
Lucknow: LGBTQ activists seek right to marry and adopt children

LUCKNOW: Members of the LGBTQ community, who found their voice after Section 377 was decriminalised by Supreme Court

last year, have decided to use the poll platform to fight for their right to not just love, but also to marry and adopt children


"An equitable law for marriage and adoption is the need of the hour. In the US, any LGBTQ couple can marry, adopt and raise

kids. In our country, civil partnership is still not legalised. LGBTQ members should be allowed to have children either through

Rani T’Kindt werd als kind ontvoerd voor adoptie: ‘Mijn mama was in paniek’

Rani T’Kindt was abducted as a child for adoption: "My mother was panicking"

"Under the disguise of adoption, I was abducted as a baby in India in 1980," says Rani T'Kindt. The instructing party was De Vreugdezaaiers. In 2011 the adoption agency lost its recognition; half a year later, Ray of Hope, who had now been discredited, took over all the files.

"I have been illegally adopted and have therefore received residence papers in an illegal manner," said Rani T'Kindt (40), who won the Beijing Express TV program in 2003. "Yet nobody called on me to deport me, not even Vlaams Belang."

On July 5, 1980, the then one and a half year old Rani arrived by plane from India in Belgium. "My biological parents were among the lowest caste in the city of Puducherry," she says. "My mother gave birth to a girl, and my father wasn't happy with that. He abandoned her. Mama stood in the street with her newborn daughter and didn't know what to do. The nuns of the Catholic orphanage offered her a job as a cook. As a little baby, I grew up among the orphans. "

"At night mom had to sleep on the street; I got a bed between the other children. My Indian mother could not read or write, but like many other illiterates, she could put her name on paper. The nuns had her draw forms so that she gave me up without realizing it. One morning she arrived at the orphanage, and I was gone. "

Newly adopted children need specialized health exams

(Reuters Health) - Children who are adopted, whether domestically or internationally, have unique healthcare needs that should be assessed as soon as possible, according to new guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Pediatricians and other healthcare workers should play a significant role in the adoption process, the guideline authors emphasize.

“Adopted children often don’t have full medical histories or have experienced trauma in life, which leads to a more complex medical exam when it comes to physical, mental or behavioral concerns,” said lead author Dr. Veronnie Faye Jones of the University of Louisville in Kentucky.

“We’ve learned more in recent years about what prior trauma can do, especially for brain development,” she told Reuters Health in a phone interview. “We should remind families that we’re here to help them along the journey.”

In the new guidance, Jones and co-author Dr. Elaine Schulte of the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore in New York City outlined trends in domestic and international adoption. They also review components of the health evaluation, the preadoption visit, the initial medical history review, the initial physical exam and chronic health concerns.

Sänkt straff för våldtäktsman när offret var utlandsadopterad

Reduced punishment for the rapist when the victim was adopted abroad

"The view and handling of the bodies of the adopted adopts reveals the majority-Swedish ambivalent approach to race," writes Maria Fredriksson and Lisa Wool-Rim Sjöblom, since a perpetrator of rape against children received reduced punishment due to uncertainty about the age of an adopted foreign girl.

Dagens juridik writes on April 29, 2019 about a man, convicted of rape against children, who have been released on several points where the victim was a foreign-adopted girl. The girl came to Sweden in 2008 without any fixed date of birth, and - just like thousands of other foreign adopted - then registered with an estimated date of birth based on medical examinations.

Initially, the district court went on booked dates and the man was sentenced but in the court of appeal a disagreement arose about whether the girl could possibly be born earlier and the case was passed on to the Supreme Court. In the Supreme Court, it was stated that there was no certificate that could certainly determine the girl's age, in Sweden as well as in the girl's country of origin. However, there was a certificate from a medical examination that was done when the girl was estimated at 8 years, who showed in early puberty and that it could not be ruled out that she could be 10 years old.

Because of the uncertainty surrounding the girl's age, that is, she could have been older than 15 at the time of the crimes, the man was released on these points and was sentenced to imprisonment.

Some 450 applications made on new adoption platform

A new online platform regulating and streamlining the adoption and fostering process in Greece received some 450 applications within just two weeks of going into operation, Alternate Social Solidarity Minister Theano Fotiou said on Friday.

Speaking in a radio interview, Fotiou hailed the platform's success, saying that of the 450 applications it received from its launch in April, 90 expressed an interest in fostering a child.

The new system aims to create a nationwide record of the children in state care and prospective parents by making it mandatory for all child protection institutions to submit a file for each of their wards who are being put up for adoption.

“The same is required of prospective parents, so that the system can know their needs and they don't have to apply to each institution individually,” Fotiou said.

Fotiou stressed that the new system aims to reduce the time prospective parents have to wait for their adoption applications to be processed to a maximum of 12 months from several years, as has been the case so far.

Seminar on ‘Child Rights and Adoption’ conducted

Dimapur, May 3 (MExN): The Western Sümi Totimi Hoho (WSTH) held a seminar on the topic ‘Child Rights and Adoption of a Child’ on May 3 at Khekiho Village, Dhansiripar, Dimapur. This seminar was hosted by Khekiho village under Aqahuto Tokukujo Sümi Totimi Hoho (ATSTH).

Outlining the significance of the seminar, Holi Chophy, General Secretary, WSTH said that, at this juncture we are bound by different laws and orders but we don’t follow the laws many a times, including protection of child rights and rules regarding the adoption of a child.

The Indian constitution under Article 14 of the Fundamental Rights provides for the equal rights of every man, women and children and so each person should be treated equally, she stated.

There are various rules in place to protect children from sexual offences and child labour such as Child Labour Protection and Regulation Act 1986, The Immoral Trafficking Prevention Act 1956, The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act 2012 and Victim Compensation Scheme 2012. Any person found guilty of violating such laws can be penalized.

On the issue of adoption, she maintained that every right should be given to adopted children and should be treated equally. She also emphasized on the need to follow proper channels in adoption so that every child’s right is protected.

Wegen übler Nachrede verurteilt: Frau im Fall Krichbaum bekommt Bewährung

Wegen übler Nachrede verurteilt: Frau im Fall Krichbaum bekommt Bewährung

Veröffentlicht: 03.05.2019

Region Aktualisiert: 23.08.2019 11:23 Uhr

Zugedröhnter 19-Jähriger liefert sich waghalsige Verfolgungsjagd mit der Polizei

Rat weist Windpark zurück: Engelsbrand arbeitet mit Neuenbürg Hand in Hand gegen Energie-Pläne

Convicted of defamation: Woman in the Krichbaum case gets probation

Pforzheim. Before the Pforzheim district court, the verdict was made against a 46-year-old German with Romanian roots. According to the indictment by the Pforzheim public prosecutor's office, she had repeatedly claimed publicly that Oana Krichbaum, the wife of the Pforzheim CDU member of the Bundestag Gunther Krichbaum, was involved in child trafficking scandals in Romania a good 20 years ago, put donations into her own pocket and her husband covered it with its political weight.

Judge Patrick Stemler found it proven that the four Facebook posts by the accused to which the indictment referred exceeded the limits of freedom of expression. It was a matter of allegations of fact, "and these allegations must be proven," Stemler explained. However, the accused "did not prove the truth." He sentenced the accused to six months' imprisonment on probation for defamation and defamation of a public figure. He set the probationary period for three years. In addition, the woman must do 80 hours of community service.

The accused had repeatedly referred to Oana Krichbaum as a "child trafficker". She is referring to the time in the 1990s, when Krichbaum's wife was still working as a lawyer in Romania - among other things for a foundation that took care of the adoption of Romanian children in Germany. In the course of the process, around 800 online posts, e-mails and other documents were viewed, with which the accused had repeatedly approached the personal and political environment of the Krichbaums - including the Pforzheim CDU or the German-Romanian Society - since 2012 be. In this context, Krichbaum spoke of "hate mail", "Internet hate speech" and "stalking".


Adoptiekinderen die kat de bel aanbonden blijven met wrang gevoel zitten bij onderzoek naar fraude

Adoption children who ring the bell remain awkward when investigating fraud

After testimonies about fraud with adoptions from Ethiopia, Minister of Welfare Jo Vandeurzen (CD&V) promises an investigation. Adinda Aelvoet and Priyani Libert are left with a wry feeling. "Because they are almost elections, our politicians are now in motion. When we came out with our adoption story a year and a half ago, nothing happened. "

In recent days, fifteen more testimonials have been received from the newspaper about suspected adoption fraud. Spin in the web is the adoption agency Ray of Hope (RoH), which cooperated from 1997 to 2017 with a completely unreliable Ethiopian contact person according to the testimonials.

Flemish Parliament member Lorin Parys (N-VA) wants an extra session of the Flemish Parliament before the elections about possible fraudulent adoptions. He argues for a "thorough and independent investigation". Flemish Minister for Welfare Jo Vandeurzen is also in favor of such an investigation into past adoption practices.


'Love At First Sight,' Mumbai Couple Adopts Baby With Down Syndrome & The Reason Will Move You

It's a sad reality that more than half the children awaiting adoption in India are those in the special needs category.

Adoption remains an almost taboo subject in most of the country, and adopting a child with special needs more so. But there are those who breaking this stereotype and doing their bit to spread awareness on the subject.

Like this Mumbai couple who adopted a baby girl with Down Syndrome.

In a moving post shared by the Humans of Bombay, Kavita and Huimanshu spoke about the moment they decided to adopt a child.

It was in May 2017 that they brought Veda home and their life turned around.