
Mairead McGuinness wins European seat thanks to massive transfers from Jim Higgins

Mairead McGuinness wins European seat thanks to massive transfers from Jim Higgins

Midlands North West

Caroline Crawford Twitter



Six adopted Congolese children arrive in Belgium

Six Congolese orphans who were adopted by Belgian families arrived in Brussels today after months of being held in limbo in Kinshasa. The Congolese authorities kept the children in the country’s capital since November following a Congolese moratorium on adoptions, according to Foreign Minister Didier Reynders.

“Several diplomatic efforts with the Congolese government have paid off,” said Reynders, who has said that he understands that the local authorities want to make sure the adoptions are in the best interest of the children, but reiterates that Belgium follows stringent and strict procedures when it comes to adoption. The children left Kinshasa yesterday aboard a Brussels Airlines flight, and arrived this morning in Zaventem.

The Congolese government established the moratorium on international adoptions in November because of suspicion of fraud and human trafficking. Unable to take their children home, seven adoptive parents were temporarily stuck in the Congolese capital, despite favourable court rulings in Belgium and the DRC. A Belgian woman who ended up in jail after trying to flee the country with her adoptive child is still detained, reports VRT.


Italian plane to pick up adopted children blocked in Congo

Italian plane to pick up adopted children blocked in Congo

Renzi tweets approved State plane to airlift adopted kids


26 May 2014 16:25

(ANSA) - Rome, May 26 - Italian Premier Matteo Renzi on Monday approved a State airplane to airlift 31 children adopted by Italian families that have been held up for months in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). "I just gave the go-ahead: an airplane of the Italian state is leaving for the (Democratic Republic of the) Congo to bring back the adopted children blocked for months. #acasa," wrote Renzi on the social network Twitter.

39 years ago, Ralf Lofstad, “Dagbladet”, arrived in Norway, in a cardboard box.

APRIL 12th, 1975: Vietnamese orphans crossing the Pacific Ocean, on their way away from the horrific terrors of war. One of

these orphans will later be known as Ralf Lofstad, and is currently working as a journalist for the newspaper “Dagbladet”.

Photo: Robert Stinnett / The Oakland Tribune Collection / The Oakland Museum of California. Video: Thomas Rasmus Skaug.

Still photos: Thomas Rasmus Skaug, Arvid Bryne, NTB Scanpix, Tonje Finvold Lacher and Private.

39 years ago, Ralf Lofstad, “Dagbladet”,

Danmarks Mother Teresa har hjulpet børn i Indien i 40 år

Denmark's Mother Teresa has been helping children in India for 40 years

80-year-old Jessie Rosenmeier from Aalborg has made a difference for children in India through the humanitarian organization Terre des Hommes Denmark for 40 years. It will be marked with an anniversary gala in Copenhagen on June 3

10-year-old Indian girl Sarita comes to the meeting with her mother Greeta Deve. Both have just come out of the bath and the hair is set.

They are expectant and excited, but also politely awaiting.

It will be a touching experience for both them and 80-year-old Jessie Rosenmeier, who have traveled from Aalborg to India to visit some of the children she has helped to improve their lives through the humanitarian aid organization Terre des Hommes Denmark with food and education.


PRESIDENT Uhuru Kenyatta today signed a new legal notice establishing the Child Welfare Society of Kenya as a Government Agency

May 21, 2014/in News, Press, Transformational Leadership /by PSCU


PRESIDENT Uhuru Kenyatta today signed a new legal notice establishing the Child Welfare Society of Kenya as a Government Agency.

The Society has a statutory responsibility to provide services to all young persons across all sectors in Kenya especially marginalized and vulnerable children including orphans, young women and separated minors.

Decision Ombudsman Amici

Decision of the European Ombudsman closing the inquiry into complaint 1743/2013/TN against the European Commission

Available languages: en


Case: 1743/2013/TN

Opened on 14 Oct 2013 - Decision on 20 May 2014

Renzi e l’adozione internazionale: Congo “speriamo”, adozione europea “parliamone”, riforma A.I. “no comment”


Data: 20-05-14

Renzi e l’adozione internazionale: Congo “speriamo”, adozione europea “parliamone”, riforma A.I. “no comment”

renzi vitaDopo aver “twittato” le linee guida della Riforma del Terzo settore (in realtà il Primo cit. Matteo Renzi), il Presidente del Consiglio ha incontrato il 20 maggio a Milano una fetta importante del Terzo Settore italiano. L’occasione l’ha fornita la convocazione del Comitato Editoriale del mensile Vita, magazine di divulgazione dei temi legati al non profit, all’economia civile, alla sostenibilità e ai principali temi del welfare.

Un Comitato Editoriale partecipato da oltre 60 fra le più importanti organizzazioni italiane del terzo settore di primo e secondo livello. Anche l’Associazione Amici dei Bambini ne fa parte e ha partecipato con un suo rappresentante alla mattinata con Matteo Renzi. Il quale, con abilità comunicativa e rapidità di pensiero ha voluto lasciare spazio agli interventi dei presenti, – fra i temi toccati dalle domande anche quello delle adozioni internazionali – prima di rispondere rapidamente e lasciare la compagnia in fretta e furia per i numerosi impegni istituzionali.

Decision of the European Ombudsman closing the inquiry

Decision of the European Ombudsman closing the inquiry into complaint 1743/2013/TN against the European Commission

Available languages: en


Case: 1743/2013/TN

Opened on 14 Oct 2013 - Decision on 20 May 2014

13 INVESTIGATES: Overseas Adoption Dangers

13 INVESTIGATES: Overseas Adoption Dangers

Posted: May 19, 2014 7:25 PM ADT

By Linda White - bio | email

For months now, I've been looking into Lifeline Children's Services after coming across a complaint by one of its families. I later learned Lifeline is under investigation by the agency which stamps a seal of approval on international adoption agencies. Lifeline's executive director talked to us to explain how international adoptions work and don't work in some cases.

Withdrew Adoption, Ashley Scott said, "I'm not a fluke and our situation is unfortunately common."