
Contributing to EU Human Rights Dialogue with Ukraine

Contributing to EU Human Rights Dialogue with Ukraine

Halya Postoliuk

The Opening Doors campaign recently participated in the EU-Ukraine Human Rights Dialogue, a regular dialogue between the Government of Ukraine and the EU’s European External Action Service (EEAS).

Ahead of the official talks between the Government and the EEAS, Halya Postoliuk of Hope and Homes for Children Ukraine, national coordinator for the Opening Doors campaign, attended a meeting with the EEAS and civil society representatives in Brussels to update officials on the situation of children in institutional care in Ukraine and the challenges to ending institutional care in Ukraine.

In spite of a policy framework to support deinstitutionalisation (DI), Ukraine lacks the clear strategy needed to implement reform and approximately 80,000 children are in institutional care nationally – one of the highest numbers in Europe.

Burundi/Italie : Convention de coopération avec l’ONG Amici DEI Bambini

Burundi/Italie : Convention de coopération avec l’ONG Amici DEI Bambini

Création : 13 Juillet 2014

Publication : 13 Juillet 2014

Bujumbura, 4 déc.-13 (DWG) : Le Gouvernement de la République du Burundi, représenté par le Ministre des Relations Extérieures et de la Coopération Internationale, S.E.M Laurent KAVAKURE, et l’Organisation Non Gouvernementale d’origine Italienne Amici Dei Bambini (Amis de Dieu et des Enfants), Représenté par son Directeur Exécutif Monsieur Marco GRIFFINI, ont procédé ce mardi 3 décembre 2013, à la signature d’une convention de coopération.

En effet, cette ONG Amici Dei Bambini cherche à aider les enfants en difficulté en leur proposant des parents d’adoption en Europe ou en soutenant les orphelinats. Elle va démarrer ses activités au Burundi et compte voler au secours des enfants et appuyer les orphelinats.

UK: Children's homes were 'supply line' for paedophiles, says ex-minister

Children's homes were 'supply line' for paedophiles, says ex-minister

Lord Warner says an inquiry he conducted in 1992 showed how children's homes were targeted by powerful people

Nicholas Watt and Patrick Wintour

theguardian.com, Tuesday 8 July 2014 09.58 BST

Link to video: Miliband: 'government slow and piecemeal' over child abuse inquiry

One World Adoption Services Goes Out Of Business

Category: susan manning

One World Adoption Services Goes Out Of Business

One World Adoption Services (OWAS) of Georgia, USA, operated by psychology graduate, Susan Secor Manning, has decided to go out of business after being punished with a 90-day suspension over allegations of improper documentation in its operations in Congo.

The 90-day suspension was ordered by the New York-based Council on Accreditation, the authority designated by the U.S. State Department to monitor and accredit American adoption agencies that operate abroad per the terms of the Hague Convention. According to the council’s investigation, the suspension was warranted for several violations of international adoption regulations that occurred in Congo.

One World’s closure comes amid continuing turmoil over pending adoptions of children in the Congo by families in America and elsewhere. Hundreds of adoptions have been stalled since Congolese authorities stopped issuing the exit permits needed for the children to leave the country, even in cases where the adoptions had been officially approved.

Italians continue to lead in the number of Russian adoptions

Italians continue to lead in the number of Russian adoptions

© RIA Novosti, Aleksei Naumov

10:01 03/07/2014

MOSCOW, July 3 (RAPSI) – Italians adopted 560 Russian children in 2013, the largest number among foreign countries, Russia’s Supreme Court said in a survey of adoptions by foreign parents or Russians living abroad.

Last year, Russian courts approved the adoption of 1,232 of the 1,247 applications for the adoption of Russian children by foreign parents. This is 50% less than in 2012.

Organizations fear forced the adoption of the disabled children


Organizations fear forced the adoption of the disabled children

Rødovre Municipality may become the first in the country to be forced adopt a disabled mother's child. It is of great concern to disability organizations.

By: Naja Dandanell, Berlingske News

Land Court during the summer to decide whether a young brain-damaged mom can keep in touch with her ??seven year old daughter, or whether the girl should adoptable of the foster family, she has lived with since she was a baby. The signs told the paper. This is the first time in recent history that a child of a disabled person can end up being given up for adoption against the parents' will. The case is also fundamental because it may set a precedent for similar cases in the future. And the very fact of great concern among the country's disability organizations who fear that the case of Rødovre will pave the way for a practice of adoption services for disabled children. "We view the matter with great concern that it will be the first of many. This is not just an attack on the parents, but also very much on the kids, "said Chairman of the LEV, Sytter Kristensen, told the paper. Chairman of the Danish Disability organizations Stig Langvad believe that the case can be seen as the latest of many examples of a growing resentment against people with disabilities in Denmark. "We have the last 10 years have witnessed a disturbing trend in society's view of people with disabilities. The savings have been massive and tone of the public debate heavily brutalized even among politicians who insinuates that disabled parasites on society and cost us dearly. We also see an increase in discrimination and outright vandalism against people with disabilities. This is the latest example of its kind. And here you go even up close and declare a group of Danish citizens unfit to enter into a relationship with their biological children, "said Stig Langvad the newspaper. , the law from 2009 says that according told the paper that children can be set for adoption if the parents' inability to even take care of their children stand to change.

Authority admits thousands of adoptions illegal

Authority admits thousands of adoptions illegal

Monday, July 07, 2014

By Claire O’Sullivan and Conall Ó Fátharta

Thousands of Irish people "must have been" illegally adopted, with many taken out of the country, the Adoption Authority (AAI) has admitted.

The controversial claims clash with statements from the then children’s minister and now justice minister, Frances Fitzgerald, who told the Dáil last year that every adoption carried out by the State was legal.

International Family Services, Inc.'s Accreditation Suspended

International Family Services, Inc.'s Accreditation Suspended

July 3, 2014

On July 3, 2014, the Council on Accreditation (COA), the Department of State’s designated Accrediting Entity for adoption service providers under the Hague Adoption Convention (Convention) and Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000, suspended the accreditation of International Family Services, Inc. to provide adoption services in Convention adoption cases for failing to maintain substantial compliance with the accreditation standards at 22 Code of Federal Regulations Part 96 Subpart F. For more information regarding this suspension please refer to information on substantiated complaints and adverse actions on the Council on Accreditation’s website.

As a result of this suspension, International Family Services, Inc. must cease to provide all adoption services in connection with cases covered under the Convention. Please note that beginning July14, 2014, this suspension will also affect International Family Services, Inc.’s ability to provide adoption services in non-Convention countries in cases subject to the Intercountry Adoption Universal Accreditation Act (UAA). This adoption service provider has provided adoption services in Bulgaria, China, Ethiopia, India, Moldova, Serbia, and Ukraine. Persons with an open case with International Family Services, Inc. should contact the adoption service provider directly to find out how the suspension will affect their adoption services.

The suspension will begin on July 3, 2014, and will last for at least 30 days. In order for the suspension to be lifted at the end of the 30 days, International Family Services, Inc. must complete corrective action required by the accrediting entity. Updated information will be provided on the adoption.state.gov website.