
The road to recovery: A year after adopting two special-needs orphans, the Schildbachs of Leverett are seeing the fruits of thei

The road to recovery: A year after adopting two special-needs orphans, the Schildbachs of Leverett are seeing the fruits of their love


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

(Published in print: Wednesday, April 22, 2015)


Newborn rescued from illegal adoption

Newborn rescued from illegal adoption

Apr 21, 2015, 10.55PM IST TNNhttp://images.photogallery.indiatimes.com/images/spacer.gif[ Stanley Pinto ]

MANGALURU: Childline authorities have rescued an eight-day-old child from being allegedly given for adoption in the city on Monday night.

Reni D'Souza, director, Childline said: "A couple, who had their ninth child on April 13, had given the baby girl allegedly for adoption for Rs 5,000 to a driver hailing from Shivamogga. The child would have been taken to Shivamogga on Tuesday."

According to the statement given by the child's mother, they found it difficult to raise the child, which was their ninth and hence they were giving it to away to an issueless couple allegedly for Rs 5,000.

Kidneys, newborns, wives for sale: Human trafficking on the rise in Vietnam

Kidneys, newborns, wives for sale: Human trafficking on the rise in Vietnam

By Minh Hung, Thanh Nien News

HO CHI MINH CITY - Tuesday, April 21, 2015 16:31Email Print

Officials from the Ministry of Public Security and six southern provinces discuss a program to tackle human trafficking at a confence in Ho Chi Minh City on April 21, 2015. Photo: Minh HungOfficials from the Ministry of Public Security and six southern provinces discuss a program to tackle human trafficking at a confence in Ho Chi Minh City on April 21, 2015. Photo: Minh Hung


Autorit??ile vor s? ÎNCHID? Centrul de Plasament Negru Vod? din Gala?i. Ce se va întâmpla cu cei 36 de COPII

Autorit??ile vor s? ÎNCHID? Centrul de Plasament Negru Vod? din Gala?i. Ce se va întâmpla cu cei 36 de COPII

Scris de Corina Dobre Luni, 20 Aprilie 2015 06:00

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Autorit??ile vor s? ÎNCHID? Centrul de Plasament Negru Vod? din Gala?i. Ce se va întâmpla cu cei 36 de COPII

TV Bulgaria - No small part of the illegal trafficking of children, takes babies in families, under the scalpel

No small part of the illegal trafficking of children, takes babies in families, under the scalpel

Google translation

Criminologists wrecked new channel for baby trafficking in Greece. Involved residents of the Municipality Kameno near Burgas. Burgas Regional Prosecutor's Office brought charges against three of those involved in the black business. The trial against a man and two women began in May. For the participants in the business of flesh children are not children, and goods. Women who give birth are not mothers and factories. With these words, we meet people in Kameno. Few dare to stand before the camera. It turns out the Roma neighborhood in one of the poorest municipalities is full of big houses and nice cars. Here trade newborns thrived for 15 years. Stops briefly after being arrested part of smugglers. But then business quickly revived because pregnant women are beginning to seek traffickers. Fate sold babies is different. Some fall into the normal family conditions, but others are kept for organ donors. The latter case revealed no surprise to criminologists. Two young gypsy village of Exarch Antimovo voluntarily sell their babies. Of confession, it was clear that one has earned 7000 lev for the newborn and the other much less. Most of the money is picked up by the smugglers. The case attracted three accused of Kameno. On street "Stara Planina" lives 41-year-old Sarah Raicheva. The woman is unemployed widow, but manages convertible and occupies the property with her ??three children. Sarah is accused of trafficking in newborns in Greece, but according to her mother money by watching adults in our southern neighbor. Rumors in Kameno however others. Tahir neighbor Sarah. Categorically that the sale of babies is not a crime. Or if it is not so serious. It was important to have money. 's mother-in defendant argues that gossip about a lot of gold and other tangible benefits of her daughter are exaggerated.


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POHLEPNA DOKTORKA Reklamirala srpsku decu na sajtovima u SAD

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Greedy DOKTORKA advertised Serbian children at sites in the US

Zorica Lazarevic? | 16. 04. 2015 to 19: 28h

| Comments: 78

"Blic" arose two of the American family, of which Dr. Jasmina Jankovic? asked for money for adoptions.

Mom awaits Supreme Court nod 6 years after adoption

Mom awaits Supreme Court nod 6 years after adoption

Dhananjay Mahapatra,TNN | Apr 15, 2015, 04.33 AM IST

READ MORE Supreme Court|Mytreyi Bharadwaj|Laxmikant Pandey Case|Central Adoption Resource Authority|Bimala's Adoption Case

NEW DELHI: Mytreyi Bharadwaj migrated to Canada with her parents 43 years ago. For the last six years, she has been making frequent trips to India hoping to take her adopted daughter Bimala, living in a Kolkata orphanage, back with her to Toronto. Every time, she returns to Canada empty-handed.

Mytreyi Bharadwaj migrated to Canada with her parents 43 years ago. For the last six years, she has been making frequent trips to India hoping to take her adopted daughter Bimala, living in a Kolkata orphanage, back with her to Toronto. Every time, she returns to Canada empty-handed.

Child adoption in Kenya frustrating, says MP

Child adoption in Kenya frustrating, says MP

By LABAN WANAMBISI | April 15, 2015

Lay had to pause several times as she was seconding debate on the In-Vitro-Fertilization Bill which seeks to formalise the alternative modes of conception through the establishment of an authority/file

Lay had to pause several times as she was seconding debate on the In-Vitro-Fertilization Bill which seeks to formalise the alternative modes of conception through the establishment of an authority/file

NAIROBI, Kenya, Apr 15 – Taita Taveta County Woman Representative Joyce Lay was on the verge of tears as she narrated to the National Assembly her experience in attempts to have a child through adoption.

Family blocked in Santo Domingo

Google Translation

Family blocked in Santo Domingo

Montecosaro, chaos in adoptions: couple with two children can not go back. They are there since November

Franco Veroli

Macerata, April 15, 2015 - RETURN delayed to Italy - no one knows when - for a couple of Montecosaro, blocked in the Dominican Republic , where they had adopted two children, because of a couple of stamps. "The procedure for the adoption was completed. But we need visas on documents of children, which must be issued by the Italian consulate, "explains Robert Corsalini and Maria Luisa Capomasi.