
[Herald Interview] Adoptee launches search service for birth parents, adoptees

Korean transnational adoptee Sarah Bowling was adopted to the US in 1974 at age 3 from an orphanage in Busan.

Despite two DNA tests with potential parents in the 1990s — both came out negative — Bowling has not found her birth family.

However, her experience her living in South Korea since 2009 as well as her own birth family search her have inspired her to start a project with a very personal connection.

She recently launched Korea Reconnect, an online database that helps birth parents and adoptees look for each other without revealing their identities.

The database, with information provided both in English and Korean, currently holds hundreds of profiles of birth parents and adoptees, both transnational and local. In some ways, Korea Reconnect works almost like a matchmaking site, she said.

[Herald Interview] Adoptee launches search service for birth parents, adoptees

Korean transnational adoptee Sarah Bowling was adopted to the US in 1974 at age 3 from an orphanage in Busan.

Despite two DNA tests with potential parents in the 1990s — both came out negative — Bowling has not found her birth family.

However, her experience her living in South Korea since 2009 as well as her own birth family search her have inspired her to start a project with a very personal connection.

She recently launched Korea Reconnect, an online database that helps birth parents and adoptees look for each other without revealing their identities.

The database, with information provided both in English and Korean, currently holds hundreds of profiles of birth parents and adoptees, both transnational and local. In some ways, Korea Reconnect works almost like a matchmaking site, she said.

Romanian reunion with a birth mother thought dead

News / GTA

Romanian reunion with a birth mother thought dead

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'Foreign adoption must disappear to avoid suffering'

The ratings hit 'With open arms', presented by Natasja Froger, has shaken up the discussion about adoption.

It is really time to take a close look at the institute of intercountry adoption and start thinking seriously about alternatives, such as sustainable foster parent care in the country itself.

Foreign adoption is a self-perpetuating phenomenon that must disappear to prevent further suffering for parents and children. There is suffering with the parents of the children who have been put up for adoption. The grief of having to give up your child is indescribable. It becomes even more distressing if, as in some of the cases, this was not done voluntarily.

It is also a laborious process for adoptive parents, as the Flemish writer Benno Barnard explains in great detail. He drew the ire of many on his neck in February of this year with the publication of his piece: 'Don't Adoption'.


Project Proposal: I am not for Sale (Wereldkinderen/UAI/ICDI)


Naar aanleiding van het RTL programma 'Met Open Armen'.

Naar aanleiding van het RTL-programma ‘Met Open Armen’ kwam adoptie de afgelopen dagen in de media. Op vrijdag 21 november heeft een opiniestuk over adoptie van Ina Hut, van 2003 tot 2009 directeur van Wereldkinderen, in Trouw gestaan. Ook was zij aan het woord in het tv-programma KRO-Brandpunt op zondag 23 november. Zij stelde op persoonlijke titel een aantal misstanden binnen het adoptieveld aan de kaak.

Met Open Armen

In KRO-Brandpunt werd ook de TV-serie ‘Met Open Armen’ besproken. Wereldkinderen heeft vroegtijdig besloten niet mee te werken aan dit programma om de privacy van kinderen te beschermen.

ECLI: NL: RBNHO: 2014: 8263, District Court of Noord-Holland, ...

ECLI: NL: RBNHO: 2014: 8263


District Court of North Holland

Date of judgment


RTL-programma Met Open Armen schaadt belangen adoptiekinderen

‘RTL-programma Met Open Armen schaadt belangen adoptiekinderen’‘RTL-programma Met Open Armen schaadt belangen adoptiekinderen’

23 november 2014 19:29

Laatste update: 24 november 2014 08:40

Het programma Met Open Armen van RTL schaadt de belangen van adoptiekinderen en moet onmiddellijk van de televisie verdwijnen. Dat stelt de stichting United Adoptees International (UAI).

De stichting reageert hiermee op de uitzending van KRO Brandpunt van zondag waarin aandacht wordt besteed aan het RTL-programma.

Ina Hut: Adoptiemarkt is ontspoord, kinderhandel is de praktijk


Adoptiemarkt is ontspoord, kinderhandel is de praktijk

Aankomst van adoptiekinderen uit Haïti op vliegveld Eindhoven, op 21 januari 2010. Tien dagen daarvoor vond daar een zware aardbeving plaats. Beeld anp

Aankomst van adoptiekinderen uit Haïti op vliegveld Eindhoven, op 21 januari 2010. Tien dagen daarvoor vond daar een zware aardbeving plaats.Beeld anp

INA HUT De wereld van adoptiekinderen kent te veel ontsporingen, vindt Ina Hut, oud-directeur van Wereldkinderen. 'De overheid laat andere belangen prevaleren.'

Era ending in international adoption

Era ending in international adoption

LAST UPDATED: Sunday, November 16, 2014, 1:09 AM

By the age of 12, he refused to remove his hat, concealing the curly hair he inherited from his African American father.

His Korean playmates told him his skin was the color of "fried batter."

His soccer coach said he'd be a slave if it wasn't for Abraham Lincoln.

The disabled children locked up in cages

14 November 2014 Last updated at 00:04 GMT Share this pagePrint


The disabled children locked up in cages

By Chloe Hadjimatheou

BBC World Service