
Marina Tsekova: The price of a child for adoption can reach € 30,000

(Google TranslationN)

Marina Tsekova: The price of a child for adoption can reach € 30,000

Children for sale or how much it costs to adopt a child of black? This reporter showed New Marina Tsekova in a series of materials adoption scheme

October 15, 2014

Marina Tsekova Source: Nova TV

International adoption: the season of poison

Date: 14/10/23

International adoption: the season of poison

angry childAfter the ' interpellation of Senator Carlo Giovanardi filed on October 16 in the Senate and to the President of the Council of Ministers, the ' body CIAI (Italian Centre for Aid to Children) took a public political position starting in fact what might constitute a real massacre game between the authorized bodies.

Before the initiative of a Member that is not representative of an entity but rather representative of the people elected in a democratic state, it is really irrelevant whether one of the many authorized bodies either agree or disagree with the work of Senator Giovanardi. Each, in fact, their work: the authorized bodies are not political parties, do not have to line up on the political positions or for specific people.

How do you then to say that a Senator would have "raised the tone" or even "sparked a real war" for the simple fact of having done the work for which he was elected?

Chaos international adoptions: "Families waiting for months"

Chaos international adoptions: "Families waiting for months"

The denunciation of the associations: the Commission does not answer

Published the 14/10/2014

Last modified on 06/11/2014 at 16:52


Black Adoptions: How to buy abandoned children in Bulgaria?

Black Adoptions: How to buy abandoned children in Bulgaria?


New team on the trail of a corrupt scheme for adoption of children

Home / Crime / Hello, Bulgaria / Adoptions of Black: How to buy abandoned children in Bulgaria?

Marina TsekovaMarina Tsekova10/13/2014 8:50 PM., Obnovena at 15:35Share with Facebook Share with Twitter

DG REGIO - Romanian Managing Autority (Request for info)

Ref. Ares(2014)3372339 - 13/10/2014




Administrative Capacity Building and South-East Europe

Aeroflot Takes Part in Train of Hope Charity Program

October 13, 2014, Moscow. — For the 9th time Aeroflot co-organized Train of Hope charity program event created by Radio Russia within the social project Child Question. The main goal is to draw public attention to the problem of orphanage and to help children left without parental care to find a new family.

This time the charity program goes to Simferopol and Sevastopol. Eight families from different parts of Russia who are planning to adopt or take custody of a child have become members of the Crimean voyage Train of Hope.

Aeroflot offered 30 free tickets to the future adoptive parents on the route Moscow — Simferopol and 35 free tickets on the route Simferopol — Moscow.

Professors from foster parents Moscow schools will consult their Crimean colleagues on details of Russian legislation and arrange seminars for childcare authorities.

The Child Question team with the assistance of psychologists, doctors and lawyers will provide help to the potential parents. Such support is usually provided to the members of each Train of Hope trip, but this time it is even more important, because parents are coming for the children older than 5 years, brothers and sisters, children with the health problems — those for whom it’s especially complicated to find a new family.

Lange: There was no initiative to activate a clause in the balance

Lange: There was no initiative to activate a clause in the balance

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European Commission European Commission has invested great effort to report on the progress made by objective, said the Head of Montenegro in the Directorate General for Enlargement Dirk Lange, adding that the document does not contain a recommendation to activate clauses balance.

Dirk Lange

He explained that in the context of the negotiation, which is a guideline for negotiations with Montenegro, there is a clause that says that if you happen to negotiations in the rule of law are not followed the pace of negotiations in other chapters, there is a possibility of slowing the negotiation process in other technical chapters as a result of lack of progress in Chapters 23 and 24 news agency MINA.

Australian couple abandons surrogate baby in India

Australian couple abandons surrogate baby in India


October 8, 2014

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Eryk Bagshaw

Uganda’s child adoption ‘market’ brings misery and confusion

Uganda’s child adoption ‘market’ brings misery and confusion

Family distraught at losing contact with son, now living 8,000 miles away in US after adopters told he was abandoned

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Amy Fallon in Kampala

The Guardian, Monday 6 October 2014 21.58 BST

Court opens to public American parents’ proceeding to cancel their adoption of Russian children

Court opens to public American parents’ proceeding to cancel their adoption of Russian children

By Eugene Volokh October 6

A very interesting decision, especially since adoption-related proceedings are generally closed to the public, In the Matter of Adoption of Child A and Child C (N.Y. Surr. Ct. Oct. 2, 2014). Here’s the court’s explanation of why there is especially strong reason to open these proceedings:


In addition to the general public interest in this case, independent interests are also implicated. The issue in this case will be important, generally and independently, to different people throughout the United States and Russia.