
Tensions peak as Norway takes Lithuanian children


Tensions peak as Norway takes Lithuanian children

2015 02 03. The years-long tensions over the troubles many Lithuanian parents have in Norway reached new heights this week after a Lithuanian family was unsuccessful in repatriating its child from Norway to Lithuania.

In a far-from-unique case the family, living in Norway, had its child forcibly taken away by authorities (Barnevernet childcare agency) to a foster home without a comprehensive reason. Fearing for their child they decided to bring him to Lithuania (via Sweden), which Norway considered illegal and requested Swedish authorities to intervene. Sweded taken the boy in a ferry to Lithuania and sent him to Norway, leading to Lithuanian diplomatic protests as the boy is a Lithuanian citizen.

Children taken away for cultural differences

Protection des enfants français maltraités à l’étranger : mon amendement adopté

Protection des enfants français maltraités à l’étranger : mon amendement adopté

02 février, 2015 Au Sénat

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Dans le cadre de l’examen de la proposition de loi relative à la protection de l’enfance, je me suis exprimé, le 28 janvier dernier, sur la situation des enfants français maltraités lorsqu’ils vivent à l’étranger. Il y a quelques mois, j’avais été alerté par Marie-Claire Sparrow, conseiller consulaire au Royaume-Uni, sur le sort des enfants placés en famille d’accueil à l’étranger, qui sont totalement coupés de leurs attaches françaises et dont certains peuvent même faire l’objet d’une adoption forcée (lire : « Deux amendements pour rapatrier les enfants français retirés à leurs parents par les services sociaux étrangers » du 14 décembre 2014).

Susan Jacobs interview about her appointment as Special Advisor on Children (because of her Romanian experience)

Listen as of 00:36:45 Susan Jacobs about Romania/Hilary Clinton etc


Mark Leon Goldberg February 2, 2015

Ambassador Susan Jacobs is the Special Advisor for Children’s Issues at the State Department. In this episode, she describes her office’s work on inter-country adoptions and custody disputes — and discusses when these issues rise to the level of high diplomacy. Ambassador Jacobs has had a long and distinguished career. She discusses how she broke a big barrier in US diplomacy, becoming one of the very first married women to be allowed to join the US foreign service. She also recounts some career highlights, including a stint as ambassador to Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. It’s a lively discussion with a foreign service pro. Enjoy!

Avoiding the Perils and Pitfalls of Intercountry Adoption from Non-Hague Countries: Considerations for Agencies and Adoptive Par

Avoiding the Perils and Pitfalls of Intercountry Adoption from Non-Hague Countries: Considerations for Agencies and Adoptive Parents (Part I)

Adoption Advocate No. 80


While adopting a child from another country, you receive word that the in-country court has scheduled the final guardianship or adoption hearing. You make travel plans with your family to be in-country for just a few weeks. After all, once you appear for the in-country court proceeding, you are sure that this very long process will be almost over. You assume that the last step--procuring a visa from your own government, the United States--will be quick and painless.

Sometimes it is, and you are soon on your flight home, exactly as scheduled, with the newest addition to your family. Other times, your family is not so fortunate, and you spend weeks or months, thousands of dollars, and every ounce of patience trying to prove to the U.S. Department of State and ultimately, U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS), that your child is truly an orphan under U.S. law and eligible for a visa to enter the U.S.

Latest Trafficking Scandal a Wake-Up Call for Adoption Reform

Latest Trafficking Scandal a Wake-Up Call for Adoption Reform

Yang Xin ?January 30, 2015 ?0

Police in Shandong province busted a child-trafficking ring earlier this month, rescuing 37 abducted children who had been living in a cellar under squalid conditions and capturing their 103 traffickers.

But unlike most child-trafficking cases, which involve child abduction, the children discovered in Shandong had been sold by their parents or other family members.

Traffickers first reached out to pregnant women through black channels and made deals with potential buyers to sell newborn girls for 60,000 yuan and boys 80,000 yuan.

Former adoption director pleads guilty to federal charges

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Former adoption director pleads guilty to federal charges

By Diane Turbyfill

Published: Friday, January 30, 2015 at 17:44 PM.

A Belmont woman has pleaded guilty to making false statements to keep an international adoption agency in business.

Adoption Cause 218 of 2014 - Kenya Law






L'Unicef demande 3,1 milliards de dollars pour l'aide humanitaire aux enfants

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L'Unicef demande 3,1 milliards de dollars pour l'aide humanitaire aux enfants

(Belga) Le Fonds des Nations unies pour l'enfance (Unicef) lance jeudi un appel aux dons pour un montant de 3,1 milliards de dollars, un record, pour venir en aide à 62 millions d'enfants en danger dans les crises humanitaires partout dans le monde en 2015, annonce-t-il dans un communiqué. "Cela représente un bond de 1 milliard de dollars de plus en besoins de financement depuis l'appel de l'année dernière. Plus d'un enfant sur dix dans le monde vit actuellement dans les pays ou régions touchés par les seuls conflits armés", indique l'agence onusienne.

"Le montant avancé lors de l'appel annuel aux dons se base sur les situations réelles vécues sur le terrain", indique Philippe Henon, d'Unicef Belgique. "Et, malheureusement, les besoins sont de plus en plus importants."

Près d'un tiers du budget demandé (903 millions de dollars) concerne "une intervention régionale en Syrie et dans les pays voisins pour protéger les enfants en danger et apporter une aide essentielle, comme les vaccinations, de l'eau salubre, des moyens d'assainissement et une éducation", explique l'Unicef.

Parents who abandon children in care homes may lose right to block adoptions

Monday, January 26, 2015, 06:58 by

Claudia Calleja

Parents who abandon children in care homes may lose right to block adoptions

Parents of children living in care homes who refuse to free them for adoption despite not being present in their lives could have them taken away under a new process to be discussed in Parliament today.

The measure could put an end to a system that leaves children in care homes for years.

Congo, 22 children abducted who are to be adopted by Italian couples

Congo, 22 children abducted who are to be adopted by Italian couples The children were taken by force by three men with a French accent. While the Foreign Ministry is silent, Congo will investigate. Andrea Riva - Tue, 20/01/2015 - 09:28 In fact, this seems to be darker than it looks. As reported today by the Daily Done, which incorporates the Congolese newspaper Le Potentiel, the evening of last December 29, 22 children already destined for Italian couples were taken by force from the orphanage in Kinshasa, Maison Gabrielle Ange Family. Three men with a French accent would have entered the structure with violence, taking the kids in a hurry and qualifying as envoys of Cai, the [Italian] Commission for Intercountry Adoptions, chaired by Silvia Della Monica and under the dependencies of the Foreign Ministry. Le Potentiel writes, quoting a resident of the neighborhood of the orphanage,that the managers of the facility would have been mystified by the dynamics of the extremely agitated and bloody episode: "Wearing pijamas, the kids would have resisted their carers, would launch screams to oppose the transfer and were loaded on a vehicle by intermediaries of their adoptive parents. " To justify the raid, French men would have said that the children would be simply transferred to another facility, without making any reference to Italy. As written by the Congolese newspaper, it would have been three employees of the Italian foundation Raphael, who would have acted in violation of the standard procedure for custody of children. While the Foreign Ministry is silent on the episode, the Congolese ministry of Gender, Family and Children's has promised to launch an investigation.
