
Benin detains 10 people in child trafficking probe

Benin detains 10 people in child trafficking probe


13 hours ago

COTONOU (Reuters) - Benin has detained 10 people on suspicions of child-trafficking just weeks after a group in neighboring Niger was held for links to a "baby factory" ring, police sources said on Tuesday.

While it was not immediately clear if there was a connection between the two cases, the latest detentions point to the persistence of human trafficking across West Africa.

Vietnam police to probe rumor of adoptee trading at Hanoi pagoda

Vietnam police to probe rumor of adoptee trading at Hanoi pagoda


UPDATED : 07/23/2014 16:06 GMT + 7


Authorities of Hanoi’s Long Bien District have requested that local police launch an investigation into whether children have been sold for adoption at Bo De Pagoda as rumored recently.

Quand adopter un enfant au Sénégal devient un cauchemar

Quand adopter un enfant au Sénégal devient un cauchemar

DAKAR (© 2014 Afriquinfos) – Depuis janvier, Cécile et Mathieu Ornélis sont bloqués au Sénégal car la France refuse d’accorder un visa à l’enfant qu’ils ont légalement adopté dans le pays. Mercredi 23 juillet 2014 | 18:27 UTC CommentairesImprimerEnvoyer

Ampliar Foto Quand adopter un enfant au Sénégal devient un cauchemar © Facebook. Cécile et Mathieu après avoir récupéré Gaspard au Senegal.

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EVAP stellt Adoptionsvermittlung aus Äthiopien ein

Montag, 21. Juli 2014

EVAP stellt Adoptionsvermittlung aus Äthiopien ein

Der evangelische Verein für Adoptions- und Pflegekindervermittlung Rheinland hat die von ihm betreuten Adoptionsbewerber und Adoptiveltern unterrichtet, dass er die Vermittlung von Adoptivkindern aus Äthiopien einstellt. Die Nachricht kommt nicht überraschend sondern war seit längerem absehbar. Zum einen folgt sie einem langfristigen Trend der Reduzierung von Adoptionen aus Äthiopien weltweit. Nach Angaben des Statistischen Bundesamts kamen 2010 noch 97 Kinder aus Äthiopien nach Deutschland. 2012 waren es noch 61. Neuere Zahlen gibt es noch nicht.

Zum anderen gab es immer wieder Berichte über die schwierige Situation in Äthiopien selbst. Waren vor zehn Jahren noch Auslandsadoptionen in Äthiopien ein Symbol für Mitgefühl und Empathie, haben die Praktiken vieler Adoptionsvermittler und der beteiligten Behörden zu einem großen Misstrauen in der Bevölkerung geführt. Zu viele gefälschte Herkunftsberichte, zu viele Lügen und zu viel Geld im System in einem sehr armen Land. Das hat einerseits die Regierung veranlasst Adoptionen stärker zu regulieren und einzuschränken und andererseits den Druck auf die Vermittlungsstellen erhöht, hohe Gebühren für Lizenzen zu bezahlen.

Ist es ein Fortschritt, wenn nun keine Adoptionen mehr von EVAP durchgeführt werden? Das ist - wie immer bei dem Thema - ein zweischneidiges Schwert. Konkreten Schicksalen von Kindern, denen es in Deutschland eindeutig besser geht als in Äthiopien, stehen Fragen von Korruption, Zwangslagen, gefälschten Papieren und anderen Skandalen gegenüber. Und nicht zu vergessen die Kinder, die von ihren Adoptiveltern in den USA zu Tode gequält wurden. Der Film Mercy, Mercy hat (trotz der Fragwürdigkeit einer Dokumentation, die über Jahre Elend dokumentiert ohne Hilfestellungen auch nur anzubieten) das ganze Spektrum von Missverständnissen, falschen Erwartungen und Informationen, sowie fehlgeleiteten Sozialarbeitern aufgedeckt. Kann man dieses Verhalten überhaupt verteidigen? Nur wenn man Einzelschicksale höher bewertet als ein korruptes und im Kern fehlgeleitetes System. Diese Abwägung von Zweck und Mitteln wird uns wohl immer in der Frage der internationalen Adoptionen begleiten.

Russia opens criminal case for negligence in adoption docs for child killed in Italy

Russia opens criminal case for negligence in adoption docs for child killed in Italy

Russia July 20, 13:05 UTC+4

The decision to open a criminal case was taken after the procedural inquiry which had obtained information about possible negligence, which state officials in Amur region

© AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda

MOSCOW, July 20, /ITAR-TASS/. Russia’s far eastern Amur regional legal authorities opened a criminal case over negligence in processing documents for adoption of a child from Russia who died in Italy, spokesman of Russian Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin told Itar-Tass on Sunday.

Ce ar trebui modificat in Legea adoptiei din Romania - avocati

Ce ar trebui modificat in Legea adoptiei din Romania - avocati

Ce ar trebui modificat in Legea adoptiei din Romania - avocati

In sistemul de protectie din Romania sunt, in acest moment, circa 60.000 de copii, insa putin peste o mie se gasesc pe listele de adoptie.

Autoritatile spun ca nu toti copiii lasati in grija statului sunt orfani, ci doar abandonati o vreme din cauza saraciei.

Pe de alta parte, la doi ani de la ultima modificare a legii, reprezentantii asociatiilor nonguvernamentale sustin ca procedura de adoptie este una extrem de dificila si de birocratica, potrivit unui comunicat remis Ziare.com de Cabinetul de avocatura Coltuc.

Senator Corker, Colleagues Urge President Obama To Personally Engage On Congolese Adoption Delays

Senator Corker, Colleagues Urge President Obama To Personally Engage On Congolese Adoption Delays

Friday, July 18, 2014

In a letter to President Barack Obama, U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, joined 167 members of Congress in asking the president for his “personal engagement to resolve over 900 international adoption cases of Congolese children who either have been or are in the process of being adopted by American families, yet who are unable to obtain Congolese exit permits due to a suspension in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).”

“We respectfully request that you raise this human rights crisis with President Kabila prior to his attendance at the U.S.-African Leaders Summit next month, and then use the opportunity of the summit to press for a firm resolution,” wrote the members of Congress. “We would appreciate your leadership on this issue to help unite these children and their families.”

In September 2013, the DRC suspended the issuance of exit permits for children adopted by foreign parents. Over 145 children who have been legally adopted by U.S. families and have been given Congolese passports and U.S. visas await exit letters, including several children with urgent, life-threatening medical problems.

6,000 adoptions from six mother and baby homes across 23 years

6,000 adoptions from six mother and baby homes across 23 years

Records of placements show children being sent to US, Britain and Germany

The Sean Ross Abbey in Roscrea, Tipperary, a mother and baby home run by the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary from 1930 to 1970. Records show that between April 1st, 1960, and March 31st, 1967, of the 634 children adopted then, 111 went to the US, nine to England and two to Scotland. Photograph: Niall Carson/PA

The Sean Ross Abbey in Roscrea, Tipperary, a mother and baby home run by the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary from 1930 to 1970. Records show that between April 1st, 1960, and March 31st, 1967, of the 634 children adopted then, 111 went to the US, nine to England and two to Scotland. Photograph: Niall Carson/PA

Pamela Duncan

Irish gov confirms 2,000 babies illegally sent to US for adoption

Irish gov confirms 2,000 babies illegally sent to US for adoption

Kate Hickey @KateHickey_ July 17,2014 01:14 AM

The Irish government has confirmed that the remains of almost 500 “unclaimed” infants were used for medical examinations and nearly 2,000 were put up for adoption in the United States.

A document released by the government also shows that the remains of 474 babies were sent to medical schools between 1940 and 1965, without the consent of their families.

The report also shows that of the nearly 2,000 children sent to the United States for adoption there are few or no records of parental consent. Many were apparently sold to wealthy Catholic families.

Why Have a Birth Family Search Conducted?

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Posted: 07/16/2014 11:49 am EDT Updated: 07/16/2014 5:59 pm EDT Print Article
