators, and adequate redress – i.e. access to justice. However, while Ireland has been increasingly criticised regarding historical abuses of women, the specific issue of historical practices of illegal adoption has not been scrutinised to the same extent.

Therefore, the recent Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Sale and Sexual Exploitation of Children regarding her visit to Ireland is noteworthy due to the detailed concerns expressed by the Special Rapporteur regarding historical practices of illegal adoption (in Mother and Baby Homes and related institutional settings).

The Special Rapporteur stated that not enough has been done “to provide information, accountability and redress” to those who suffered abuse in such institutions (Mother and Baby Homes and Magdalene Laundries) and “to those who were adopted in a manner that would amount to sale of children under international law”.

In this manner, the Report draws much needed attention to the issue of historical practices of illegal adoption, while also offering a further indictment of Ireland’s poor legal responses to its history of systemic abuses of women and girls, building on the repeated recommendations of UN Treaty Bodies.