
Police investigations launched into Hampstead Satanic child abuse ‘fantasy’

Police have confirmed they are hunting a number of individuals wanted in connection with the case that saw an “evil” mother take part in the torture of her own young children to force them to invent allegations of child abuse.

Last Thursday, a judge found mother Ella Draper and partner Abraham Christie had subjected two children, now in care, to “relentless emotional and psychological pressure as well as significant physical abuse”.

It follows “baseless” allegations made by the children, known as child P and Q, that a Satanic paedophilic ring was operating at Christ Church Primary School in Hampstead, led by their own father.

A judge last Thursday described the claims as a “fantasy” and “nothing other than utter nonsense”. She said: “The children’s false stories came about as the result of relentless emotional and psychological pressure as well as significant physical abuse.

“Torture is the most accurate way to describe what was done by Mr Christie in collaboration with Ms Draper. Both children were assaulted by Mr Christie by being hit with a metal spoon on multiple occasions over their head and legs, by being pushed into walls, punched, pinched and kicked. Water was poured over them as they knelt semi-clothed.”

Lost or Found: The Story of Bosnia’s Forgotten Children

Lost or Found: The Story of Bosnia’s Forgotten Children

by Balkan Diskurs / March 24, 2015Opinions, Transitional JusticeNo Comments

In July 1992, forty-six Bosnian children were evacuated to Italy from the Bjelave Orphanage in Sarajevo; none of them returned.

Written by: Clara Fantoni, intern, PCRC

Marianna, whose name has been changed to protect her identity, was eleven years old when she was evacuated from war-torn Sarajevo and sent to the Igea Marina care home in Rimini. Marianna was part of a group of 45 children evacuated from the Dom Bjelave Orphanage in Sarajevo, formerly known as Ljubica Ivezi?. The children were transported via bus through dangerous terrain and sniper fire to get to the coast. This initiative had been authorized by Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovi? and organized by the General Secretary Duško Tomi? of the Children’s Embassy Medjasi. The 37 youngest children were taken to the Mamma Rita Orphanage in Monza, Milan; the older children were placed at Igea Marina.

Less children adopted from abroad Last year, in the Netherlands 488 children were adopted, the lowest in 40 years. The number of

Less children adopted from abroad

23 March 2015

(Google Translation)

Last year, in the Netherlands 488 children were adopted, the lowest in 40 years. The number of parents that hands in a request for adoption declined the last 5 years with 75 %.

The number of adoptions decreases strongly worldwide. In 2004 still 45.000 adoptions took place, only 23.000 in 2011.

E-Mail Exchange: Mia, Anand and Ian- Potential contribution

--------- Forwarded message ---------

Van: UAI - Anand Kaper

Date: ma 23 mrt. 2015 21:23

Subject: Re: Potential contribution

To: Mia Dambach

Erfahrungen mit Zukunft für Kinder e.V. in Oberhausen-Rheinh

golfi schrieb:


Einen Anwalt einzuschalten halte ich für schwierig, da es keine Garantie für ein Kind gibt, denn es werden Eltern für Kinder ausgesucht und man versucht darzustellen, dass die Länder die Kinder aussuchen und nicht die Vermittlungsstellen. Falls Ihr noch einen Versuch startet empfehle ich Euch brav zu sein und niemals aufzumucken.

Ja, und ich möchte noch hinzufügen, es gibt kein Recht auf ein Kind.


Acting Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs Travels to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Netherlands, and Italy

Acting Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs Travels to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Netherlands, and Italy Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC March 19, 2015 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acting Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs Michele T. Bond is visiting the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the Netherlands, and Italy, March 19-27. While in the DRC, she will meet with government officials to discuss intercountry adoption concerns. In the Netherlands, Acting Assistant Secretary Bond will meet with officials from the Ministry of Security and Justice and visit the National Crisis Center in Amsterdam. She will also talk with students at Amsterdam University College. In Rome, Acting Assistant Secretary Bond will deliver a keynote address at the Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas Conference and tour Salvation Army relief facilities. For more information about the Bureau of Consular Affairs, please visit: Travel.state.gov.For press inquiries please contact CAPRESSREQUESTS@state.gov or (202) 485-6150. [This is a mobile copy of Acting Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs Travels to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Netherlands, and Italy] Short URL: http://m.state.gov/md239522.htm

Adoption Cause 294 of 2014 - Kenya Law






Rwanda outgrows its genocide orphanages

12 March 2015 Last updated at 01:09 GMT Share this pageEmail

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More insight into adoptees

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Adoptienazorg: uitdagingen, verantwoordelijkheden, rollen

en taken in beeld

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