
Doar 20% dintre copiii adoptabili sunt mici ?i s?n?to?i. Familiile trebuie informate mai bine

ANPDCA: Only 20% of children are young and healthy adoptable. Families should be better informed Aurelia Alexa - Mediafax?tire Only 20 percent of children declared adoptable are healthy and younger than five years, said Thursday at the National Conference for Adoption, President ANPDCA, Gabriela Coman, adding that people who want to adoption should be better informed about children's profile the system.ANPDCA: Only 20% of children are young and healthy adoptable, families should be informed better (Picture: Shutterstock)President of the National Authority for Child Protection and Adoption, Gabriela Coman, said that across the country are declared adoptable 3152 children, 520 of whom are international adoption. "We shall, in this moment, 3.152 children. It's hard to say whether many or few, but it's important to know that only 20 percent are aged under five. Ages largest special problems automatically imply that children come because they spent more time in the social protection system. The state, more or foster care centers brings some problems, some slowdown in development - emotional, cognitive or behavior. So these children come with various problems and with an accumulation of problems that parents who want to adopt should know. At the moment, the parent is informed and the information that is transmitted is more likely to induce you to answers on what they would like him. I think it should be changed slightly this procedure and I think parents should be informed about the situation of these children, "said Gabriela Coman. She added that at present, 1,610 families are approved to adopt."Of the total national adoptable children, are in phase matching theoretical, 19.7 percent were aged between 0 and 5 years old, clinically healthy and have no developmental delays, and 16.1 percent are enrolled in degree disability and mental retardation presented. Nationally, 1,610 families are approved to adopt. Of these, 1,475 are approved to adopt a child, 133 were certified for two children and two families can adopt three children, "said President ANPDCA. Gabriela Coman said at the same event, that of the 3152 children who were adopted, 335 are entrusted for adoption, 300 are matched practical and theoretical 2,517 are matched. "Of the total number of children in matching theory, 738 were between one and five years, 1,063 were between six and 10 years and 716 between 11 and 17 years," said President ANPDCA. Coman has also stated that, until now, were given 17 international adoptions and there are still 31 requests from mixed families, ie one parent is a foreign national, the other Romanian. Families and individuals are certified for international adoption in Canada (seven), France and Spain (five), Italy and Germany (four), USA (three), Sweden (second) and the Netherlands (one). "Of the 520 children adopted internationally, 36 had between one and five years, 264 were between six and ten years and 256 from 11 to 17 years," said President ANPDCA. Association President loves children, Simona Czudar, said that talks on adoption should always start from the interests of the children, pointing out that many of them, although real chance to be adopted, are refused because of their ethnicity. Simona Czudar announced that adoption of trusted organizations gathered in a National Federation for Adoption, the main objective of this structure is to increase standards of work in the field. Managing director of the Foundation SERA Romania, Bogdan Simion, said at the same conference, it would be necessary to rethink the way adoption is addressed as the target group structure has changed both in terms of age, and from the point of view of possible handicaps, making adoption of increasingly difficult. "In the years '97, '98, '99 we had many children in the system. Young children tend to become increasingly less and think it should be something that families better informed about the expectations they have of the source system. It should be better informed about what could adopt the system and I think that should matter more than what families want. I know from a previous study that over 95 percent of families in Romania shall want a little baby healthy. small child, healthy, getting an exception in the child protection system and maybe families should know this very well, to be informed, to know are children who can adopt, "said Bogdan Simion.




ANPDCA: Doar 20% dintre copiii adoptabili sunt mici ?i s?n?to?i. Familiile trebuie informate mai bine de Aurelia Alexa - Mediafax?tire Foto (1) Comentarii (0) Doar 20 la sut? dintre copiii declara?i adoptabili sunt s?n?to?i ?i mai mici de cinci ani, a declarat joi, la Conferin?a Na?ional? pentru Adop?ie, pre?edintele ANPDCA, Gabriela Coman, precizând c? persoanele care vor s? înfieze ar trebui s? fie mai bine informate despre profilul copiilor din sistem. Pre?edintele Autorit??ii Na?ionale pentru protec?ia Drepturilor copilului ?i Adop?ie, Gabriela Coman, a precizat c? în toat? ?ara sunt declara?i adoptabili 3.152 de copii, 520 dintre ei fiind adoptabili interna?ional. "Avem adoptabili, în acest moment, 3.152 de copii. E greu de spus dac? sunt mul?i sau pu?ini, dar e important de ?tiut c? numai 20 la sut? au vârsta sub cinci ani. Vârstele mai mari implic? automat ?i probleme speciale cu care copiii vin, pentru c? ei au stat mai mult în sistemul de protec?ie special?. Statul, mai mult în asisten?? maternal? sau în centre, le aduce anumite tulbur?ri, anumite încetiniri în evolu?ie - emo?ionale, cognitive sau de comportament. Deci ace?ti copii vin cu probleme diverse ?i cu un cumul de probleme pe care p?rin?ii care doresc s? adopte ar trebui s? le ?tie. În momentul de fa??, p?rintele este informat, îns? informa?ia care i se transmite este mai degrab? de natur? de a-i induce lui r?spunsuri referitoare la ce ?i-ar dori el. Cred c? ar trebui schimbat? pu?in aceast? procedur? ?i cred c? ar trebui informa?i p?rin?ii despre situa?ia acestor copii", a explicat Gabriela Coman. Ea a mai precizat c?, în prezent, 1.610 familii sunt atestate s? adopte. "Din num?rul total al copiilor adoptabili na?ional, afla?i în etapa de potrivire teoretic?, 19,7 la sut? au vârsta cuprins? între 0 ?i 5 ani, sunt clinic s?n?to?i ?i nu au întârzieri în dezvoltare, iar 16,1 la sut? sunt încadra?i în grad de handicap ?i prezint? retard mental. La nivel na?ional, 1.610 familii sunt atestate s? adopte. Dintre acestea, 1.475 sunt atestate s? adopte un copil, 133 au atestat pentru doi copii, iar dou? familii pot adopta câte trei copii", a mai spus pre?edintele ANPDCA. Gabriela Coman a precizat, la acela?i eveniment, c? din cei 3.152 de copii adoptabili, 335 sunt încredin?a?i în vederea adop?iei, 300 sunt în potrivire practic?, iar 2.517 sunt în potrivire teoretic?. "Din num?rul total de copii afla?i în potrivire teoretic?, 738 au între unu ?i cinci ani, 1.063 au între ?ase ?i 10 ani ?i 716 între 11 ?i 17 ani", a spus pre?edintele ANPDCA. Coman a mai precizat c?, pân? în prezent, au fost pronun?ate 17 adop?ii interna?ionale ?i mai exist? înc? 31 de solicit?ri venite din familii mixte, adic? unul din p?rin?i este cet??ean str?in, iar cel?lalt, român. Familiile ?i persoanele atestate pentru adop?ia interna?ional? sunt din Canada (?apte), Fran?a ?i Spania (câte cinci), Italia ?i Germania (câte patru), SUA (trei), Suedia (dou?) ?i Olanda (una). "Din cei 520 de copii adoptabili interna?ional, 36 au între unu ?i cinci ani, 264 au între ?ase ?i zece ani ?i 256 între 11 ?i 17 ani", a mai spus pre?edintele ANPDCA. Pre?edintele Asocia?iei Ador Copiii, Simona Czudar, a precizat c? discu?iile privind adop?ia ar trebui s? porneasc? întotdeauna de la interesul copiilor, subliniind c? foarte mul?i dintre ei, de?i au ?anse reale s? fie adopta?i, sunt refuza?i din cauza etniei. Simona Czudar a anun?at c? organiza?iile acreditate în domeniul adop?iei s-au reunit într-o Federa?ie Na?ional? pentru Adop?ie, principalul obiectiv al acestui structuri fiind cre?terea standardelor de lucru în domeniu. Directorul exectutiv al Funda?iei SERA România, Bogdan Simion, a declarat, la aceea?i conferin??, c? ar fi necesar? o regândire a modului în care este abordat? adop?ia, deoarece structura grupului ?int? s-a schimbat atât din punct de vedere al vârstei, cât ?i din punct de vedere al eventualelor handicapuri, ceea ce face adop?ia din ce în ce mai dificil?. "În anii '97, '98, '99 aveam foarte mul?i copii mici în sistem. Copiii mici tind s? devin? din ce în ce mai pu?ini ?i cred c? ar trebui ca familiile s? fie ceva mai bine informate asupra a?tept?rilor pe care le au de la sursa acestui sistem. Ar trebui s? fie mai bine informate cu privire la ce ar putea s? adopte din sistem ?i cred c? asta ar trebui s? conteze mai mult decât ce î?i doresc familiile. ?tiu, dintr-un studiu anterior, c? peste 95 la sut? din familiile care adopt? în România î?i doresc un copil mic, s?n?tos. Copilul mic, s?n?tos, începe s? devin? o excep?ie în sistemul de protec?ie a copilului ?i poate c? familiile ar trebui s? ?tie foarte bine acest lucru, s? fie informate, s? ?tie care sunt copiii pe care îi pot adopta", a spus Bogdan Simion.

Welcome Trish Maskew, New Chief of the Adoption Division

Welcome Trish Maskew, New Chief of the Adoption Division

September 24, 2014

The Office of Children’s Issues is pleased to announce the appointment of Trish Maskew as the new Chief of the Adoption Division.

Trish joins the Department of State from the Department of Justice where she worked in the Civil Division for almost six years. Before joining the U.S. government, she held several positions in the intercountry adoption field: as a program coordinator for an adoption agency; a board member and interim administrator for the Joint Council on International Children’s Services; the founder and President of Ethica, a non-profit organization dedicated to ethical and transparent adoptions; and as an expert consultant to the Hague Conference on Private International Law. She is the author of “Our Own: Adopting and Parenting the Older Child” and numerous articles on adoption ethics and practice. She earned her J.D. from American University.

India court opens legal proceedings into orphan trafficking

India court opens legal proceedings into orphan trafficking

Kerala orphanages importing children in order to get state funding and subsidies, police say

ucanews.com reporter, Thiruvananthapuram, India, September 23, 2014

A court in southern India began legal proceedings Monday against orphanages for allegedly trafficking large numbers of children to Kerala from poorer northern states.

The Kerala High Court directed the state government to file a detailed report outlining details of the orphanages and their residents within four weeks.

Families certified to adopt will be able to check the status of their case and complain of problems

Families certified to adopt will be able to check the status of their case and complain of problems

Aurelia Alexa - Mediafax

Families certified to adopt a child will be able to check at any stage of an application and their file and be able to make referrals, complaints or suggestions, thanks to a system that will be developed through a project financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

The National Authority for Child Protection and Adoption (ANPDC) released on Friday, the "Information System for Romanian Office for Adoptions - OR @", whose implementation was taken over from the former Romanian Office for Adoptions, after its dissolution.

President of the NAPCR, Gabriela Coman, explained that the integrated system would assist citizens wishing to adopt a child, and the child protection specialists from local and central level.

Familiile atestate s? adopte vor putea s? verifice stadiul dosarului lor ?i s? reclame probleme

Familiile atestate s? adopte vor putea s? verifice stadiul dosarului lor ?i s? reclame probleme

de Aurelia Alexa - Mediafax 315 afi??ri


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Youtube: Conference to launch the Database project (7 mio)

Published on Sep 23, 2014

Un subiect sensibil în România anului 2014 îl constituie procesului de adop?ie al copiilor. Cu to?ii ?tim ce proceduri complicate sunt în acest caz ?i cum, de cele mai multe ori, aceast? "birocra?ie informatic?" reduce ?ansa de adop?ie a unui copil. Îns?, viitorul pare s? sune bine, odat? cu lansarea proiectului "Sistem informatic integrat pentru Oficiul Român de Adop?ii - OR@".


Gabriela Coman (ANPDCA): Plasamentul copilului cu vârsta sub 3 ani este interzis în institu?ii

Gabriela Coman (ANPDCA): Plasamentul copilului cu vârsta sub 3 ani este interzis în institu?ii

joi, 18 Sep 2014, 12:30 • Social

251 afi??ri

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Plasamentul copilului care nu a împlinit vârsta de trei ani într-o institu?ie este interzis, minorul încadrat în aceast? categorie de vârst? putând fi plasat numai la familia extins?, substitutiv? sau la asistent maternal, sus?ine Gabriela Coman, pre?edintele Autorit??ii Na?ionale pentru Protec?ia Drepturilor Copilului ?i Adop?ie (ANPDCA) din cadrul Ministerului Muncii, Familiei, Protec?iei Sociale ?i Persoanelor Vârstnice (MMFPSPV).

Representatives of MIA visited the Center

Wednesday, 17 September 2014 10:37

Representatives of MIA visited the Center

September 4th, 2014 - In the premises of the Gerontology Center of Belgrade meeting between representatives of the Centre for Human Trafficking Victims Protection and representatives of the Swedish government body MIA (Swedish Intercountry Adoptions Authority), which have visited our country from 1st to 5th of September, in order to control and supervise of the Swedish NGO and non-profit organizations "Adoptionscentrum" and its work in the territory of the Republic of Serbia and Montenegro.

While in Serbia, representatives of MIA took advantage to visit several institutions, among which was the Center for Human Trafficking Victims Protection.

The first part of the meeting was devoted to the presentation of the Centre, as well as presenting problems that the city faces in everyday activities.

ASIL Names New Executive Director: Mark Agrast

ASIL Names New Executive Director: Mark Agrast

by Duncan Hollis

Those readers who are members of the American Society of International Law know how critical the role of its Executive Director is and how great a job the previous director, Betsy Andersen did since taking on the role in 2006. Betsy left ASIL earlier this year to run the ABA’s Rule of Law Initiative, and my former colleague from the State Department, Ron Bettauer, has been serving as an Interim Director for the last several months. Today, I’m pleased to report ASIL announced the hiring of its newest Executive Director, Mark Agrast. Here’s the highlights from ASIL’s news release:

The American Society of International Law (ASIL) announces the appointment of Mark D. Agrast to serve as the Society’s eighth executive director beginning October 20, 2014 . . . Agrast, who is an ASIL member, currently serves as deputy assistant attorney general in the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Legislative Affairs, where he has worked since 2009. . . Prior to joining the Justice Department, Agrast was a senior vice president and senior fellow at the Center for American Progress from 2003 to 2009, and from 1992 to 2003 he held senior staff positions with two members of the U.S. House of Representatives. Agrast previously practiced international law with the Washington office of Jones Day. He also has served in numerous leadership capacities in the ABA, including as a member of its Board of Governors and its Executive Committee, a past chair of the Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities and the Commission on Immigration, and current chair of the Commission on Disability Rights. He is a longtime member of the ABA’s House of Delegates. Agrast has co-chaired the National Lesbian and Gay Law Association (now the National LGBT Bar) and served as that organization’s ABA Delegate. He has also been a leader of the World Justice Project since its inception and has played a central role in designing and implementing its Rule of Law Index, a quantitative assessment measure of the extent to which countries adhere to the rule of Law. Agrast graduated summa cum laude from Case Western Reserve University, pursued his postgraduate studies as a Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford, and received his J.D. in 1985 from Yale Law School, where he was editor in chief of the Yale Journal of International Law.