
Maybe Orphanages Aren’t So Bad After All, Study Says

Maybe Orphanages Aren’t So Bad After All, Study Says

Belinda Luscombe @youseless Aug. 27, 2014

ranplett—Getty Images/Vetta

Author of biggest study to date says the institutions have been unfairly stigmatized


Orphaned Children Do Just As Well in Institutions

Orphaned Children Do Just As Well in Institutions

Duke Research: Drive to eliminate institutional care not supported by evidence

August 26, 2014 | print |


DURHAM, NC - The removal of institutions or group homes will not lead to better child well-being and could even worsen outcomes for some orphaned and separated children, according to new findings from a three-year study across five low- and middle-income countries.

Information MAK trial

Shareable link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1s4S955pfFj4UmM9y5DIJcKO6kEKGyTgj

Additional info about the history/documents (as far as I know - and I think you know at least part of this history as well):

· There were allegations by Preger, they landed at BIA office in NL as well as with the Ministry of Justice in NL.

· This was “researched”, in two parts:

o The Dutch parents were asked to write statements/reports about how the children ended up in proper families and were taken well care of. I believe that all the parents responded, all very worried about that poor man who had helped them so much with getting their beloved children, and who was now accused of such terrible things.

VERTROUWELIJK - WK & ICDI Beleidsstuk naar Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken

Shareable Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ys4M1tDuCEx58Ae3wCHI2EURAv0mE9J0

Warm regards
Arun Dohle


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hilbrand Westra <uai.hwestra@gmail.com>
Date: 2014-08-24 15:17 GMT+02:00
Subject: VERTROUWELIJK - WK & ICDI Beleidsstuk naar Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken
To: UAI - Anand Kaper <uai.agkaper@gmail.com>, Rini van Dijkhuizen <uai.rvandijkhuizen@gmail.com>
Cc: UAI Legal Aid International <uai.legalaid@gmail.com>

Beste Anand en Rini,

De ene laatste eindversie van het stuk waaraan ik meegewerkt heb. Het is nog vertrouwelijke dus niet delen met anderen. Maar dan weten jullie wat er tot nu toe gedaan is.

Morgen en dinsdag moeten de finale concepten klaar zijn omdat voor 1 september het bij MoFA(t) ligt. Mochten jullie voor die tijd nog op-en of aanmerkingen hebben, dan graag voor morgen ; )



Met vriendelijke groet | Kind regards | Cordialement | Mit freundlichen Grüssen | Cordialemente | Con cordial saludo

Hilbrand W.S. Westra | ???
UAI Foundation

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Hilbrand W.S. Westra | ???
UAI Foundation

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Angebliches Waisenkind aus Indien: "Ich wollte nicht adoptiert werden"

Angebliches Waisenkind aus Indien: "Ich wollte nicht adoptiert werden"

Von Ulrike Putz, Ullal

Suche nach leiblicher Mutter: Chayas KampfFotos


Ihre Mutter arbeitete als Prostituierte, sie selbst landete im Heim, indische Nonnen vermittelten sie nach Deutschland. Jetzt hegt Maria Chaya Schupp den Verdacht, unrechtmäßig adoptiert worden zu sein.

Mater Matuta eist onderzoek van oude adoptiepraktijken

Mater Matuta eist onderzoek van oude adoptiepraktijken

Honderden slachtoffers van gedwongen of illegale adoptie blijven op zoek naar hun ouders of soms gaan de ouders ook op zoek naar hun kinderen. Een nieuwe vereniging Mater Matuta wil moeders en kinderen helpen en eist dat er werk gemaakt wordt van een commissie om de adoptiepraktijken uit het verleden te onderzoeken.

Bekijk de volledige aflevering

Mater Matuta requests investigation of old adoption practices

Hundreds of victims of illegal adoption remain looking for their parents or sometimes parents are looking for their children. A new association Mater Matuta wants to help mothers and children and requests that a commission will be established to investigate old adoption practices from the past.

Ecuador accuses Italy: the children of immigrants unfairly removed unemployed parents

Google translation from Website Amici dei Bambini (friends of Children) - Italian Adoption Agency

Date: 14/08/20

Ecuador accuses Italy: the children of immigrants are unfairly removed unemployed parents

Ecuador warned Italy in relation to immigrant children separated from their families and put in educational facilities of our country. To criticize the work of Italians was done by the president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa , who spoke in Genoa in a meeting with thousands of immigrants from South America. Correa announced at that occasion that he will ask the Italian authorities to reconsider the mode of action on the withdrawal of custody of the children of unemployed Ecuadorians who live in Italy.

While confirming the respect for the institutions and the sovereignty Italian, Correa showed all his doubts about what is happening in our country to the detriment, according to him, the Ecuadorian families residing in the peninsula.

Mircea Badea disclosures. Cristian Burca, owner Truth Holding intermediary in the sale of Romanian children in America (VIDEO)

Mircea Badea disclosures. Cristian Burci, owner of Adevarul (Truth) Holding intermediary in the sale of Romanian children in America (VIDEO)

August 13, 2014 - 23:30

Mircea Badea disclosures. Cristian Burca, owner Truth Holding intermediary in the sale of Romanian children in America (VIDEO)

Mircea Badea presented in his show, "The mouth of the press" on Antena 3, a report conducted by reporters 90s 60 Minutes, American channel CBS. The subject of the report: adoptions of children in Romania. Immediately after December 89, open borders brought capitalism in Romania, unfortunately one of the first goods sold were children. A lucrative business, Romania is one of the last sources of adoption Caucasian children.

American reporter with a hidden camera filming a meeting with one of the brokers the sale of children, which he said addressing you directly in hotel lobbies. Easily recognizable images although 20 years have passed, "baby-broker" of the talks to reporter conditions and the price at which a child can be adopted by Cristian Burca, owner of Adevarul (Truth) Holding. As is now selling cars, and then proved qualities Burci was a good negotiator to offer was varied, folded on the wishes of each client, boys or girls at any age. Required between 3,500 and 7,000 dollars, perhaps the poor souls who sell their children get enough to buy a video recorder in high fashion at the time and that cost up to 1000 dollars.

Serbia Europe's best in extra-institutional child care

12/8/2014 1:36:00 PM

Serbia Europe's best in extra-institutional child care

BELGRADE - In Serbia, most children without parental care live in foster families, with fewer than 1,000 boys and girls living in relevant institutions, which makes Serbia the best in Europe in this regard, Serbian Minister of Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs Aleksandar Vulin said on Monday.

Foster families have eased the burden on institutions to the greatest extent possible and, as a result, fewer than 50 boys and girls under the age of three live in care institutions, Vulin said, opening a conference on progress in the process of transition from user institutionalisation to community service in Serbia.

Soon, many of those children will also go to foster families, with the exception of a small number of children with special needs, for whom foster families are difficult to find, Vulin said.